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Everything posted by gfjardim

  1. [glow=red,2,300]Crashplan Docker container[/glow] As of Feb 15, 2016 the Crashplan and Crashplan-Desktop containers have been merged, and an RDP client is no longer necessary. You can ignore the first 45 pages or so of comments in this thread, as they pertain to the older setup. [glow=red,2,300]Existing Users - How to Upgrade[/glow] To upgrade from an older version: Go to the Docker tab Click on the CrashPlan-Desktop docker icon and choose Remove Click the Crashplan docker icon and hit Edit Ensure it is set to Host mode, or be prepared to add/modify the ports Click the button for Advanced View Change the WebUI field to: http://[iP]:[PORT:4280]/vnc.html?autoconnect=true&host=[iP]&port=[PORT:4280] Change the description field to: With unlimited, set-it-and-get-at-it backup to multiple destinations, plus anywhere, anytime access to ALL your files, CrashPlan is the simplest, surest way to protect your digital life.[br][br] [b][span style='color: #E80000;']Notes:[/span][/b][br][br] [*]The web interface is usually hosted on port 4280; if you need to change it, please enable the Advanced View, edit the [b]WEB_PORT[/b] variable and the [b]WebUI[/b] field accordingly. Hit Save [glow=red,2,300]New Users - How to Install[/glow] It is probably easiest to install the Community Applications plugin first, then go to the Apps tab and search for Crashplan. Add the CrashPlan app (not CrashPlan-Desktop) by gfjardim. Alternatively, you can go to the Docker tab, choose Docker Repositories, add "https://github.com/gfjardim/docker-containers/tree/templates" to your list of repositories, switch back to the Docker Containers tab, choose Add Container and select gfjardim -> Crashplan. Map the /config container volume to the appropriate place on your host system, such as /mnt/cache/appdata/crashplan/ . Be sure the appdata share is set to "cache only". Map /data (or /mnt) on the container side to /mnt on the host side. Note that whatever path you input on the container side will be the path you access from within the CrashPlan app. Hit Save [glow=red,2,300]How to access the CrashPlan interface[/glow] Using a web browser: Go to the Docker tab, click the CrashPlan docker icon and choose WebUI. Using a stand-alone VNC client: Configure your favorite VNC client to connect to your tower's IP address on port 4279. Using a the CrashPlan interface on another computer: This should still be possible, although there isn't much a need for it. If someone wants to write up instructions I can link to it from here. [glow=red,2,300]Q & A[/glow] Q) Do I need to setup an SSH tunnel to use this container? A) No. See the section above titled "How to access the CrashPlan interface" Q) By default, the web interface is on port 4280. Can I change that? A) Go to the Docker tab, click the CrashPlan icon, and choose Edit. Enable the Advanced view. Add a variable named WEB_PORT and input the desired port. Q) By default, the VNC interface is on port 4279. Can I change that? A) The VNC port will always be one less than the web interface port. Q) Can I protect the web/VNC client with a password? A) Go to the Docker tab, click the CrashPlan icon, and choose Edit. Enable the Advanced view. Add a variable named VNC_PASSWD and input the desired password. Q) Where can I get general help with CrashPlan? A) See the official CrashPlan manual Q) Can I backup my unRAID flash drive using CrashPlan? A) Yes. Go to the Docker tab, click the CrashPlan icon, and choose Edit. Map /flash on the containter side to /boot on the host side. Then in the CrashPlan interface, configure it to backup the /flash directory. Note: your disk configuration is stored in /flash/config/super.dat. If you ever restore this file from backup, be certain you are restoring the latest version. Restoring this file will likely trigger a parity check when the system boots. Q) Can another computer backup to my unRAID array? A) Yes, but you need to configure CrashPlan to store backups on the array and not in the docker image! You may want to create a new share specifically for this - "CrashplanTower" for example. Load the CrashPlan interface on unRAID and go to Settings -> General. Configure the "Inbound backup from other computers" option. Set the "Default backup archive location" to something on your array, such as the CrashplanTower share. If you mapped /mnt to /mnt earlier, the path would be /mnt/user/CrashplanTower/ Go to the Friends area and set the default location for each friend as well. See this page for additional help configuring the default locations. Then configure the other computer to backup to your unRAID system. You could also configure a friend's computer to backup to yours. Note that you cannot backup a backup. Q) Can I backup key files on my array to a local folder? A) Yes, in the CrashPlan interface go to Destinations -> Folders and configure a local folder. You can use /mnt/user/CrashplanTower if you created that in the previous example. Then create a new backup set and configure it to use that destination. Q) Why is Crashplan storing backups in my docker.img? A) A few possibilities: First, see the previous two questions to be sure you have configured Crashplan properly. If you are trying to backup to a share on your array, ensure there are not two versions of the same share. Captialization matters! i.e. having both CrashplanTower and crashplantower will cause problems. If you are trying to backup to a drive that was mounted by the Unassigned Devices plugin, go to Settings -> Docker and disable/enable Docker. Dockers are unable to access drives that were mounted after the Docker service was started. Alternatively, you can add this script to automate that. Q) How can I increase the amount of RAM available to CrashPlan? A) Read this help page to diagnose random crashes and see if increasing the memory available to CrashPlan will help. If you mapped your /config folder as suggested above, the logs will be available under \\tower\appdata\crashplan\log Tip - This is not confirmed, but you may need less RAM if you split your backup into multiple backup sets. Q) How can I add CrashPlan client to a reverse proxy's subdirectory? A) For a Nginx reverse proxy, you can use the following configuration: location /crashplan/ { rewrite ^/crashplan/$ /crashplan/vnc.html?autoconnect=true&host=$server_name/crashplan/&port=443 permanent; proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; } [glow=red,2,300]Known Issues[/glow] Some people have reported that if they use Chrome and have a touch screen, they can't manage Crashplan using their mouse (just their touchscreen). The solution is to use a different browser or a stand-alone VNC client. There seems to be a conflict with the MythTv docker. OP by ljm42.
