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  1. I'm facing a similar issue. I have FileBrowser behind a reverse proxy with NPM. When uploading a file accessing through the reverse proxy, my docker image starts filling up, however if I use the IP to access FileBrowser instead of the reverse proxy, no problem at all. So its clearly NPM that is causing this issue. Have you found any solution?
  2. So there is no way to mount them anywhere else than /mnt/disks? Is there any other way of achieving what I'm trying to?
  3. Hi! Is there any way to change where the unassigned devices are mounted? Currently my devices show up at /mnt/disks but I would like to mount them at an empty share (mnt/user/Unassigned). I wanted to setup a root share as described in this video to be able to copy files from my USB devices to my shares via SMB without needing a file browser such as krusader.
  4. I'm using a FileBrowser docker. I’ve already asked in the support topic for the image, but since this is more of a docker issue and the topic is quite abandoned, I figured I could ask here as well. I've used the flag --user 99:100 but since umask is 0022 instead of unraid's default 0000, any file/folder created using FileBrowser can only be written by user "nobody". This means that when accessing my shares via SMB I cannot edit the files or directories created in FileBrowser. Is there any way to change the default umask value in a container? I know some images have this option built in, but it is not the case with this one.
  5. Hi! I'm using this FileBrowser docker image. I've used the flag --user 99:100 but since umask is 0022 instead of unraid's default 0000, any file/folder created using FileBrowser can only be written by user "nobody". This means that when accessing my shares via SMB I cannot edit the files or directories created in FileBrowser. Is there any way to change the default umask value in the container? I know some images have this option built in, but it is not the case with this one.