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Everything posted by GuillermoMG

  1. This is the solution: Setting DJANGO_DEBUG=True as one of the env variables fixes the issue (by using django´s inbuilt webserver?). I also added these variables, before adding DJANGO_DEBUG=True, so don't know if they did anything in the end, other than catching locally the files. Taken from SYNC_EXERCISES_ON_STARTUP=True DOWNLOAD_EXERCISE_IMAGES_ON_STARTUP=True SYNC_EXERCISES_CELERY=True SYNC_EXERCISE_IMAGES_CELERY=True SYNC_EXERCISE_VIDEOS_CELERY=True USE_CELERY=True CELERY_BROKER=redis://cache:6379/2 CELERY_BACKEND=redis://cache:6379/2 CELERY_FLOWER_PASSWORD=adminadmin Same can be done from the docker container: python3 sync-exercises python3 download-exercise-images python3 download-exercise-videos Still have the issue that the wger folder is 777... but that will be a problem for another day.
  2. Changing the appdata/wger/ permission to 777 (yes... yes... I know) at least get's me a bit further, the page is accesible, but nothing loads. In the logs can see everything spammed with: 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM [09/Jan/2024 16:37:59] "GET /static/images/icons/flags/pt-br.svg HTTP/1.1" 404 2883 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM WARNING 2024-01-09 16:37:59,304 log Not Found: /static/images/icons/flags/tr.svg 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM WARNING 2024-01-09 16:37:59,306 log Not Found: /static/images/icons/flags/sv.svg 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM [09/Jan/2024 16:37:59] "GET /static/images/icons/flags/tr.svg HTTP/1.1" 404 2883 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM [09/Jan/2024 16:37:59] "GET /static/images/icons/flags/sv.svg HTTP/1.1" 404 2883 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM WARNING 2024-01-09 16:37:59,309 log Not Found: /static/images/icons/flags/uk.svg 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM [09/Jan/2024 16:37:59] "GET /static/images/icons/flags/uk.svg HTTP/1.1" 404 2883 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM WARNING 2024-01-09 16:37:59,313 log Not Found: /static/images/icons/flags/zh-hans.svg 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM [09/Jan/2024 16:37:59] "GET /static/images/icons/flags/zh-hans.svg HTTP/1.1" 404 2883 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM WARNING 2024-01-09 16:37:59,317 log Not Found: /static/images/logos/play-store/google-play-badge.svg 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM [09/Jan/2024 16:37:59] "GET /static/images/logos/play-store/google-play-badge.svg HTTP/1.1" 404 2883 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM WARNING 2024-01-09 16:37:59,321 log Not Found: /static/images/favicon.png 01/09/2024 04:37:59 PM [09/Jan/2024 16:37:59] "GET /static/images/favicon.png HTTP/1.1" 404 2883
  3. @unraid.headsman400 a bit late, but did you figure out the fields you needed?. Taking for granted you had no other DB managed already, from your Postgress installation template you wanted: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: POSTGRES_USER POSTGRES_DB: PORT: those would apply as: DJANGO_DB_PASSWORD: DJANGO_DB_USER DJANGO_DB_DATABASE:
  4. By the error it would seem the db doesn't exist in your Postgress instance, double check the spelling. You can check what DBs your instance is managing with: postgres=# \l I'm actually stumbling into a permission's issue: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/wger/static/CACHE' Did you have any trouble with that?
  5. Placeholder for the CA template for NightScout LibreLink Up Uploader
  6. Hi @FoxxMD, Thanks for creating this template! and FYI, without MALOJA_FORCE_PASSWORD and MALOJA_SKIP_SETUP I could not access /admin_settings. Adding both to the container variables fixed it. Thanks again!
  7. You're amazing, thank you so much for your work.