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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. Try running the Config button from the Fancontrol page in the webgui
  2. I figured your board was Asrock by the model# I would definitely update the bmc. Yours is almost original and 4 years old. Latest is 00.28.00. You just download the latest firmware and update it through the Asrock ipmi page. You probably need to update the bios if you haven't also. Latest is 3.30. Then run that last set of commands. You don't have to wait to long just a few seconds between commands.
  3. Thanks happy holiday to you too. I didn't mention earlier but you need to wait a couple seconds between the ipmi-raw commands and the ipmi-sensors to give the fans a chance to spin up. Try these also ipmi-sensors -t fan ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 Wait a couple seconds ipmi-sensors -t fan ipmi-ra3 00 3a 01 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Wait a couple seconds ipmi-sensor -t fan ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  4. try these commands and post the output ipmi-sensors -t fan ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 01 64 64 64 64 64 ipmi-sensors -t fan ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 01 32 32 32 32 32 ipmi-sensors -t fan ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 01 00 00 00 00 00
  5. I'm not sure either. Maybe udev rules. I just disabled nut and setup the built in apcupsd. Apcupsd wouldn't work till I rebooted. However I could stop it and install nut which worked. I was gonna suggest to try a custom driver apcsmart or apcsmart-old.
  6. What does it say when you run rc.nut start?
  7. You can't fix that error because ipmifan will not run without a proper config. I'll give you some commands to try. I suspect your board may use similar commands to the e2c board but only has a single socket.
  8. What brand of fans do you have? You need 4 pin PWM. IPMITOOL is not included with this plugin. I use freeipmi. If you type ipmi the hit TAB TAB it will show youa list of commands.
  9. Maybe there's too much power draw with the bluetooth.
  10. What driver are you using now? Did you try what I posted before with the custom driver?
  11. When I get a chance I'll test 6.1 and 6.2 in a vm. But they are both pretty old now and a lot has changed. 6.3.5 works.
  12. I pull the drives from the unRAID variable ini files. I plugged in a usb drive and I see now the dev.ini for non array drives doesn't get updated unless the array is stopped or started. I'll see what I can do.
  13. Should be fixed to work with System Temp plugin. Not sure on the non display. Works fine on all pages for me.Try refreshing your browser cache.
  14. I added the ability to show any sensor.
  15. It's probably overwriting the ipmi footer with a blank footer. I used his System Temp plugin to model my that portion of this plugin. While all the variables and page are renamed it writes to same location of the webgui. I'll look at it again and see if I can make them work together. There could be a small use case where someone might want or need both installed.
  16. You need to adjust the upper temp thresholds. What you have set would be valid for a CPU but your fans won't reach run 100% till your hard drives are 80°C. [emoji33] Something between 40 and 50 would be appropriate. Below is what mine looks like currently. FANA connects to 2 fans on the hard drive and FAN1234 are CPU, intake and exhaust fans. Also the minimum of 28 keeps my FANA at or above 300rpms. Will differ between systems. I have edited my Sensors config for each fan section like this. 200 for FANA and 300 for FAN1234. Not setting this will make your fans run at full speed if they drop below the OEM values which I believe were 700-500. Check you event log for threshold warnings. ## Give valid input for sensor type = Fan; units = RPMLower_Non_Critical_Threshold 200.000000## Give valid input for sensor type = Fan; units = RPMLower_Critical_Threshold 200.000000## Give valid input for sensor type = Fan; units = RPMLower_Non_Recoverable_Threshold 200.000000
  17. What version of unRAID? What sensors do you have set to show? Do you have the dynamix temp plugin installed?
  18. Minimum of 31 is 31%. So 2400 rpms seems reasonable. What are the other values set to? They are what is going to determine fan speed above that.
  19. You mentioned earlier you were manually editing the config file. If you have a bad config or the settings are wrong it could lag the webgui. There would be a timeout for every ipmi command run. I would delete the ipmi plugin directory on the flash drive and start from scratch. You could try running ipmisensors from the command line and see if there's an error.
  20. Could you give me a readout of ipmi-sensors?
  21. I would just use ipmi-sensors in your script to get the data you need. What board do you have? Maybe someone else can shed some light on your temp sensors.
  22. I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Could you elaborate a bit more. On what values you're trying to get and for what. The numbers are the sensor id's and the names are all from your system. This all comes from running ipmi-sensors.
  23. I bet the built-in ups was running or you had a hung nut usb driver. Did you try running it with the custom diver (nutdrv_qx) and not in manual mode?
  24. Did you disable the built in apcupsd? I would run /etc/rc.d/rc.nut stop. Then check for any ups processes running. ps aux | grep ups
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