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Everything posted by PierreT

  1. I am trying to write a script to rsync from another server. I want to schedule the script without using any argument. However I would like to have the options to add arguments when run in Foreground. The intent is that the script would rsync new files without deleting files that have been deleted on the source server, but from time to time I can run the script in foreground passing the --delete or --dry-run flag. I created that simple test script: #!/bin/bash #argumentDescription=Useful options: --delete --dry-run -v --stats --progress #argumentDefault= echo aaaa echo arguments: $@ echo aaaa When I run the script in foreground, the box popup with the "useful options" message and an empty arguments text box. If I enter an argument, it works as intended and echo the argument. If I leave the box empty, nothing happens. I don't get any popup page showing that the script gets executed. It runs as expected in background. I tried removing the "#argumentDefault=" line, and I get the same behavior. Ideas?
  2. Maybe I missed it, but is there any way to create a new file? A button that would allow to open an empty text editor?
  3. I was running some test yesterday and notice that the override file is generated in the plugin directory even if the indirect file is pointing to another directory. Any reasons for this? It would be nice to have the files in the same place as it would make it possible to keep the files in GIT. Alternatively, is it possible to create a GIT repo out of /boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects or will I face issues with the fact that it is on the USB drive? I would then put all the static configuration files there as well, e.g.: .../authelia/docker-compose.yml .../authelia/docker-compose.override.yml .../authelia/configuration.yml
  4. I recently updated the plugin and noticed it breaked my ansible workflow. I am using compose.yml. Then found in the release note: I just want to point out that according to the compose spec, the correct naming is now:
  5. Ok, I went back to the docker documentation and unless-stopped should not restart containers when the daemon restart. So Unraid implementation is correct. Not sure why my Ubuntu server restart them though. Thanks!
  6. Is that a limitation on how docker is implemented on Unraid? Other OS I have worked with will stop the containers on reboot, but will not mark them as stopped in docker, unless-stopped being reserved for when a user specifically stops a container.
  7. I am currently running docker containers using docker-compose through ansible. Whenever I reboot Unraid, my containers do not restart automatically. I am using "restart: unless-stopped". I switch one of the container to use "restart: always" and this one starts on reboot. Is there a reason why unless-stopped is not honored?
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