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Posts posted by FreeMan

  1. @itimpi in response to your question on my OP:


    SSH is working just fine on my main server with the plugin and 6.8.0, so I don't think there are any compatibility issues on the Backup server between the plugin and 6.8.0. I haven't tried without the plugin on my Backup server, but will go ahead and do so, just because... you never know...

  2. My log file has hit 100% and FCP suggests posting here.


    I've had issues with EmbyStat pegging a CPU at 100%, and shut it down, so it may be that it was spewing info into the log. If that's the issue, then it's already resolved and I suppose I just need a reboot to clear the log space. 


    If there are other issues that someone sees in the log, please let me know so I can get them sorted out.



  3. As noted in my rogue General Support form post, I'm having issues accessing my Backup server via SSH now that I've rebuilt the USB stick for the server. I started with a clean install and added all plugins/dockers 1 by 1 until everything was reinstalled.


    I can log into the WebGUI, but I cannot SSH in. I do have the plugin installed and SSH is enabled, allowing root logins:


    This is what I get when I try to login via SSH:


    I click "No" to continue without saving the fingerprint (for now), then login with "root" and my password and get a simple "Access denied" response.

    I would expect the fingerprint to have change after a rebuild of the flash drive, so that doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me is that the server name is now "Backup.local" - it's always reported just "Backup" in the past. I opened this PuTTY session by clicking on the same old saved session that I'd used before the rebuild. I've also tried connecting via IP and get the same response


    Diagnostics are from my OP in the wrong forum - I've installed the preclear docker since then and currently have a drive preclearing. I wouldn't think that would impact the data in the diagnostics significantly since I had the issue both before and after installing the docker, but I can post new diagnostics if that would be preferred.


    I'm sure there's something in the plugin that I have misconfigured. I put this server together as a backup 9-12 months ago, though, so I don't recall what configuration changed I may have made, and, of course, I failed to screen shot everything before starting from scratch... :/



  4. The WireGuard service and drivers are now built into Unraid at release 6.8.   
    What is still a plugin (so it can be easily tweaked in the short term) is the GUI component for configuring the service.   You can in theory still use the built-in service by configuring it by hand but I suspect that this is not something that most users would want to contemplate.  
    Ah! Thank you. I didn't realize the difference. I will most definitely change my thinking on this. Not that I had any concerns, I just thought the Unraid integration was still considered somewhat beta.

    Sent from my moto g(7) using Tapatalk

  5. 3 minutes ago, ThatNewb said:

    Out of curiosity how would you go about removing 1 of the cache drives so it's only 1 cache?

    Having just moved from a single cache drive to a 3-drive setup, this isn't something I'm familiar with and is well above my pay grade. I'm sure someone will be along to help out.

  6. 3 hours ago, knutarn said:

    My Unraid server start to crash efter 3year of drift.

    Not sure exactly what this means. Has it been working just fine for the last 3 years and these crashes are new/sudden with no configuration changes?


    Also, go to Tools | Diagnostics and download and post the complete diagnostics .ZIP file in your next post. 


    You can also go to Settings | Network Services | Syslog Server and set "Mirror syslog to flash" to capture the syslog prior to any future crash. Note that this will write a lot of info to your boot flash drive, so you don't want to leave this on all the time, only for trouble shooting purposes.

  7. Just now, IKWeb said:

    only one copy

    Agree 100% with that statement! You'll see many, many veterans of the site warning people that parity protection is not a replacement for backups.


    I thought you were condemning Unraid itself as a backup. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, IKWeb said:

    It does shcok me (I am new to UNRAID 5 months in) the amount of people I read on these forums who use the UNRAID server as a backup device... Makes me want to bang my head on the wall... 

    It's a perfectly fine NAS server - using a 2nd one as a backup for disk failure, or a 2nd one off-site as a fire/theft/tornado insurance seems perfectly reasonable. What do you see as the problem?

  9. NOTE: This post has been moved to the SSH plugin support thread. All support suggestions/questions/comments/etc are more than welcome over there.


    I've been having lots of issues with my Backup server of late. I ended up rebuilding the USB key from scratch, reinstalling all plugins and dockers individually.


    Now, I can log into the WebGUI, but I cannot get logged into an SSH session. I do have SSH root login enabled:


    I know I've got the correct password, I used it to log into the WebGUI, and I reset it in the user settings for root, however, I'm denied access at a terminal in PuTTY.



    Suggestions are welcome!

  10. I have a tenancy of leaving the main Unraid GUI open, as well as others for dockers I regularly use.


    I suppose that's a bad habit, but I guess I'll need to break it... Other than the web GUI, none update regularly.


