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Everything posted by keith8496

  1. Linus Tech Tips just built the BIG brother to my rig. He's using the same motherboard with a lot more CPU and RAM. I originally got the idea from his 3- and 7-Gamers 1 CPU videos. I've seen enough of his videos to walk into my project knowing it would be like building a race car in my garage. There will be fun and there will be challenges.
  2. @casperse - Short answer is "yes". I was able to pass the NVMEs thru another way and get pretty good performance. I'm not sure what this method is called. It looks like passing thru the raw partitions but it's really the root above the partitions. Using the VirtIO driver yields fast speeds at the expense of CPU cycles. Nice thing about Epyc is that we've got enough cores to afford it. (screenshot attached) I will continue to tinker with passing the bare-metal NVMe thru. I have not been able to pass the bare-metal NVMe controller thru without severe crashes. I was trying to bind them to VFIO and pass them thru like a GPU. I feel like this is an issue with the motherboard or BIOS. Before this board, I was trying to use Supermicro's equivalent. I was able to pass the bare-metal NVMes on the SuperMicro but had to RMA three of them for dead BMCs before getting the AsRockRack ROMED8-2T. The BIOS has a lot of options. It took me a few sessions to get the BIOS dialed in for my workload. It's definitely an enthusiast board. Having said that, I don't think Ryzen 3 requires all the tinkering/optimization that I've read about from Ryzen 1 & 2. I have two of my three GPUs passed thru. I expect the third to work just fine, I just haven't set it up yet. Sometimes I have to disconnect my USB devices to boot after a complete disconnect from power.
  3. I had this same problem installing 7 Days to Die and Satisfactory, but my solution ended up being different. Here was my solution: Wait for steamcmd to enter infinite loop. Stop instance. Enter container console. Navigate to game's steamcmd folder. (i.e. "cd /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/S7DTD/7d2d") Go two folders deeper: "cd package/tmp" Copy contents of this folder down to game's steamcmd folder. "cp -R * ../../" Start instance. Update game. After step 8 steamcmd would correctly install the game and remove that "tmp" folder. In my tinkering I created a copy of steamcmd in "/home/amp/.ampdata/steamcmd". I don't think this has any impact on things. --Keith
  4. ghost82 - Thank you for your help. It seems a little more stable but the whole unRaid host still rebooted when the Windows VM tried to reboot for a Windows update. I crashed it twice. The PCIe hardware error is no longer reported in the System Log. I had the VM log open but nothing was logged at the time of the crash. I may be seeing a pattern emerge that I can reboot the Windows VM once, but crash on second reboot. Maybe a coincidence. Here are a few other error messages I see in System Log. I assumed they aren't related. I am attaching a full Diagnostics report. Thanks, -Keith superkserv-diagnostics-20220507-1036.zip
  5. Hello, I am trying to create a Windows 10 gaming VM on my unRaid host. The VM is causing the entire host to reboot. This usually occurs when the VM reboots, but it has also happened while installing Windows. Sometimes, but not every time, VM Services > Enable VMs will have switched from "Yes" to "No" after the crash/reboot. Using unRaid 6.10.0-rc2 (using this version for compatibility with AMD-Vendor-Reset plugin) I have uninstalled AMD-Vendor-Reset and physically removed the GPU for troubleshooting. No GPU is passed thru to VM. Only VNC. ROMED8-2T motherboard Epyc 7343 processor Passing thru nvme drive (details below) This motherboard has a ton of BIOS options. I'm thinking there's a BIOS setting that needs changing, but there are a lot of new things in there I haven't heard of. Here is an error message from System Log. It's not always this exact message but it's usually the same theme. PCIe error. Here is my VM config: Here are my IOMMU Groups: Here is my VFIO-PCI Log:
  6. I deleted my original post while ich777 was replying. Sorry for the confusion. I found the vendor-reset discord channel and moved my question there. It seemed more appropriate. ich777 - Thank you for your quick reply, and thank you for all of your contributions to the community. I have connected LAN and VGA to the BMC. I have tried different cables. I typically use IPMI over the dedicated LAN port. I don't have a serial cable but ordered a new one this weekend. The motherboard has an LED that flashes to indicate that the BMC/IPMI is working. That light dies with the BMC. I did open a ticket with Supermicro. We tried some troubleshooting but did not resolve the issue. I have returned all three failed motherboards to Newegg. A person on reddit suggest that I RMA directly with Supermicro so that they can determine if there's a firmware issue or something like that.
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