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  1. Bit of a feature request, but is there any way possible to aggregate the notifications for Docker container updates? It would be considerably more UX friendly to have a single notification saying something like "16 Docker containers have pending updates" instead of 16 notifications popping up on the right that I have to keep hitting "Close Notifications" over and over for. Thanks for the wonderful plugin!
  2. Seems like I wound up updating from the older version to the newer today and had to set up the various settings and all this morning, which was fine. However I have several Docker containers that mount at /mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd, which I don't have any reason to back up. I figured I could just add that directory to the global exclusions, but when I started a manual backup and it got to the first container which included that directory, it did not include the message about that particular folder matching an exclusion and included it in the calculated volumes to be backed up. Only when I aborted and then added the exclusion to each container exclusion individually did it then note that it was not going to back them up.
  3. Yeah, having looked over the logs, I saw nothing that gave any implication of intrusion. It seemed more like a core FS was out of space which was causing a cascade effect of weirdness. The Avahi messages are all normal as well, it was just setting up mDNS listeners on your various networks.
  4. Having an issue with a virtiofs share on a debian machine where, when attempting to checkout a repository for git, it fails every time with the error Cloning into 'app'... remote: Enumerating objects: 265423, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (4860/4860), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1261/1261), done. remote: Total 265423 (delta 3750), reused 4510 (delta 3498), pack-reused 260563 Receiving objects: 100% (265423/265423), 508.88 MiB | 10.80 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (195111/195111), done. fatal: failed to read object 62f9e4fb63e2fc6be70d98e4dcf158a735a00bf9: Stale file handle fatal: remote did not send all necessary objects Simply changing the share from virtiofs to 9p and updating my fstab resolves the issue, of course at the cost of performance, however development /mnt/development virtiofs rw,relatime 0 0 EDIT On a hunch, since this share that does not explicitly have any benefit from being backed up, I changed it to being an exclusive share. Issue is now resolved, performance is good. I'm guessing since it wasn't an exclusive share (cache primary, array secondary), as the files were getting created in /mnt/user/development they were getting shifted over to /mnt/cache/development and the references were stale.