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Everything posted by luxinliang

  1. I wondered if it was because of the flash drive changing which may change the hash value too. So I deleted all the .pem files in config/ssl/, then reboot and re-provisioned the certificate file. After that, this issue solved.
  2. Hi, I installed this plugin a few days ago, and the remote access worked fine. But recently, I've changed my flash drive and re-installed this plugin, then the server couldn't reach my unraid server But I've set up my router's port forwarding correctlly. And the tcping tool can open the outer port 1443 (using cellphone hot spot). And I can also use the https protocol and ip with 1443 port to remotely open the management web (using cellphone hot spot). So can anyone help me with the official remote access?
  3. Ok, I'll watch it out, thx for sharing. Also, this is a great docker project😘.
  4. I see, in my system, when using QSV to transcode hevc videos, it can achieve up to 30 fps more than VAAPI, but the cpu usage is also 10%-20% more.
  5. Got it! It is working right now, thx for your help! BTW why you recommend to use VAAPI transcoder instead of QSV?
  6. Well, re-add the container can't eliminate the errors. Also both VAAPI and QSV transcoder work fine, just the images issue. Yes, I did use the same folder for both of them, and after creating the cache folder in another disk it worked properly. I think the whole thing is a simple access permissions thing and sorry for taking up your time.
  7. Hi again, I may find the solution. I noticed that an error said the cache folder denided to write, so I deattached the cache folder which passed to the docker and deleted "--volume /mnt/cache/jellyfin-cache:/cache". Then everything is back to work, I can grab the images! After that, I also tried to modify the cache folder's permission or create another one, but none of them worked. I think it is a bug, and somehow the original jellyfin don't come across this cache folder issue.
  8. I did try to re-add the container, but that didn't work. And I also try using the QSV, VAAPI and none hardware transcoder, while ffmpeg still throw the same error in all of them.
  9. Thx for your reply. The original jellyfin means the docker image jellyfin/jellyfin. In fact, the container based on your docker image can't get any episodes' images (not just a few) and keep throwing errors "MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: ffmpeg image extraction failed for file" and “MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.EpisodeMetadataService: Error in Screen Grabber”. When using the docker image jellyfin/jellyfin with same version 10.7.6 don't come across this problem. I even try setting the same parameters and passing the same config, cache, media folders for both of them, while the original jellyfin works fine, your jellyfin still pops out the same errors. Can you help me with that?
  10. Hi, thx your excellent work! I'm using the verson 10.7.6. But I've met some problems recently that I can't get the images of episodes. Metadata seems ok and the original jellyfin also works properly. Log is attached below, can you help me fix the problems? Thx a lot! new 2.txt
  11. Actually, this issue is similar to the post beside the reverting thing, maybe he didn't change the default settings. I guessthis issue might be ralative to the array or the docker service or both. I'm still during my trial, after each unsafe power cycle, the connection to the offical certification server is somehow later than normal (also the network is not stable in my area), same with the array, thus the VM manager won't start automatically trigering some bugs to revert the settings. Or docker service is boot up earlier than VM service, I also notice when manually start the service after power failure there might be chance unabling to do that, it said "libvirt.img is in use". Turns out, a docker container called "jellyfin" is using it, but I have never passed the libvirt.img folder to docker. So the whole thing is quite weird to me.
  12. Also, this issue don't pop up with every power failure, it would happen after 1 or 2 constant unsafe power cycles.
  13. hi, after re-config the VM manager's settings re-add the vm and restart the array, the diagnostics is also attached below unraid-mini-diagnostics-20210825-0016.zip
  14. thx for your reply, UPS is indeed a need, but I want to make the system more stable and less bugs. diagnostic below is after the power failure unraid-mini-diagnostics-20210824-2354.zip
  15. hi, I'm still during my trials but there are some problems with the vm manager. I've set the VM manager like this but after each unsafe power cycle (like power failure), the VM manager won't automatically start and all the configs of it will be set to default, like this why it happened? and how to fix it?
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