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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. 76% load and 0 watts sounds about right. Should be fixed now.
  2. I added notifications and alert only notifications. So you can receive a notice for every speedtest or for only speedtest that fall below a certain Mbps or ping. Either one will use the thresholds. I also removed all python 2 packages from the plugin and require NerdPack for python.
  3. No problem. Not sure how you were logged in but it needs to create a cache in the users home directory. If you were logged in as root you can try deleting /root/.freeipmi. You could also try connecting using the network options. -h ipaddress -u username -p password. Look forward to what you come up with. One other thing that might be useful is that you can't set the timeout for freeipmi commands through the local host. I don't remember how long the timeout is. So if there was an error you could seemingly hang the webgui or your app especially if multiple commands are run. So thanks to[mention=61877]ljm42[/mention] I run this within the plugin to check for local ipmi. ((file_exists('/dev/ipmi0') || file_exists('/dev/ipmi/0') || file_exists('/dev/ipmidev/0')) In case you're wondering why I chose freeipmi over ipmitool or others it's because of the sensor ID variable and you always get a consistent list of variables for each sensor even if a value is missing for that sensor. You'll get a N/A for any missing data.
  4. Nice! Does your board have ipmi? Anyway here's one command I use in the plugin. I added the no header on the second run. The interpret oem data is important for some boards. It may be useful to add a network ip, username and password input. Or I created several bash scripts for the freeipmi commands that pull the info from the ipmi.cfg and accept command-line options just like the regular command. E.g. ipmisensors for ipmi-sensors root@Server:~# ipmi-sensors --comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --interpret-oem-data ID,Name,Type,State,Reading,Units,Event 4,CPU Temp,Temperature,Nominal,38.00,C,'OK' 71,System Temp,Temperature,Nominal,30.00,C,'OK' 138,Peripheral Temp,Temperature,Nominal,39.00,C,'OK' 205,PCH Temp,Temperature,Nominal,45.00,C,'OK' 272,P1-DIMMA1 Temp,Temperature,Nominal,30.00,C,'OK' 339,P1-DIMMA2 Temp,Temperature,Nominal,31.00,C,'OK' 406,P1-DIMMB1 Temp,Temperature,Nominal,30.00,C,'OK' 473,P1-DIMMB2 Temp,Temperature,Nominal,30.00,C,'OK' 540,FAN1,Fan,Nominal,1100.00,RPM,'OK' 607,FAN2,Fan,Nominal,700.00,RPM,'OK' 674,FAN3,Fan,N/A,N/A,RPM,N/A 741,FAN4,Fan,Nominal,1100.00,RPM,'OK' 808,FANA,Fan,Nominal,300.00,RPM,'OK' 875,Vcpu,Voltage,Nominal,1.84,V,'OK' 942,VDIMM,Voltage,Nominal,1.35,V,'OK' 1009,12V,Voltage,Nominal,12.00,V,'OK' 1076,5VCC,Voltage,Nominal,4.97,V,'OK' 1143,3.3VCC,Voltage,Nominal,3.27,V,'OK' 1210,VBAT,Voltage,Nominal,2.97,V,'OK' 1277,5V Dual,Voltage,Nominal,5.03,V,'OK' 1344,3.3V AUX,Voltage,Nominal,3.28,V,'OK' 1411,1.2V BMC,Voltage,Nominal,1.26,V,'OK' 1478,1.05V PCH,Voltage,Nominal,1.04,V,'OK' 1545,Chassis Intru,Physical Security,Nominal,N/A,N/A,'OK' root@Server:~# ipmi-sensors --comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data 4,CPU Temp,Temperature,Nominal,38.00,C,'OK' 71,System Temp,Temperature,Nominal,30.00,C,'OK' 138,Peripheral Temp,Temperature,Nominal,39.00,C,'OK' 205,PCH Temp,Temperature,Nominal,45.00,C,'OK' 272,P1-DIMMA1 Temp,Temperature,Nominal,30.00,C,'OK' 339,P1-DIMMA2 Temp,Temperature,Nominal,31.00,C,'OK' 406,P1-DIMMB1 Temp,Temperature,Nominal,30.00,C,'OK' 473,P1-DIMMB2 Temp,Temperature,Nominal,30.00,C,'OK' 540,FAN1,Fan,Nominal,1100.00,RPM,'OK' 607,FAN2,Fan,Nominal,700.00,RPM,'OK' 674,FAN3,Fan,N/A,N/A,RPM,N/A 741,FAN4,Fan,Nominal,1100.00,RPM,'OK' 808,FANA,Fan,Nominal,300.00,RPM,'OK' 875,Vcpu,Voltage,Nominal,1.84,V,'OK' 942,VDIMM,Voltage,Nominal,1.34,V,'OK' 1009,12V,Voltage,Nominal,12.00,V,'OK' 1076,5VCC,Voltage,Nominal,4.95,V,'OK' 1143,3.3VCC,Voltage,Nominal,3.27,V,'OK' 1210,VBAT,Voltage,Nominal,2.97,V,'OK' 1277,5V Dual,Voltage,Nominal,5.03,V,'OK' 1344,3.3V AUX,Voltage,Nominal,3.28,V,'OK' 1411,1.2V BMC,Voltage,Nominal,1.26,V,'OK' 1478,1.05V PCH,Voltage,Nominal,1.05,V,'OK' 1545,Chassis Intru,Physical Security,Nominal,N/A,N/A,'OK' root@Server:~# Also you may or may not need the output sensor state. That's the Nominal or N/A
  5. Shutdown modes Battery Level and Runtime Left both require UPS input. Time on Battery does not. So you could use Time on Battery for clients. Either way you could make sure they are set to shutdown before the server shuts down. Direct network connection through SNMP would be best with no server in between.
