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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. 1. I don't think they would ever add standby hdd temp polling. I think the answer would be it's spin down and doesn't matter then. It might require too much effort for no real gain. 2. Yes it ignores all standby drives and uses minimums settings for fans assigned to hdd temp. They are in standby so temp shouldn't matter. Like you said it shouldn't matter with minimum settings applied. A hdd shouldn't overheat just sitting. If so, there are other cooling issues. So on my Supermicro board I use FANA connected to 2 fans on the drive cage and control them based on hdd temps. One problem could arise if the fans assigned to cool the hdds are also expected to cool the system too. But that was the original point if fancontrol. To control hdd specific fans. Often times system/CPU based fans wouldn't spin up enough to cool the hard drives also. Both the webgui and fancontrol get the hdd ids from the unRAID ini variables which includes unassigned drives. Both use only the highest temp. The fancontrol does poll those drives for temps if not in standby. There is one problem though. The non array drives ini only gets updated on array start/stop. So a drive added after the array is started won't be included. But for most this is fine since this would most likely be external usb drives that you don't want included in fan temps anyway. But a hot swapped drive wouldn't.
  2. Any webGui hdd temp readings are taken directly from the unRAID ini files. I don't poll the hdds again. I use what's already available. The fancontrol script does poll the hdds but with the exclusion of hdds in standby. The problem is that some drives spin up when polled by smartctl so your drives may never sleep. My Seagate and Toshiba drives all spin up when polled with smartctl. My Western Digital do not.
  3. I was able to reproduce this. CTRL-F5 or F5 was able to fix it. I'll look into it.
  4. I don't know if you figured it but the networked DISP_SENSOR is long/decimal of the ip and sensor id. Also it is possible to monitor more than one server with the plugin so you might need to take that into account. I doubt many are doing that though.
  5. Sorry it failed to push from my phone. Should be added now
  6. I can add it. I have 1.8.17 already compiled. What do you use it for? Someone has created a sweat ipmi plugin but it uses freeipmi.
  7. I believe the -h, -u, -p need to be escaped. The new version starts for me but I don't see any ipmi commands
  8. I removed freeipmi package. Still have this errorUnable to wait for process to finish: exit status 1 Removed ipmi plugin and was able to start. Edit: It's probably because I use a network ipmi connection and not the local kernel mods.
  9. I tried that before. This is the output: root@Server:~# /usr/bin/bash -c /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr/controlr -port 2378 -certdir '/boot/config/ssl/certs' -showups I: 2018/01/20 06:23:14 app.go:55: controlr v2.7.1-313-0b63a2b-v2018.01.19a starting ... I: 2018/01/20 06:23:14 app.go:63: No config file specified. Using app defaults ... I: 2018/01/20 06:23:14 core.go:73: starting service Core ... 2018/01/20 06:23:14 Unable to wait for process to finish: exit status 1 root@Server:~# It's the same with your shortened command also
  10. I compile them or add them from a trusted repo to the NerdPack repo. This isn't the case with borg but sometimes newer packages may conflict with unRAID packages so they aren't updated. In the case of borgbackup, I compiled that myself. I'll try and update that one when I get a chance.
  11. Unless using complete manual mode the conf files are overwritten using info from /boot/config/plugins/nut/nut.cfg. To me it looks like there was something wrong with your nut.cfg, possibly edited with notepad or another editor that isn't compatible with Linux. I'm not sure why moving to 6.4 broke it though. The disconnects are kernel related and I get them to, even on a fresh reboot with no nut. I even had to disable usb3/xhci in the bios. But they should stop after the nut driver connects. You can also set the display settings at the bottom to manual and enter in your UPS values to get an estimation of power used.
  12. No this would create too many support issues and would only partially work. While the basic mp4 download will work any other extraction e.g. mp3 or formatting will require dozens of other packages. I believe there are dockers for this and I saw one for JDowndloader2 too.
  13. Thanks. I fixed the logic and changed the wording
  14. Sorry for the confusion the Alert is actually a Warning so it follows the warnings settings in Notifications. I initially set it up as alerts but I figured should be more of a warning notification. So I'll change it to read Enable Warning Only Notification: But anyway, it will display the failure(s) in the message next to [Fail]. Either Ping, Download and/or Upload failures. The thresholds for download and upload are for the lower limit. So if you speedtest falls below 10 or 5 you'll get a notification.The ping will notify for anything over the ping you specify. Which one is failing? What are the settings when it failed and what are the results?
  15. NerdPack doesn't inherently install anything. You have to go to Settings/NerdPack and select the packages you wish installed and click apply. They will be installed immediately and on reboot. I will put that in the pop-up notification also. In the future I plan on allowing plugins to call NerdPack or the repo to install packages like python2. No need to worry about version.
  16. Thanks. Update went smoothly. I updated from 4.4.17 to 4.4.18 also. I was still having problems with IPS and DPI saying no data on 5.7.12 and 4.4.17. Seems to be working better now.
  17. I'm not sure if that would fix it for you. I just wanted to use DPI and IPS. If you don't want to wait and want to try 5.7.15, download a backup of 5.7.12 from Maintenance on the controller page first and maybe backup your unifi docker appdata also (I didn't). Then just log in to unRAID and run these commands. This will get the deb file and log you into the docker. # your unifi appdata location cd /mnt/cache/appdata/unifi wget https://dl.ubnt.com/unifi/5.7.15-e9b882be05/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb docker exec -ti Unifi bash Then run these in the docker. (wget isn't in the docker so this was the easiest). There will be some post script error but thats fine. cd data/ cp unifi_sysvinit_all.deb /root/ cd ~ dpkg -i unifi_sysvinit_all.deb Then reboot the docker from the unRAID webgui and go to the unifi controller page. The wizard will come up and you can then load your 5.7.12 backup from there. Just remember if you delete and reinstall the docker you'll be back to 5.7.12. Edit: Also I use the CA Auto Update Applications plugin to disable auto updates for the Unifi dockers.
  18. I see what you mean. My Recent Activities is working.
  19. Do you have IPS or Smart Queues enabled? They disable hardware offload and thus DPI doesn't work. There's a beta USG firmware that allows all of them to work. I'm using 4.4.17 and 4.4.18 was just released. In order to get DPI to work again I disabled IPS, turned off Smart Queues and turned off DPI. Waited till my USG4 was provisioned thenclicked reboot from the Devices page. After reboot I turned on DPI again, waited for provisioning then rebooted again. I then turned on IPS. It's been working for a couple days.
  20. I thought the nut commit for the eaton driver in your pull request computed an approximation of ups.realpower.nominal. Do you not get a ups.realpower.nominal variable? Upon further inspection I believe that was for higher end Eaton UPS. The 0.80 powerfactor is also too high for your UPS. You'll have to use the manual option in the Display Settings and enter 650VA and 360W. Edit: I saw your original nut repo issue. And I see he extrapolated the 0.80 from your Eaton companion readings. But 140W @ 27% on a 650VA/360W rated UPS doesn't seem right. That would add up to over 500W at 100%. Is there any way you could measure the actual watts used with a killawatt adapter or similar.
  21. 1) fixed 2) I just replaced protocol with whatever is in use 3) I'll have to think about that. Adding another tab would be confusing since it's part of the Scheduler page. Maybe a click on the tab when it's active to go back.
  22. You need to select screen and click apply from the NerdPack settings menu
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