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  1. Perfect, this worked like a charm. I was worried that upon restart of the container it would overwrite ValheimPlus due to a version mismatch. Thanks!
  2. @ich777 We're running ValheimPlus with your container but it looks like, based on Releases · Grantapher/ValheimPlus (github.com), only the alpha version of ValheimPlus works with the latest release of Valheim. I looked but I didn't see an obvious way to have the container install a different version/branch of ValheimPlus and it's just installing the stable version. Is there some config I can update to have it install the alpha version? Thanks! ------------------------------------------- Using following repository for ValheimPlus: Orga./User: Grantapher Repository: ValheimPlus ------------------------------------------- ---ValheimPlus Version Check--- ---ValheimPlus v0.9.9.16 up-to-date--- ---Server ready--- ---Starting Backup daemon--- ---Update check deprecated!--- ---Start Server--- ---with Valheim Plus---
  3. I use Edge and it puts my Unraid dashboard tab to sleep and I haven't had any UI/dashboard issues as a result of this, they have all been related to IPv6 being enabled. When I click the dashboard tab in Edge it does a bit of a fast-forward before showing the real-time updates which is odd but it has never caused any problems. This is with Unraid 6.12.2.
  4. Correct, if you want to temporarily test. This is not the official method. Yup, disabling IPv6 needs to be done via the UI and not by manual overrides. I simply did this to confirm disabling IPv6 resolved the issue (and it did) before stopping all services and disabling IPv6 via UI (which I also did after testing).
  5. No, that is generated by /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx as part of starting nginx, if you remove the lines from servers.conf then the rc script will add them back and nginx will error that it can't assign the requested address and fail to start.
  6. I was having the same problem as well with the webUI dashboard updates stopping after less than a minute and nginx hanging after a day or two, then having to manually kill nginx processes. I temporarily disabled IPv6 via sysctl settings and removed the ::1 references in rc.nginx, restarted nginx, and everything has been working perfectly ever since. When I get a chance, I'll properly disable IPv6 in the Unraid settings and reboot (My ISP's IPv6 support comes and goes and currently I have it disabled on my router so I might as well disable it correctly/permanently in Unraid as well). Glad to finally know a work-around.
  7. If I'm understanding your issue correctly, I had the same problem. The issue is... 2022-03-05 00:53:08 information: number of days to keep backups set to indefinitely. If you set the number of backups to keep to N but leave the number of days to keep backups as "0" then the logic fails and you end up with old image files being left behind. This should be considered a bug, if number of backups is set but number of days to keep isn't set or is set to 0 then the script should be smart enough to only use one of those values. I have backups run daily and set number of backups to keep and number of days to keep backups both to "7" and that has fixed my issue with old images being left behind.