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Everything posted by nGran

  1. Ok, yea that was the problem. i updated to 6.11.4 and it is resolved. Thanks a lot for the help, you saved me so much time
  2. lol if that is the problem it will be super fail form unraid side. I updated few weeks ago, and literally after the reboot was done, one of my nvme ssd drives stopped working, I just assumed that it is coincidence, and the drive just died for unrelated reason, but maybe it was not. Anyway, thanks for the info, I did not know there is even newer versions, i will try 6.11.4 and if it dose not resolve it, i may try with reverting to something older. Hope no other issues will come from this.
  3. So, the situation is the following: for 1 year, i had this configuration working perfectly: one 6TB HDD for parity two 6TB HDDs for data. I just bought two new 6TB drives, and wanted to add them to the array as data drives so i will get one disk for parity and 4 for data. After adding the hardware to the server i added them "disk 3" and "disk 4" slots in the array. (I did not run pre-clear or something like that, but directly added them) It took some time to update the parity, and i got to the following place: As i understand that is expected, because now the parity drive includes what is on the two brand new drives, but there is no file system on them. So i go and run the format on the bottom of the page. Format starts, page refreshes. and few seconds later i am back to square 1, like i never clicked the format button. when i opened the console, i see this: I did try this several times and with the same result. I restarted the server and still the same thing. I have try to start the array in maintenance mode and format it like that, still same thing. While reading around i found out about "unassigned devices" plugin and tried several things with it as well. I stopped the array and removed one of the drives and using "unassigned devices" ran pre-clear. it was perfectly fine, no errors. I added it back to the array and waited around 8hours for the parity to finish rebuilding. when trying to format i get the same problem. I have also tried to run the "erase" command from "unassigned devices" on one of the drives, but same result. I have also tried to format it using "unassigned devices" but there i am not sure what is going on, because after page refreshes, i get no messages, but also the "FS" column for the drives is empty, so i have the impression that it did nothing. Anyway, after i added it back, still same as before. if i was adding only one drive, i can assume that it is broken out of the box, but what is the chance both new drives to be broken? i have the feeling that i am not doing something correct here. I need to save the data on my original two drives, but the new ones i do not care, they never had any file system on them, let alone data. I was thinking if i start from scratch (let say new install of Unraid, or somehow new config for the actual array) can i keep my data from my original two drives as well? Of course i prefer to fix this one if possible, but i have already spend almost 4 days testing different ideas i find, so what is 2 days setupping Unraid from scratch Diagnostics file attached. diagnostics-20221120-1451.zip
  4. I just had the same issue, and the fix work, but i have a question. Why we need to do this? Is there any reason why unraid is not detecting that the hardware is no longer installed, and ignore the setting. They can even provide us with some warning message on start, but outright preventing us from starting the VM dose not sound useful for me, but maybe some of you know a good reason for that.
  5. It is fixed Ok, RiDDiX, asking me about this "multifunction" feature made me look in the VM xml and i noticed that i have 3 items as hostdev (GPU, the audio that is onboard the GPU, and one USB controller, that i pass to the VM for mouse and keyboard). While trying to understand how dose the "multifunction" work, i just removed the USB controller, and windows booted. Returning the USB, broke the boot again. So as i can see it, there something that was breaking between the USB controller and the GPU sound card. So i decided to test with some settings. I changed the "USB Controller" from "2.0 EHCI" to "3.0 (qemu XHCI)" and all worked. No idea why the problem was not showing after fresh install of windows, but at least now it works.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I added this config, but no result. Most of the config was already the same, but i have copy/pasted it to be sure. If you have other suggestions i will appreciate it.
  7. Hey Econaut, Did you manage to resolve you issue? I have the same type of problem with my windows 10 Vm. I am using Nvidia Rtx 3070, and all was fine and running well, video and audio passthrough, until one day I was not able to start my vm. I got stuck in the boot loading spinner, and that is it. I try doing many things, than resorted to reinstall the vm. That fixed it... For few days, than I got the same problem. After I remove the sound card passthrough from the vm config, all works well (except I do not have audio). Turning it back on, breaks the booting again. I kind of think there is something wrong on driver level, and that some of the windows updates breaks it, but no idea how I can verify. Dose anyone have suggestions?
  8. In general I agree with @Frank1940 that for most cases the file managers of OS's are better. That said, some times, I just need to upload small file to a share that is not exposed to the network (via SMB). Things like some icon image or small text file. Also if I change the shares SMB settings, that will interrupt any activity on any other shares (for example file copy). So I believe having that ability will be very useful.
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