    Sent from my moto g(7) using Tapatalk





  11. The log seems to be getting spammed with tons of OOM errors like:

    Jan 4 05:39:09 NAS nginx: 2020/01/04 05:39:09 [crit] 32725#32725: ngx_slab_alloc() failed: no memory
    Jan 4 05:39:09 NAS nginx: 2020/01/04 05:39:09 [error] 32725#32725: shpool alloc failed
    Jan 4 05:39:09 NAS nginx: 2020/01/04 05:39:09 [error] 32725#32725: nchan: Out of shared memory while allocating message of size 11260. Increase nchan_max_reserved_memory.
    Jan 4 05:39:09 NAS nginx: 2020/01/04 05:39:09 [error] 32725#32725: *1720414 nchan: error publishing message (HTTP status code 500), client: unix:, server: , request: "POST /pub/disks?buffer_length=1 HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost"
    Jan 4 05:39:09 NAS nginx: 2020/01/04 05:39:09 [error] 32725#32725: MEMSTORE:00: can't create shared message for channel /disks
    Jan 4 05:39:10 NAS nginx: 2020/01/04 05:39:10 [crit] 32725#32725: ngx_slab_alloc() failed: no memory
    Jan 4 05:39:10 NAS nginx: 2020/01/04 05:39:10 [error] 32725#32725: shpool alloc failed
    Jan 4 05:39:10 NAS nginx: 2020/01/04 05:39:10 [error] 32725#32725: nchan: Out of shared memory while allocating message of size 11260. Increase nchan_max_reserved_memory.
    Jan 4 05:39:10 NAS nginx: 2020/01/04 05:39:10 [error] 32725#32725: *1720418 nchan: error publishing message (HTTP status code 500), client: unix:, server: , request: "POST /pub/disks?buffer_length=1 HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost"

    I notice those were at 05:39 this morning and it's currently 09:58, so it seems to have stopped 4 hours ago. Is that due to lack of space for logging (log files rotate, don't they) or did whatever was causing the OOM stop?


    Where is the log located when the server is running - is this on the RAM disk? Can/should I clear the log, or will the older logs just rotate out, freeing up space? Do I need a reboot just to help things settle down? (scurries off to ensure EmbyStat is not set to auto-start!)

  12. 4 minutes ago, BRiT said:

    It's your dockers. Look at your ps or top reports.

    Gah! That makes perfect sense - I just installed EmbyStat a couple of days ago, and I guess it runs non-stop! Stopped the docker and CPU utilization dropped to normal. 


    I've had radarr running for a while now - the occasional spike when it's scanning isn't a worry...

  13. 3 hours ago, clevoir said:

    (One 20 disk and the other 9 disk

    You have different run times because you have different loads on the server. 20 disks will take more power to spin than 9 disks will, therefore, given the same battery capacity of the two UPSs, their runtime will be different. 


    Bear in mind that unless your collection of 29 drives are all identical models, each drive will also consume different amounts of power. Even different firmware revisions of otherwise identical drives may have different power consumption levels. Even if you happen to have the least power hungry drives in the 20-drive system (7200 RPM drives will generally consume more power than a 5400 RPM drive, for example) the memory, motherboard, CPU, GPU, etc are all burning through the battery life. 


    Unless you're running exactly identical hardware in both computers, I'd be shocked (no pun intended) if two identical UPSs (model, battery model, battery age) were to report identical run times.

  14. 11 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

    Failed SMART test = failed disk

    Thanks, johnnie, that's what I figured. I've got a couple of new 4TBs on their way already.


    At 5 years, 11 months, the parity drive is a bit young, 6 years, 3 months for the SMART failed disk1 is reasonable, and 8 years, 5 months for the random "reporting an error but isn't failing SMART" disk2 is nice. :) 


    At an average of 62878 power on hours, the disks in this system have all served very well. I've got 2 that have had 8.5 years of power on time, 2 at nearly 7 years and the parity drive is the baby of the group at just under 6 years...

  15. 1 minute ago, Ellis34771 said:

    Sorry, I screwed up the title

    No worries!


    I'm not the expert who will be able to help you decipher the log file, but I do know what's necessary to do so. Good luck!

  16. Go to Settings | Network Services | Syslog Server and set "Mirror syslog to flash" to "Yes". Next reboot, you'll be able to grab the most recent syslog from your flash drive and post it to your next post in this thread.


    The reboots and parity checks are not good for your sanity, but so long as you've got decent airflow and they're not overheating, it's not going to significantly impact your drive's lives. Don't forget, in a Windows machine, the drive is spinning and being written/read constantly by the OS - at least Unraid lets them spin down when they're not in use.


    Also, it would help if you edited your post to have the title reflect the issue you're having instead of just your user names. Something like, "Random reboots" will give people an idea what they're looking at before even opening your issue.

  17. To my knowledge, Unraid does not support using a WiFi connection for network access. However, if you can get a wired connection to your 4G router (whatever device that may be) then I see no reason you couldn't use it.


    I'd imagine that those speeds are from your mobile phone. If you had a dedicated hot-spot (i.e. your server's connection wouldn't go down every time you leave for the office, shopping or a night out), and some way link that hot-spot into an access point that could then be hard-wired to "back-port" the signal into a router and could then wire your server into that, I'm sure it would work just fine. I'm not the networking guru to tell you what parts could be used, though.

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