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Posts posted by Elmojo

  1. So I feel stupid for even asking this, but my searches have all come up empty.

    My dashboard is suddenly reporting that my cache is 75% full. I haven't been watching it super closely, but I think it's been running about 20-30% previously. I'd like to take a look to see what's on the cache, so I can figure out what might be clogging it up, but for the life of me I just can't find a simple way to view what's installed or residing on that drive.

    Someone please school me on the simple answer I know I'm overlooking. :)

  2. All I did was watch SIO's video, click through the docker settings as shown in the video, accept all the defaults, and click start. According to the instructions, that should be all that's required to get the basic image up and running. I didn't make any edits to any VM settings. I'm not sure what I could have done wrong, but anything's possible. :)

    Since this isn't really anything beyond a curiosity to me, I likely won't put much effort into it. Even if I had a running Mac VM, I don't really have any use for it.

  3. So I'm watching the video, trying to install Big Sur, but when I get to the part where I start the VM and launch the VNC remote, it opens the normal window, but after several seconds of "Connecting...", I get the error "Failed to connect to server". I'm sorta stuck, what do I do next?

    I'm on 6.10RC1, if that matters.

    EDIT: Update, I was able to get it to connect using TightVNC. However, I now see that the VM is only booting to some sort of console mode, and seems to be showing errors, although I can't make out what it's complaining about exactly. Anyone know what I should try next?


  4. Well how about that! For some reason, the first couple times I started the VM, I didn't get that "VM Remote" option, but now I see it.

    I guess all I had to do was post here! You know, kinda like taking your car to the mechanic miraculously seems to fix that sound it's been making for the past 3 weeks... lol

    Thanks, I'll all set now. :)

    • Haha 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Gunny said:

    If you can find the correct IPMI-RAW command to control the fans and what each value does, its pretty straight forward to modify the scripts to support your system.

    Ok, yeah, I have that info.

    I've never edited a script, or even used one for that matter. Do you know of a guide that would be helpful for how to start?

  6. I think my question got buried previously...

    Any chance of this working on a Dell Poweredge T420, or is it just still for those few boards mentioned in the OP?

    If not, does anyone know of a good way to control the fans on a Gen 12 Poweredge based on HDD temps?

  7. So I'm not gonna lie, I have not read all 56 pages of this thread. :)
    I have a Dell Poweredge T420 (12th gen).

    Is there any chance of this plugin controlling the fans, or is it still only for those 2 boards mentioned in the OP?

    EDIT: Also, I'm doing something wrong, since when I run any "ipmitool" command from the terminal, I get the output "bash: ipmitool: command not found". 

    What key step have I missed?

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