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Everything posted by MobileDude

  1. Hi Guys, I have set-up Paperless on Unraid. I used header auth with Authentik. Currently it is possible to use proper SSO with paperless and authentik. I watched https://youtu.be/xO-EVYNinXA?si=nJbh3qQ338oMFTuP and I noticed I needed 2 environment variables: PAPERLESS_APPS: "allauth.socialaccount.providers.openid_connect" and PAPERLESS_SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS: '{"openid_connect": {"APPS": [{"provider_id": "authentik","name": "Authentik SSO","client_id": "XX Client ID from Authentika XX","secret": "XX Client Secret from Authentika XX","settings": { "server_url": "https://auth.xyz.com/application/o/paperless-ngx/.well-known/openid-configuration"}}]}}' so I added the following to the template and removed the previous variables related to headers. As soon as I start the paperless container is stops again. do I remove the variables, it runs again. If i remove the single quotes, from paperless_socialaccount_providers, the container starts but SSO does not work. What Am I missing here? Someone with a similair set-up to help me out? Edit: It would help if someone with the same set-up can share his Unraid template screenshots. I have doubts about if I have the right environment variables. But looking at all responses I must have been te only one running Paperless on Unraid in combination with Authentik.
  2. exactly my issue. have you found the actual solution?
  3. Decided to move forward. Rebooted, new config.....etc. finally removed the drive and all is well now. Thanks for the write-up!
  4. Running this process now on Unraid >6.12+. All looks wel in terminal screen. However the Web UI dissapeared, and is no longer reachable via browser. What would be the proper way to proceed if the actual clearing is finished? Proceed with the steps in the above post, after rebooting Unraid? thanks for helping out.
  5. Excellent! that seem to do the trick. Strangely enough I cannot find the "online Manual" I followed, but that stated, as default "5" and "1" values. No wonder it went nuts :-). Thanks!
  6. Hi, Newbie here. First post. Got Unraid up and running since a week. really happy with it. Combined with HA VM, and several dockers of which one of them is the Unraid-api container, for use with HA. Got it up and running, did all the config stuff, and the connection with MQTT broker is there. I see entities in HA. I did however notice significant CPU spikes (from 6% lower level to 35+% upper) on a steady interval time ( every 5 sec approx). I tried to drill down to the culprit and noticed this is related to the Unraid- api container. When started it is there, when stopped it is gone. Unraid api log only shows " started" and connected to broker. Is there any way o debug this more? Or any experiences around a similar issue you might have encountered?
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