  6. The nut driver for your ups doesn't support that. I googled other posts that show the same variables.
  7. I added user input so I could figure the power factor. Correct me if I'm wrong but I was speaking to the Tripp Lite specifically to any UPS that reports ups.power.nominal which is in VA as opposed to the ups.realpower.nominal which is in watts. I would get the load in watts from power nominal x load%/100 x power factor. For UPS with real power nominal the power factor is included already and shown in watts. So all I need is real power nominal x load%/100. For a UPS like mine I can get the power factor with user input of 700W/1200VA. To get the load in watts 1200VA x load%/100 x 700W/1200VA which is basically my 700W capacity x load%/100. I figure ups.load 50 is 50% whether it was from VA or watts. It's what I apply that 50% to that matters. ups.power.nominal is the capacity of 1200VA for my UPS. So I could just use that and ask for user input of watt capacity. But maybe some UPS don't have that variable too.
  8. No I haven't. Been busy with the holidays and after I swapped out my server, I swapped out all my network equipment. I will soon, before I start anything else. I'm not sure how great it will be for the X9 boards though. I can only set the fans between a few settings. The same settings that are in the bmc and just cycle through them based on temp. So basically a low, medium and high setting.
  9. I have a Tripp Lite too. The 2018.01.03 nominal power was in volt amperes and didn't display the correct load. Our UPS don't have the ups.realpower.nominal variable. I need the watt capacity to calculate the power factor to reflect an accurate load in watts. Basically I just need the total watts multiplied by the load percentage. So change the UPS Power and Load display setting at the bottom of the page to manual and enter in your total capacity in VA and Watts. I believe your values should be 1500 for VA and 900 for Watts. Click apply.
  10. Yeah either the nut driver or the ups doesn't present all the values especially load or time left on battery. But it may still work to shutdown the server during power outage.
  11. Ok. I thought you meant nut server/client separation. I get what your saying as most of my other plugins are written this way. This is the way it was written and I don't see any benefit vs time spent to rewrite it. You're more than welcome to refractor the code. I'll merge it. A fall back of VA is not really useful. Nobody knows what 250VA means? User input of the output watt capacity of their ups would be a better method.
  12. That's probably something you'll need to install all the packages yourself. It's probably more than those three also. I would go to pkgs.org and search for those three packages and get the x86-64 versions. Then copy them to your flash drive and installpkg them. Then run ufraw and see if it complains about missing libraries. If missing, then get that package and keep trying till you get all the libraries and it works. There lots of packages that aren't necessary for unRAID missing. That's the reason for trial and error.
  13. Go to Settings/IPMI/Config Editor click on Select Config and pick Sensors. Scroll down to each Section Fan and change the 3 lower threshold values to something like 300. Do this for every Section Fan. Like this. Section 540_FAN1... ## Give valid input for sensor type = Fan; units = RPM Lower_Non_Critical_Threshold 300.000000 ## Give valid input for sensor type = Fan; units = RPM Lower_Critical_Threshold 300.000000 ## Give valid input for sensor type = Fan; units = RPM Lower_Non_Recoverable_Threshold 300.000000 ...EndSection When done editing click Save. You'll also need to set under Fan Control a Fan speed minimum to a high enough percentage to keep the fans from going below 300 RPMs. I have mine set to 28%.