  2. It seems perfect to me! I'm eager to test it, you can count on a tester here.
  3. Really a bit off topic, bu have anyone tried this iStarUSA enclosure? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816215246&cm_re=istarusa_trayless-_-16-215-246-_-Product They are trayless with a 80mm fan, seems really solid.
  4. Some Seagate drives are well known for reporting wrong temperature measures, maybe that's one of them.
  5. Where are you, PeterB? WiredZone (www.wiredzone.com) is a Supermicro retailer that ships to a lot of countries around the globe, and they sell those CSE-M35T-1 for US$ 102.
  6. Any card with the LSI 2008 chipset, I guess.
  7. Thanks PeterB! Would be good to see an AHCI compliant 8 port HBA too...
  8. Maybe the chipset used in this card? http://www.supermicro.com/products/accessories/addon/AOC-SAS2LP-MV8.cfm
  9. I've found this about the AOC-USAS2-L8i fitting:
  10. Can you post some pictures of the card installed into the server? Okay, I can do ... but be warned that it's installed without a backplate fitted at the moment. It's now past midnight, so I'll get my camera out in the morning. Thank you, PeterB, because I want to understand what did you said by "swap the backplate or use spacers" in:
  11. Can you post some pictures of the card installed into the server?
  12. The statement was made to the SAS2008 controller, the 1068E cards like BR10i run in x4.
  13. The controller itself should run in 1x and 4x, but the card implementation can avoid this.
  14. Rajahal, have you tested the SASLP for it true max speed? Here the max combined speed I could messure was less than 600MB/s.
  15. Wiredzone have them for $135,00: http://www.wiredzone.com/Supermicro-AOC-USAS2-L8i-8-port-6Gb-s-UIO-SAS2-Internal-Raid-Card~10019504~0.htm Seems a very nice card indeed!
  16. No, we have socialized services like education and health care, not socialized economy. Taxes are high, but it's our choice to universalize these kind of public services, so we have to pay for them. Hum, I fell uncomfortable with these 60mm fans, seem not a very efficient way of cooling drives, but I like trayless design.
  17. Userpaul, where did you get those sata power cables? Ps: very nice job, this case is a monster!
  18. I've done a addon: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=7248.0
  19. What's the difference between Hamachi and OpenVPN? I may be able to develop a plugin as soon as v5 is out, but need to know what to implement, and what users want and need. Now I have OpenVPN running fully functional with custom kernel, but should be possible to distribute the needed kernel modules with the plugin.
  20. It's a shame that those gorgeous 5-in-3 trayless backplanes only have two 60mm fans, instead of a single 80mm or 92mm fan. It's a deal breaker to me, since the medium temperature here where I live in Brazil is 22ºC with some peaks of 38~40ºC at the end of the year (summer in south hemisphere). :'(
  21. guiri, what about the hard drives temps? Isn't those 6mm fans loud?
  22. Rajahal, I'll be able to reach this limit without the use of any 5-in-3 modules. I've just updated the [iurl=http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=2031.msg64832#msg64832]topic above[/iurl].
  23. It has thirteen 5.25" external bays, so I can put four 5-in-3 modules for a total of 20 drives and still have one bay to other drive, but I'm tired of having trouble with these hot-swap modules, since my two Norco SS-500 have faulty SATA connectors on the backplane that oddly results in error messages at the syslog.
  24. Rajahal, just changed the images host!
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