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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. What are the variable on the NUT details page in settings? What UPS?
  2. It's in the first post and it's available in CA
  3. If you don't wanna wait. You can install pip. Then run pip install setuptools --upgrade and the pip install docker-compose --upgrade
  4. Yes. I'm about 90% done. Just working on manual server selection and some backwards compatibility. I think this is important because I have found a couple servers close to me that consistently give higher results than my connection. They are consistent results but double my connection. Although in testing this past week those were not selected and all results were consistent and inline with my connection. Also python is not necessary. This one is written in C.
  5. Finally got around to working on a new version using a different script I compiled for unRAID thanks to EmeraldPi https://github.com/taganaka/SpeedTest You can install this package using wget and installpkg from the command line https://github.com/dmacias72/unRAID-speedtest/raw/master/packages/SpeedTest-1.14-x86_64-1.txz Then run SpeedTest to test this script
  6. I'll look into it. It could just be a nut problem with this ups.
  7. What, no X10s? I'll see if I can implement the ole hi, med, low I had started before for the X9s
  8. That sucks. Where'd you get that info or did you test on an X9SCM-F or similar?
  9. First make sure your BIOS and BMC are on the latest firmware. Are your fans 4pin pwm fans? For missing FANA, check the Settings page under Display settings and Global available sensors and make sure FANA is checked. You also need to use the Sensor Config editor to change your fan thresholds. Check back through the thread around 2018/05/20 is when I implemented fan control for X9 boards.
  10. I assume you have it shutdown based on time on battery. What time did you set it to? If you have a monitor hooked up, watch the console when that time expires and see if it's starting shutdown.
  11. I updated a few c compiler packages and added a few. Also updated glibc to add a couple missing files. The files with o extensions (e.g. crtl.o) in /usr/lib64. You'll need to deselect glibc, apply then reselect and apply
  12. Sorry for the late reply. I would set FAN1234 to CPU temp and FANA to hard drive temps.
  13. I was refering to adding an override to the plugin settings. Latest update provides an override for virtual machines.
  14. I think I got it fixed. Updated plugin and added delay after full fans. I think the first fan control commands were happening too soon after full fan commands and not taking. So fan speeds weren't changing on script start and eventually changing on the next poll when the temp changed.
  15. Thanks for the info. I looked back through the releases and lbzip2 was included in 6.6.0. I have removed it from the 6.6 repo
  16. I was wondering if your BRNAME was actually capitalized as BR0? It may have an affect on the python script and command line. While unRAID is case sensitive, maybe the python script doesn't handle it well. You had mentioned earlier running the command line and using br0 and it worked.
  17. Interesting. My X10 and now X11 would only take multiples of 100. Have you checked if your bios is up to date and bmc? Just curious if that's the norm for the X9 boards.
  18. I'll update in a little bit. I fixed the error reporting. But here's the command. You'll have to edit the file manually too usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors-config --filename=/boot/config/plugins/ipmi/ipmi-sensors.config --commit
  19. I cannot find any emacs with no X available for slackware
  20. For whatever reason I could never get the writing of a bad config to come back as an error. It's not saving because it doesn't like the value you are using for the lower threshold. If you were to run the command from the command line you'd see the complaint. What values have you tried? Try only numbers like 300, 400, 500
  21. You can add this to the plg install chmod +0755 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/* Or create an "install" directory within the dynamix.cache.dirs.txz package and place a doinst.sh file with that command in the install directory. That's the way all slackware packages handle permissions and other install functions. E.g. This is from NerdPack doinst.sh #!/bin/shln -sf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/NerdPack/scripts/packagemanager /usr/sbin/packagemanagerchmod +0755 /usr/sbin/packagemanager
  22. virbr0 would not work. The script monitors all packets looking for wol packets on the bridged network for your VMs. It gets the bridge name from BRNAME in /boot/config/domain.cfg. Do you have that variable in the domain.cfg? Maybe that variable isn't set anymore? Do you have bridging enabled in network settings?
  23. Is the VM stopped or paused? It has to be shutdown or hibernated. It can't be sleeping or in any other state. I would stop the service. Then run "ps aux | grep libvirtwol". To make sure another instance isn't running then start the service and run that again. You can also run manually /etc/rc.d/rc.libvirtwol start/stop. You should see /usr/bin/python /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/libvirtwol/scripts/libvirtwol.py br0 running. Edit: also is your bridge named BR0 or br0? Could make a difference. The service gets this from /boot/config/domain.cfg
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