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  1. I note that clamscan doesn't have a multithreaded option (other than running it multiple times on different locations) but clamdscane/clamd does. Has anyone tried to run clamd and then use clamdscan with --multiscan (or similar) to speed things up?
  2. I'm seeing the same issue as @Barry Staes on a fresh install. The container installs fine but "/mnt/cache/appdata/clamav" (and /mnt/user/appdata/clamav) is created 755 with owner "nobody" (which has uid 99 in the base unraid OS) and group "users" (which is gid 100). I tried changing the container USER_ID from 99 to 100 and GROUP_ID from 100 to 101 but got same result. I also tried changing to 775 and also chown 100.101 but same error. I ended up chmod'ing "/mnt/cache/appdata/clamav" to 777 which got ClamAV running but it doesn't feel like the right solution.
  3. Looks like 6.11.1 reverted the change: "Restored "NTLMv1 authenication" for incoming SMB connections."
  4. Just hit this problem after upgrading my home system to 6.11.0 and rebooting my Windows machine. Confirmed that changing to "Send NTLMv2 response only" immediately fixed the issue (no reboot of unraid or Windows needed). In case it helps debugging, my Windows 11 Pro PC was set to "Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated" and my other Windows 10 Pro PC was "Not Defined". Neither are on AD, just home "WORKGROUP" For reference, as others above have said: start -> Run -> secpol.msc then Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options -> "Network security: LAN Manager authentication level" Double click and change this and hit OK
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