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About lcadmedia

  • Birthday April 1


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Community Answers

  1. Tried this but my windows boot up just takes forever with all CPU cores/threads at 100%; macOS doesn't boot at all, just stuck at 100% cpu usage, and seem to be stuck at booting midway.
  2. Yes, I originally have passed the NVME PCIe controller for macOS but I recently just swapped the OSes and their storages, so I"m using the NVME for Win11 right now, and noticed it rather disappointing especially for Dota 2. Cyberpunk is good though. I think it stutters on Dx11 games with high CPU bound. Also, just realized, I was asking the SCSI for my Sata SSD drive when I first posted it, not for the NVME as you don't to choose a Bus on that.
  3. Gotcha. does it also apply if I passed through the nvme controller? also just to confirm, I dont need to reinstall using scsi, and can just switch the xml from sata to scsi, right?
  4. I can't seem to install windows using SCSI Bus, it wouldn't detect the dedicated SSD Drive. I have to install using sata bus, then when I tried to change it to SCSI after installing, it just wouldn't boot.
  5. Oddly enough, haven't had call traces since then; Also, didn't have crashing issues until today, but I suspect it's because of the S3 Sleep auto inactivity scheduling, even though I'm running win 11 VM and copying files. It doesn't crash when there's no VM running and it goes to sleep, but it tries to go to sleep even when the VM is running, prolly because I have the NVME Controller and/or SSD Drive passed through. So it might be the culprit.
  6. just switched back to macvlan, and the system froze again as soon as the S3 sleep plugin triggered for inactivity. prior to switching (macvlan), the S3 sleep plugin triggered for inactivity twice, and was able to WOL twice, no problem; even went to sleep while the macOS VM was on (not ideal) but system didn't freeze. Will try to use ipvlan a couple more days and see if it freezes or not, then switch back to macvlan. Also, experienced the crashes/freezes after updating to 6.12.9
  7. Thank you. So the instability isn't about macvlan. so Call traces that isn't macvlan is fine? I will try to switch back to macvlan and monitor the sleep activities. hopefully, it was just the faulty flash drive which I had to change.
  8. Yes, Bridging was disabled when I used macvlan, and tried both bonding enabled/disabled. Just enabled bridging today as I have to switch to ipvlan for monitoring; so far, left the server inactive, and S3 triggered the sleep schedule, woke it up through pfsense no problem twice. Though, it might be too little of a time to conclude yet but I got 3 crashes in 2 days, and just so happened when I updated to 6.12.9, might be coincidence, IDK. Just to clarify, disabled Bridging is the setting under "Settings > Network Settings > Enable Bridging = No; Enable Bonding = Yes" , right? Because that's what I've been using for months, though, the Docker Delugevpn, is still set to bridge mode as that is the only option that works properly.
  9. Interesting. Thanks for the info. ipvlan doesn't have call traces on the syslog, does it? I mean does the call trace only show when there's an issue? my syslog server has always been enable way back when switch to ipvlan in 6.10. so you think the instabality might be something else? I really want the macvlan to work because I like to be able to access my dockers while I'm out of town (remote).
  10. Hi, I've had my unraid for about 2 years now (I think), but I've been on ipvlan for the longest time, and switched back to macvlan when 6.11.5 came out and gave the workarounds; also, I couldn't get to my dockers' webgui with ipvlan, as well as WOL doesn't really work with it. I never really noticed random freezes ever since (at least not that I know of) but I haven't put my unraid server to sleep, until recently when I installed S3 Sleep again, since I have pfsense router fully set up already. I also changed my flash drive Last October 2023 to Samsung Bar Plus, but recently got faulty about a few days ago (got the "Unable to enumerate USB Device"); so I changed that. but for the last 2 days, I've gotten 3 random crashes/reboot/freezes. Initially I was thought it was the Dynamix S3 Schedule (inactivity) sleep that was crashing my system, but then I saw some call traces on my syslog. I already ram memtest again since 2 yrs ago, and no errors. Anyone know if this is the macvlan call trace issue or something else? I currently switched to ipvlan to monitor it , and let S3 Schedule to put the system to sleep and see if it crashes. I have my diagnostics uploaded for reference as well.. Thanks for any help. kbnomadserver-diagnostics-20240328-1148.zip
  11. Bought Spaceinvader One's #1 (Recommended) Samsung Bar Fit USB Flash drive last Oct. 2023, it died sometime last week, finally changed it yesterday after having a couple of random freeze/reboot, and noticed getting this everytime I reboot: "Unable to enumerate USB Device"
  12. Hi, I noticed a bug on binhex-plex docker. When I use the Network Type: Custom : Bond0; Accessing the WebUI just outputs [IP]:[PORT:32400] instead of the actual variable value (Fixed IP Address). Any workaround or fix on this?
  13. Hi, How are you guys doing? I'm wondering why I can't seem to access some of my dockers' webUI when it doesn't have the same ip address as my server but the ones with the same ip address as the server + different port, works fine remotely. How can I work around this so that I can access all my dockers remotely when the necessity arises?
  14. How to set to none? I can't set it, the only has 2 options: "Static" and "Automatic"
  15. OIC. good to know. I could agree with the SATA Cable since I just picked this old cable from the office. I guess I should change the cables with bbrand new ones just to make sure. Thank you for the info.
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