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Everything posted by leverule

  1. 感谢提点!!原来优盘也能当阵列盘。终于可以把我N100小主机的ssd解放出来做缓存盘了,这下所有文件夹开启Exclusive access,实测千兆smb拷贝时的cpu占用从40%降到8%,舒服了~~期待以后去掉必须有一个阵列盘的限制,真的太奇怪了(缓存盘才能开Exclusive access,没阵列盘添加不了缓存盘,ssd单独做阵列盘据说没有trim功能) 另外请问zfs可以用作冷备大仓库,让所有盘都休眠吗,计划把家里12500主力UNRAID升级到ZFS,再直通一个盘给群晖放热数据
  2. 卧槽,我也是all in one ,之前也发现容器拿不到v6,还以为是爱快的问题……也没仔细看楼主的问题,今天尝试重启docker 服务,果真如此 等等试一下楼上的方法
  3. 请问有办法了吗,我也是all in one,路由没启动前,docker获取不到图标...
  4. Description: The docker page tab did not open and did not respond when closing the system. Operation process: My server has been working properly for about a day. At first, the docker container "qbittorrent" could not be opened, so I logged in to the unraid web page to investigate the problem and found that the whole docker tab could not be opened, but other docker containers could be used normally, and virtual machines could also Normal use. So I restarted the system, but failed to shut down. Next, I manually turned off the docker function in the settings and succeeded. Plug in the display and try to shut down the system on the web again, but failed. Finally, I pressed the power button to try to turn it off. At this time, the display responded. During the normal shutdown, I also saw the word gui shutdown successfully, but suddenly an error occurred and the system was unresponsive. 12400 MS-Terminator B660M 16gb*2+8gb*2 (Two different brands) matrix-diagnostics-20220618-2140.zip
  5. 同12500,我是部分4k 265 解码一直卡住转圈,正在想办法直通核显给win10搭plex
  6. 谢谢,之前已经按照这个设置。参考楼上,把docker的线程设置去掉之后,经过几天的观察,cpu占用率恢复正常啦
  7. 把docker的线程设置去掉之后,恢复正常啦!!
  8. 感谢指点,我当前的序列没有校验盘,qb下载速度10MB/S都能把12500间歇性飙红,这还是只给了qb四个线程,其他没给的线程也会很高占用,我猜测是因为unraid读写性能的问题把?所以在考虑把硬盘直通给虚拟win10跑qb的可行性,unraid只给一个ssd用作虚拟机、docker的存储盘。只有一个ssd缓存盘的情况下无法启动序列,至少得有一个数据盘
  9. 之前看到个帖子,说是unraid不建议ssd做数据盘,fstrim会失效,用做缓存盘则没这个问题。我大概了解了下,就是ssd的存储优化功能吧,容量快满的时候也能保持高速读写。请问现在还有这个问题吗?
  10. 谢谢,不过我把m.2 wifi接口上的乐扩家双口sata转接卡取下来,网口就正常识别了,这板子的m.2 wifi接口只支持CNVio协议的网卡,不知道与这个有关吗
  11. 楼主你好,我也是铭瑄B660M终结者,12400,6.10.1 你的板载网卡驱动正常吗,我新做的unraid优盘,启动时网卡灯不亮,接显示器跑码显示Device "etho" does not exist;Cannot find device "etho",也排除了网线网络问题 我记得新版unraid支持8125B哇
  12. 春节期间有优惠?!请问是挂在官方主页的吗,想在下次优惠的时候入正...