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  1. Check my previous comment, after hours upon hours of troubleshooting I found out the culprit is my hypervisor (ESXI). Hopefully this helps some of you.
  2. This was the solution for me! Thanks. Edit.. I was too soon with my answer. This wasn't it. For me the problem seems to be solved after accessing the disk in Unraid and clicking through the tabs: It seems that after doing this, the drives don't start up anymore. If this is really the solution, then this is definitely a bug in Unraid and should be patched. It is now 17:00 and the disk hasn't spun up yet, so this seems to be it...? I also tried the following to solve it, but to no avail: move docker .img to SSD clean up shares play around with Tunable (poll_attributes) values remove Unassigned Devices plugin (and reinstall after concluding it didn't have any effect) sign out of unraid server plugin remove NERD Pack plugin install scrutiny docker app stop docker entirely stop part of some docker apps (i.e. Plex) stopping all cron jobs disabling SMB on the shares that use the drives that are constantly spinning up Hope this helps some of you. Again: if this really is the case, then please devs, fix it! Edit 20-aug, the saga continues.... Look like I finally find the culprit. My Unraid is running as a VM in ESXI. ESXI uses smart daemon every 30 minutes. After disabling the smart daemon using command: /etc/init.d/smartd stop the polling stopped! Problem solved!
  3. @Waseh Yeah, I updated the XML script and changed the DNS server to my local Pi-hole address and problem solved after installing. Thanks for heading me in the right direction.
  4. @Waseh I've tried removing and reinstalling without succes before.. I'll try adding a rule to the pihole, that might be it. Tnx so far!
  5. Hey y'all, After installing rclone plugin on Unraid, I get this message when opening Rclone in settings menu: Any idea how to fix this? I'm trying to set up a sync for my Google Photos.
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