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Report Comments posted by GHunter

  1. 7 hours ago, trott said:

    I found MakeMAV failed to remux some movies, I have thought it might be movie issue, but I have a force recheck on those torrents today, it happaned they are not 100% complete

    I ran across this problem too and found that is was related to this problem "[6.7.x] Very slow array concurrent performance by Johnnie.Black" that has been reported.

    I don't run plex but do have several other dockers that use sqlite and have never had a problem. Appdata is set to "cache only"

  2. 6 hours ago, fithwum said:

    will there be a way to rearrange the new dashboard? because the new layout seems less useful to me.


    I was thinking about this too. The new dashboard contains what almost appears like panels. Having the ability to drag and drop the panels where you would like them would be very cool. Better yet would be the ability to customize what gets displayed in each panel and then arrange the data and the panels however you'd like. I'm sure many of you have seen other webui's like this and have an idea of what I'm talking about. Grafana is one product that does this real well.

  3. 7 hours ago, alturismo said:

    well, when u mean safe mode from boot on, i never tested this yet.


    or do you mean by disabling all plugins, dockers and vm´s ?


    When you power on your unraid server, there are several menu options, one of which is labeled as "Safe Mode". This allows your server to start up but without any plugins, docker containers, or virtual machines running. Choose this option and see if it resolves your spinup / spindown issues.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Jcloud said:

    My answer is pinned cores. The stat is CPU usage of the container, and if one has pinned the cores that's the container's allocated cpu.


    This makes sense. If no cores / threads are pinned for the container then the CPU percentage should be calculated from whatever cores / threads that are available for the container to use.


    And this brings up another scenario. What about isolated cores / threads that are used for VM's? Ideally you would want to exclude any isolated cores / threads used for VM's from your CPU utilization calculation.

  5. FYI, I've tried this for myself just to see if I would have problems also. I haven't had any issues with it.


    I've changed memory, machine types back and forth between 2.xx and 3.0, changing USB devices, and CPU allocation. No problems whatsoever. And I didn't lose my custom XML edit for emulator pinning!! 😃

  6. 36 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    Remove "dynamix.plg".



    I had the same problem. Note: the "dynamix" folder is still used so I did not delete that.


    Restarted and everything works fine now.


    This is an awesome release!! You guys did quite a lot of work. Thanks to all those involved!!

  7. It was just a function that didn't work as intended and I wanted to report it so you guys were aware of it.


    In all honesty though, I don't see the need to keep the VIRTIO CD iso or the OS install iso mounted as once this part of the installation process is done, it is no longer of any use. If you guys remove the detach function, I can still edit the XML file manually.

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