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Everything posted by gfjardim

  1. S.M.A.R.T. status becomes unavailable if the script can't detect your controller properly. Do you mind sharing your server configuration and which controller is hosting your disk?
  2. Yep, we can say they "run in the background".
  3. While the serial of that disk is registered in the super.dat file, you can't start a preclear on it. There are two solutions to preclear an array disk: 1) If you have a valid array, you can retire a disk by living its slot empty and then starting the array. Your disk serial will be erased from super.dat file and you can then start a preclear session; 2) If you want to preclear multiple array disks, you have to go to Tools > New Config and erase your super.dat file. This will result in your parity data being invalid, but if you want to erase multiple disks, that's inevitable. As for your other question, I do run 3 cycles on my disks. The limit is 5 cycles, but you can start a new preclear after that. If you can wait some time, 5 cycles should be more than enough.
  4. Any problems or doubts, don't hesitate to ask!
  5. Just install and start using.
  6. Just borked it in the last update. Just baking a new one, please try to update in 10 minutes.
  7. Yes, it is, but you have to restart it from the unRAID webui.
  8. I moved it because it's a tool and not a setting, and it's not being integrated into unRAID.
  9. Hi. Joe L. wrote the first preclear script and it's great, but he is too busy so some bugs are not being patched and some functionality is lacking (like notifications, for an example). I tried to incorporate those for him, edited the script and submitted, but got no answer. He didn't authorize me to distribute his plugin, so users need to download it by themselves. Because of that, I wrote another one, with a clearer interface, so it can be distributed alongside with this plugin. The major reason to use my script over his is basically support. If you found an error in my script, I'll promptly fix it and release an update. Joe L. script needs to be manually patched from time to time. Other reasons are notifications (if that is important to you) and performance. But in the end it's your choice to use one or the other.
  10. Only those started by the plugin.
  11. [glow=red,2,300]UPDATE:[/glow] ###2016.09.26b - Fix: not loading information if /boot/preclear_reports directory doesn't exist
  12. Thanks a lot for helping me debug this! [glow=red,2,300]UPDATE:[/glow] 2016.09.25 - Fix: utempter depencency not installed - Add: "Answer Yes" button on Joe L. script if needed. - Add: preclear command to show status on shell
  13. What is the output of this command? tmux ls|awk 'BEGIN { FS=":" } /^preclear_disk/ {print $1}'|while read i; do tmux capture-pane -t "$i" && tmux show-buffer | sed '/^$/{:a;N;s/\n$//;ta}'; done
  14. I tried here and can't reproduce. Could you post what you see when you hit Preview (the eye icon)? I just reinstalled the plugin from scratch to make sure it was up to date. I don't see an eye icon / preview button in the plugin interface. (Maybe i'm looking in the wrong spot?) I assume the eye icon appears once the script has started. I'm running 6.2 btw, and using the interface under tools -> Preclear Like this:
  15. Certainly appears so... gfjardim must have also forgotten to update the template with <MinVer> so the app won't show up in CA, and the changelog within the .plg file, and the threads, and the OP At least he gave you a week before deprecating the plugin for some reason on 6.1.x I was in a hurry and didn't try to make this work under 6.1.9. There are some mismatch in dependencies versions that I can't easily resolve. I'll try to fix this in the next release. I tried here and can't reproduce. Could you post what you see when you hit Preview (the eye icon)?
  16. Please update and see if last update helps.
  17. [glow=red,2,300]UPDATE:[/glow] ###2016.09.23a - Fix: script error appearing if SMART is not available ###2016.09.23 - Add: show reports of listed disks in the webui; - Fix: page scrolling while updating; - Fix: make link point to Tools; - Fix: increase disk column width; - Fix: better script report.
  18. Nope, OSX is trying to open the report as an executable; open the file using TextEdit instead.
  19. the one (and there is now only one) available via Community Applications plugin. I see a dropdown for "script" and two options: Joe L. and gfjardim. Should I not be seeing those both? Now there's only one plugin, but you can choose the original preclear script (wrote by Joe L.) and mine. This option only appears if you put the original script in /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/ .
  20. I'll investigate this soon. It affects the report output to the flash only. Enviado de meu SM-N910C usando Tapatalk
  21. Unified PreClear script? Well it handls all the scripts, assuming they have been patched. Pity it can't do the patch, save a patched copy (temporarly) and use that. One other note, if you start it up, then decide to kill it (red X), on the Unassigned Devices Tab it shows it stopped, but it you try to start it again, the actually plug in page shows it still running and you can't start it again, have to reboot the server to clear it. Unassigned Devices is only able to clear the current status, not stop a running preclear. I'll talk to dlandon and will integrate them, letting a preclear to be started/stopped from UD. Actually, much of the needed code is already in place. Now I must have the time. Enviado de meu SM-N910C usando Tapatalk
  22. No worries, I know the feeling, was just so rattling that it just was such an drastic change, like I said I got it running now... but that was a serious suggestion, revise the OP with the CURRENT information and links and tips, lot to search thru and gets frustrating at times good work none the less. +1 And maybe tweak the name of the plugin a little to differentiate between the various versions. Just an idea. Now it's just one plugin that handles all the scripts. Enviado de meu SM-N910C usando Tapatalk
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