  14. Did you try using the blazer_usb driver and port "auto"?
  15. Sorry for the late reply. Uninstalling maybe all that is needed but I think I had to reboot when I was testing the apcupsd plugin recently.
  16. I didn't add the 2.7.5pre package to the plugin because of the issues I described before. I have since suspected that my flash drive may have become faulty (it would give an error in windows and drop off) and have swapped to a new one. I have been running 2.7.5pre for a couple days and have rebooted a dozen times without issue. I also turned on issues as that wasn't part of the original nut plugin repo. I added the plg file I'm using below. It includes 2.7.5pre and gets plugin version 2018.01.03 which is before your pull request. You will be notified of the 2018.01.06 update though when unRAID checks for updates. nut.plg Thanks for the suggestion. I agree an array key lookup is faster and more functional than using switch but I didn't see a real reason to rewrite that bit of code (it's from the original nut plugin which borrowed it from the included apcupsd plugin). I don't really plan on adding more columns and it wouldn't be that much faster with this array size. Could you explain more what you want from front and back end separation.
  17. There's 2 different things going on here. I never got disconnects with my Cyberpower but the ASRock board I was using didn't have usb 3.0. The new Supermicro board does have usb 3.0. My new Tripp Lite does get disconnects. This is without nut installed. So it's either a Tripp Lite problem or kernel problem. I have read of similar problems on the freenas board. However if I disable usb 3.0 I still get sequential disconnects but as soon as I connect it to the nut usb driver it stops and nut works. This is with nut 2.7.4. Also it stops if I add the UPS to a vm. The other problem is every time I've compiled the latest nut It causes the flash drive to reset. This happen on both boards and both UPS's. There's a nut-2.7.5pre package in my NUT-unRAID repo if you want to try it but be warned and make a backup first. It's messed up the mbr a couple times and I've have to format and recreate the unRaid flash drive. I think the problem may be in their conversion of nut to libusb1.0. but I'm not sure.
  18. That's a repo for a standalone version I created for someone. The plugin is still in my unRAID plugins repo. That repo is mostly dead and I've been creating separate repos for each plugin. So I'll create an unRAID-speedtest repo. But to answer your question I could create an unRAID notification, a toggle for notifications on or off in settings. Then a notification would be sent for each speedtest. It would use the unRAID notification system to relay the results. In the future I could also add different thresholds for warnings.
  19. I just compiled the latest from GitHub. But it does the same thing as the last time. When the server is restarted and the nut driver loads, other usb devices get reset. This is very bad for unRAID as it resets the flash drive and the boot process stops. Unless powered down properly from the command line it can cause corruption of the flash drive too.
  20. I don't know if you figured it out but I just swapped my Cyberpower 1350 for a Tripp Lite 1200 rack mountable UPS. I got the same constant usb disconnects and increasing device number. disabling both of these solved it for me. Advanced/Chipset Configuration/PCH-IO Configuration/XHCI Hand-off Advanced/Chipset Configuration/PCH-IO Configuration/XHCI Mode Essentially disabling usb 3.0. Edit: I still get usb disconnects but when I start nut, they stop.
  21. I would make sure your cpu fan1 is spinning first. Maybe try a different header. I would start with the Noctua. Try it on REAR_FAN1
  22. # ASRock Dual Socket # ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 CPU_1_OVERRIDE CPU_1 REAR_1 FRONT_1 FRONT_2 FRONT_3 # ipmi-raw 00 3a 11 CPU_2_OVERRIDE CPU_2 REAR_2 FRONT_4 # ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 01 AA BB CC DD EE # ipmi-raw 00 3a 11 01 AA BB CC # AA-EE values can be 01-64 # 00 is smartfan ipmi-sensors -t fan ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 01 64 64 64 64 64 # wait a few seconds ipmi-sensors -t fan ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 01 32 32 32 32 32 # wait a few seconds ipmi-sensors -t fan ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 Try the above commands and see if there's a change in rpm. These are for CPU_1 REAR_1 FRONT_1 FRONT_2 FRONT_3. You can also just target one fan by leaving the other fans 00 and just changing the one fan location. Use ipmi-raw 00 3a 11 01 AA BB CC for CPU_2 REAR_2 FRONT_4.
  23. You're welcome. Glad we figured it out. Only other advice would be to add a fan minimum to keep the fans above the lower threshold or turn off the low threshold alerts in the Config Editor/Sensors config for each fan you want to shut off. With the Asrock boards you can actually have the fans turn off.
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