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Everything posted by Panseman

  1. Well..., it does not work (The server does not start-up), The IP that you can use with multihome needs to be a valid interface adress. https://github.com/arkmanager/ark-server-tools/issues/855
  2. Thats all i found, and here its mentioned as -Multihome
  3. OH, thats Genius, where did you get that parameter from, ive looked through the wiki etc and it isnt mentioned anywhere.
  4. @ich777 any idea, how you could achieve that ? Sadly im not that linux savvy. If you dont, which distro did you use as image for the gameserver?
  5. Turns out it was the right guess, i re-enabled the Port-Forwarding on my private router for one server and it instantly showed up .......
  6. Which would lead to the Question, can i fake the VPS-IP to the docker, so that it thinks its running on the VPS, therefore offering the right IP in the connection manager.
  7. Jup, but that gives me an idea. I created a Connection proxy recently on a cheap vps, to hide my IP-Address from people watching Plex, connecting to gameserver etc. The Connection itself works flawlessly and you can connect through it to the server. But what if the Docker checks what the Public IP of the machine is its running on and tries to offer that IP in the Cluster manager. But Because on my IP is NO required Port-Forwarding for the Server, only on the proxy, nothing shows up in the Cluster-Manager.
  8. Okay, we did a lot of troubleshooting and all the Server know, that they are in a cluster (They all write Data to the same Clusterfolder, which is named after the id, which is only specified once in the gameparams) and you can upload Creatures and Items/download them. But you cant transfer with you character to another clusterserver. Its extremely weird
  9. Or was anything changed in the docker itself ? I think there were two updates since i last played
  10. Yeah it is, to speed up things i always start up one container, let it update the game, then start the second instance with validation set to true, let it validate and then start the last one.
  11. Here is my config The whole config of GameParams: ?Port=7781?QueryPort=27037?MaxPlayers=10?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=27027 The whole config of ExtraGameParams: -server -log -automanagedmods -clusterid=xyz -ClusterDirOverride=/serverdata/serverfiles/clusterfiles -NoTransferFromFiltering -crossplay The ClusterID and Passwords are for obvious reasons not the real ones And when changing the ClusterID and starting up a docker no new clusterfolder for that id gets created
  12. Hi @ich777, I had an ARK-Cluster (3-Container) running until 4 Months ago. Me and my friend then paused and wanted to continue today. But after starting up the Servers again, it is impossible to transfer between servers (as if Ark doesn't recognize its in a cluster). So i rechecked my config and everything seems fine (same clusterid, the clusterfolder exists and is mapped to the servers) So according to the Post of @Cyd It should be up and running, as it was 4 months ago. Any ideas, what i am missing ?
  13. I have Connected a Ubuntu Server 20.04 VPS with a LAN-to-LAN Connection in Wireguard to my Unraid Server. The VPS is reverse-proxying various Gameservers and Plex via iptables. So now you can connect to the Gameservers/Plex via the public IP of the VPS and port x. The Only Problem is, that in Plex and the Gameserver Dockers each client now gets the same IP: The Adress of the Wireguard Tunnel. So now the question is, if there a way to pass the IP of the connecting client (for example a Plex app with the IP to the Unraid machine through the Wireguard Tunnel, so that Plex can differentiate between clients.
  14. Just as a heads up, in case someone else wanted to try something like me: Its partially working now. Everything is reach- and routeable through a Lan-to-Lan connection from my Unraid Server to the VPS and vice verse except for Devices in my LAN like my own PC etc. Due to the VPS having only a private IPV6-Adress, which is disabled in my router for various reasons. Which therefore makes it impossible to route the traffic of other network devices correctly.
  15. My Plan is to use a Ubuntu Server 20.04 VPS as a reverse proxy for various gameservers/Plex and other stuff to mask my IP. What i gathered on reddit and other forums is, that it is definitely possible by setting up Wireguard on Unraid and the VPS as LAN-To-LAN. So far i got everything setup and the VPS is able to ping my server, but ONLY my server. No Docker with a custom IP or any other device in my network. (Host access is enabled) I think the problem is caused by the Static Routing tables. Or to be more precise by the VPS which has no private IP-Address. like none at all. It has a public one, which is configured as the "private" IP of the network interface (A 93.xxx Adress is in no private range) and that's it (see the output below for reference). Do i really need Lan-to-Lan Access or is Remote Access to LAN enough to host a reverse Proxy on a VPS ? And if LAN-to-LAN is the real-deal is the routing really the culprit, or am i missing something ? Any help would be appreciated i already wasted 8 hours on research. ifconfig -a ens192: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet 93.90.xxx.xxx netmask broadcast 93.90.xxx.xxx inet6 fe80::250:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link> ether 00:50:mm:mm:mm:mm txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 23690 bytes 3395454 (3.3 MB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 20433 bytes 3698928 (3.6 MB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536 inet netmask inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host> loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback) RX packets 120 bytes 9704 (9.7 KB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 120 bytes 9704 (9.7 KB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
  16. I added a new Disk to my Array. After Formatting, i tried to copy Data over with Krusader. But the HDD didnt mount correctly and after moving approx 23GB of Data i got the Error-Message not enough space left. Trying to fix it, i restarted the array, which solved the "not enough space left" error message but created the Error in Fix-Common Problems. Rootfs file is getting full (currently 100 % used) And now the 23 GB are nowhere to be found. How can i access them again ? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. thank god, the v6.9.2 option worked after a restart and reinstallation of the ssd
  18. After an power outage my nvme Cache drive with btrfs filesystem is unmountable and throws the error root: mount: /mnt/cache: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/nvme0n1p1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. Is there any way to save the data ?
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