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Everything posted by VizeL

  1. As a note, after restarting(?) it now works. No settings were changed
  2. Hmm, thanks. Is there anyway to verify from the application that its the right path? I can't seem to find the path to specify for plexpy logs, other than whats specified in the docker. My plex logs are being read properly.
  3. It shows me when a user is watching, but doesn't seem to store any of the data about what/when they watched etc. I'm getting this in logs: 2015-09-24 18:51:51 WARNING Unable to retrieve data. Any ideas?
  4. hmm, thanks. for some reason the same password as my web GUI isn't working. Do you happen to know if theres anyway to reset it? (either that, or I cant recall my password at all ) telnet works, but SSH keeps giving me access denied
  5. Thanks! that worked in starting it up. ah...as a side note, do you know if theres a default username/password? When attempting to login I'm getting Access denied! (using root)
  6. Is there any guide to getting SSH working? I don't believe my daemon is running, and when I tried manually running it (/etc/rc.d/rc.sshd) it tells me I tried moving the generated keys from /boot/config/ssh to /etc/ssh but that didnt work either.
  7. shouldve pulled the trigger on these thought i had more space than i did... only concern with these though is running a 5900rpm parity
  8. Would a dying cache drive slow down all other drives?
  9. thanks, will install that upon getting home! Do you know what kind of ram usage I should be expecting by chance? (I ask only because I do not have anything to compare it too -- did not keep logs of resource usage as plugin, so Im not sure if I'll see anything thats out of the norm, unless its painfully obvious)
  10. Is there any significant difference in terms of ram usage on dockers vs plugins? I'm trying to diagnose why my server has had a significant slowdown, particularly when multiple streams are being attempted, or whenever a file is being moved
  11. Thanks, I'll give that a shot. Unsure what changed, as I have not done anything -- but now it seems intermittent. Some files will severly slow down/cripple the system, while others seem to be unpacking like it used to (keeping sysload generally under 10)
  12. Hello, My sysload seems to get extremely high when sab starts to verify files, unpack, and when files are being moved. From the top of my sab: Sysload: 43.21 | 42.78 | 38.44 | V=2440M R=335M To this note, all my dockers become extremely slow and unresponsive although the unraid main page/SSH are still responsive -- albeit a little bit slower. Any ideas on where I should start to trouble shoot this? Thanks
  13. Solved in case anyone was curious -- database corruption
  14. Not sure this falls entirely under unraid, but I figured I'd give it a shot here since it's a quite knowledgeable community. I originally added my movies/tv shows to plex 2 days ago, and things were working perfect. As of yesterday, they are no longer being detected. When I attempt to add a folder (/tv or /movies) it will display all the folders in that directory cooresponding to each movie/tv, but when added, no video files are picked up. When I do a scan of folders, it doesnt detect anything and begins deleting all my media off plex as well. Not sure where to start trouble shooting this one, if anyone has any advice/suggestions I'd appreciate it! Clicking into the "TV" section displays all the series, but upon clicking on one, "media not found" is displayed. As for clicking on "movies", nothing ever loads, but my count of movies is still there Only reason its posted here is the problem has only showed up when using plex under docker. I have not tried installing plex in a different method to see if its a docker related issue or not, however.
  15. Thanks, I see the issue. I believe I did add it properly, I was just looking under /mnt/TV and /mnt/Movies when I should have been looking just under /TV. I understand it a LOT better now though! I was manually running the commands through command line as well. thanks again
  16. Hello, I've recently upgraded to 6.0 and I'm trying to follow the steps to get docker working properly. I've used needo's containers (so far sickbeard, sab, couchpotato). It seems to load up, but under sickbeard, every directory is missing. (e.g. Location: /mnt/user/TV/Showname (dir is missing)) Similarly, when specifying a location in couchpotato, when I move to /mnt/, nothing shows up underneath. Is there something I need to do in order to get share drives showing up? As an aside, it seems that I also cannot get sickbeard to connect with sabnzbd, it gives me an Thanks for any help
  17. That worked, thanks! (clearing cookies+cache) I honestly never knew that was even possible!
  18. Hello, I cannot seem to access my webgui anymore. I've tried killall emhttp and restarting it, but it doesnt seem to work. I've rebooted my server as well and cant seem to access it. All other plugins/unmenu is working perfectly. What occurred before it went down: 1) I installed phaze's sickbeard-alt plugin, but didnt actually do anything with it yet. I looked at it in the web gui's utils page, but didn't do anything with it. 2) I switched over to look at headphones (in utils), and upon clicking "headphones" the server would no longer respond. 3) I checked current running plugins, and they all were working perfectly fine. Any suggestions on how I should trouble shoot this? Thanks
  19. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822178338&nm_mc=EMC-EXPRESS092113&cm_mmc=EMC-EXPRESS092113-_-EMC-092113-Index-_-InternalHardDrives-_-22178338-L03B Code: EMCYTZT4448
  20. Hi, I know technically this isnt unraid software related...but I was unsure which board to post to and was hoping I could find some help here. My IPMI is no longer working and I was hoping someone could point me in a direction to try to trouble shoot this. I'm using SUPERMICRO MBD-X9SCM-F-O. The IP is no longer showing up on my router either This is an ifconfig -- which no longer shows it either. The lights on my router where they are plugged in both light up, as well as both the lights on the MOBO (orange on top, blinking yellow on bottom). Any guidance will be appreciated. Thanks
  21. I definitely shouldve planned ahead!! I only bought two 3tbs last year. I think I'm inclined to go for maybe 5-6 4TBs this year...hopefully should last me through the year.
  22. Damn! Been waiting a long time for more drives... but never will I buy external drives again. @bw1, I would definitely go for the longer warranty -- besides the fact that removing externals from the case voids a lot of warranties...unsure if that it the situation with this drive though.
  23. Yup -- thats exactly what happened. These drives actually came from before i had unRaid. It is still under warranty...but I'd have to put it back together.
  24. Update: Booted into unraid...that drive is failing bad now. Anyone know the procedure for uh.......reattaching its external case and hoping for a warranty replacement?
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