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  1. Frigate doesn't seem to be detecting my nvidia GPU for hardware acceleration when checking the frigate system information This is my extra parameters line "--shm-size=256mb --mount type=tmpfs,target=/tmp/cache,tmpfs-size=1000000000 --restart unless-stopped --runtime=nvidia" I have entered the GPU ID and the set the capabilities to all. This is also the same when the capabilities are set to 'compute,utility,video' nvidia-smi on the unraid terminal shows the ffmpeg process for the 1 camera I currently have and also the tensorrt detector process I also have the hardware acceleration args like this in the frigate config: ffmpeg: hwaccel_args: - -hwaccel - cuda - -c:v - h264_cuvid Unsure of where to go next?
  2. @A75G any chance of updating Airsonic Advanced to the latest release? Edge Release 11.0.0-SNAPSHOT.20230217142243 thanks :)
  3. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have A75G's airsonic-advanced docker accessed through SWAG / reverse proxy with a duckdns subdomain and lets encrypt https certificate. I'm using the airsonic.subdomain.conf config and all is working well. I'd like to start using fail2ban to block access to the airsonic URL but during testing, looking at the airsonic logs they show failed logins from the IP of the internal docker container and not the real external IP. I have the 'server.use-forward-headers=true' line added to the airsonic.properties file in the airsonic config as stated in the airsonic.subdomain.conf from SWAG but something seems missing Any suggestions?
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