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Everything posted by Importimage1

  1. But unfortunately Disk 1 is still unmountable
  2. By doing the parity sync, it looks like it's starting to add the missing movies.
  3. Also my available space is what I use to have but missing thousands of movies. When I click on some of the disk and click on movies, it shows the titles but then nothing inside of the those folders. Should I do a parity sync? Thank you
  4. Okay. So I was able to do do a rebuild on top of Disk 1. After completing, it now says disk is unmountable importimage-diagnostics-20240907-1646.zip
  5. When I restart Unraid I could see my HBA card and then under that it shows all my drives connected. Shows all 15 drives
  6. I just replaced my power supply with a new 1000W. Still having issues. Some drives are not showing up. Not sure if these drives are bad. The WD drives are ok, I just need to connect it to sata power cable. If you could please take a look at the diagnostics. Thank you for your help. importimage-diagnostics-20240905-2248.zip
  7. Hello. So now all drives are showing up, but still a rex X on Disk 1. Seems like maybe one of the drives was loose. Now just trying to see how to fix the Emulated Disk 1. Here is an updated diagnostics. importimage-diagnostics-20240830-1142.zip
  8. Okay. Thank you. I will try cables first and then if that doesn't work, I will replace the PSU
  9. Okay so now I',m getting Disk 3 saying its unmountable unsupported or no file system. I've attached a new Diagnostics. Thank you importimage-diagnostics-20240830-0948.zip
  10. Okay. I will try that. So I had a power outage a couple days ago. So I believe that this is how this happened. It started to do a parity sync and started to find a lot of errors on other drives. They did not have the red X just errors. It froze and now I can't access the GUI or anything inside Unraid. Thank you
  11. Hello. Just wondering what I can do? Thank you
  12. Hello. I checked the cables and they were okay.
  13. It has around 1K errors to Disk 1. Should I start it again and let let it continue? It started to write to it, and now it's not writing anything. Only reading from the other drives.
  14. So After about 10min it stopped and now the red X is next to Disk 1 again. I attached the diagnostics. importimage-diagnostics-20240829-0713.zip
  15. Great. I Just started to do the rebuild on top process. Thank you very much for your help. Will check back once it's complete. Thank you
  16. Hello. Yes I did this first. Currently doing the rebuild on top process. Thank you for your help
  17. Hello. I'm getting a red X on Disk 1. Says drive is being emulated. I went ahead and did the "check filesystem" Didn't seem to help. If you could please help with any information, that would be great. I have attached the Diagnostics file. Thank you importimage-diagnostics-20240828-2224.zip
  18. Sorry wrong drive. Looks like everything is still the same. Just lost data and will need to recover it. Thank you for your help
  19. So now it's going back to how it was before. When I click on the drive to see the files I can see the folders but the folders are empty or can't access them on Drive 1, Drive shows as being almost full but files are missing. Kinda weird
  20. I see. Ok I will go through the files. Most of the files lost were movies and tv shows. So that can be replaced. If this happens again were a drive would fail and I have an X next to it, I would do the the filesystem check first and not replace the drive or data rebuild?
  21. Should I run a parity check? Not sure if that would do anything. Thank you
  22. I ran the filesystem but looks like some data was lost or was not all was transferred back to drive 1. here is the new diagnostics. Thank you importimage-diagnostics-20240310-0829.zip
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