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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. Refresh the Nerdpack page or click on Check for Updates and they should show up. Also you'll need Perl for irssi.
  2. Yes if you can close the telnet window now When you reconnect to unRAID type screen -r to resume the session and type exit when your done.
  3. Thanks. I updated several packages to be compatible with 6.4-rc7a
  4. Sorry these are outside the scope of this plugin. Both of these would require multiple other packages to work. I tried the intel-gpu-tools but gave up after about half a dozen packages.
  5. I'm not sure but that may be moot since I don't have the time to figure out compiling this. I looked at this a bit and there's no info since slackware 12. And I could only find one script for aufs4 that would need to be heavily modified. Then if it's cut out of the kernel...
  6. Does anything show up on the scan page now after running the command manually? If not, what browser are you using?
  7. I'm not sure about deleting the old MAC. Maybe corruption of the xml file on the flash. For scanning try the following command, substituting you ip and subnet. /usr/bin/nmap -sn -oX /var/log/wakeonlan/scan.xml --exclude Maybe post your network.cfg again also.
  8. Try editing the sensors config from the webgui again. Then check the file ipmi-sensors.config. Let me know if the file is saved/changed from the webgui. If the file looks good then you can run this command. Otherwise edit the file then run the command. ipmi-sensors-config --filename=/boot/config/plugins/ipmi/ipmi-sensors.config --commit
  9. From your event log it is showing that your lower critical is 500 and lower non recoverable is 300. And that your fan4 rpm drops below or equal to those settings triggering an alert. Your config shows 300, 225, 150 for fan4. I would click select the sensor config in the editor again then click Revert (this gets the config again from the bmc and saves it to the flash drive). Then select sensor config again. Let me know if the values for fan4 are still 300, 225, 150 or if they changed back to 500, 300. There could be a problem saving config to bmc.
  10. I don't really use encoded icons and images. I actually create a slackware package (plugin-2017.07.10-x86_64-1.txz) that contains all the files for the plugin. Within this package is a special "install" directory with a doinst.sh. When a slackware package is installed it executes this script. NerdPack's doinst script looks like this. #!/bin/shln -sf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/NerdPack/scripts/packagemanager /usr/sbin/packagemanagerchmod +0755 /usr/sbin/packagemanager If you look at my NerdPack repo, in the readme I explain how I create the slackware package on my linux laptop. You can also do this on unRAID itself. I use a script I modified from gfjardim. Much like a slack.build script.
  11. Maybe. What exactly are you doing? Are you clicking on the APPLY at the bottom? What browser and version of unRAID? Do you have fan.cfg in /boot/config/plugins/ipmi/? Maybe a screenshot and contents of fan.cfg.
  12. If you're on 6.4, python should be 2.7.13 for both speedtest and NerdPack. There was a problem with 6.3 prior to them upgrading ncurses. Python 2.7.13 required ncurses 6 and unRAID had 5.9, so I had to amend the 6.3 version to 2.7.13a and ncurses 5.9.
  13. I think I fixed it. Check also if you have any python packages in /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/6.4/
  14. It's moving along. You can always check my github to see.
  15. Did you try toggling it off then apply then toggle on then apply?
  16. I usually use the Utah slack repo and the packages.txt. I think the packages you were looking at are for unRAID 6.3 which is more inline with Slackware64 14.2 and unRAID 6.4 is closer to Current. Devpack 6.4 does have gcc 7.1 not sure why I had 5.4 for devpack 6.3 but it was probably a dependency issue. E.g. to use gcc 7.1 you need newer versions of the other C packages but then that causes issues when you try and run what you compiled on 6.3. Same reason I don't have some of the newest packages in the devpack 6.4 repo. They match what is present in unRAID 6.4. Another example is ncurses until recently unRAID 6.3 had version 5.9 and unRAID 6.4 had 6.0. Many of the pre compiled packages were compiled with ncurses 6.0 so they won't run on 6.3 unless you have 6.3.5 or which ever point release they added it. So that's why I haven't upgraded screen for 6.3 but did for 6.4. I have 4 separate unRAID VM's (6.1, 6.2, 6.3.5 & 6.4.rc6) I can load up with the latest from each version of unRAID when I compile.
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