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Report Comments posted by dopeytree

  1. Not sure if aware but ZFS in the main array is kind of pointless as no bit rot protection. It will let you know there is a problem but cannot fix it (where as zfs pools can).


    You can do ZFS receive tho to receive snapshots from a ZFS pool.

    I keep trying to add this info to the documentation but no one is merging it so..

  2. Valid but equally could just add an option to select a location to store the files. So default is usb but allow a manual setting too.


    A script to delete the old files in the .git could be something like:


    import os
    import datetime
    def clean_folder(folder_path, days_to_keep):
        # Get the current date
        current_date = datetime.datetime.now()
        # Calculate the date threshold
        threshold_date = current_date - datetime.timedelta(days=days_to_keep)
        # Iterate over files in the folder
        for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path):
            file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
            # Check if the file is older than the threshold date
            if os.path.isfile(file_path):
                file_creation_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(file_path))
                if file_creation_time < threshold_date:
                    # If the file is older than the threshold date, delete it
                    print(f"Deleted {file_path}")
    # Specify the folder path to clean and the number of days to keep files
    folder_path = "path/to/your/folder"
    days_to_keep = 7  # Change this to the number of days you want to keep files
    # Call the function to clean the folder
    clean_folder(folder_path, days_to_keep)


    In the future perhaps unraid connect should have a companion app (docker container) and this could be what does the encryption processing in the future for more secure backups. This would then use appdata share to process data.


    Also avoids excess read/writes to the usb stick.

  3. Ok I used the search function for the term 'USB'.


    Perhaps we could make legacy docs a different colour? i.e blue. Not sure how to implement this in docusaurus.


    In either case my usb drive is 2GB which is defined in the up to date documents..


    Anyway the bug is that connect cloud backup is not cleaning up after it's work. 


    I know it has to process some files (to remove any identifiable items) so it was probably the easiest thing to do but after a successful upload it should be removing the files.


    1.25GB is quite alot of wastage.


    This work could probably be done in ram or simpler an option to use one's appdata folder as the default shares are creates for all user.


    i.e the .git folder.

  4. yeah but its been enabled since 6.11


    Is that what the .git folder is for? the usb cloud backup function?

    or is it where a manual click flash backup is generated?


    Is it safe to delete?


    It appears to have lots of small files inside folders. Biggest I can see is 1mb.






    Here's my usb drive. Everything except the .git folder = about 400MB. 

    The .git folder is 1.25GB





  5. I have 2x zfs pools (one is 2x nvme mirror & the ether is 4x 12TB drives in z1) and they have stopped randomly spinning up after following the steps above.


    I also removed zfs master plugin but may add it again. basically if you open the MAIN tab it spins up all zfs drives.


    Hope you get it sorted mate.

    • Stop all your docker containers and then start then 1 by 1 until you find the devil.
    • Check your settings for 'folder caching' 
    • In several cases I found some containers like 'Dash dot' running in privileged caused disk spin up.
    • Also check plex scanning.
    • Install turbo write so not all drives need to spin up to write to parity.
  6. So on my mac it looks like this.


    Power options are the top right.


    On the usb stick's GUI mode you ONLY get username.


    So if one accidentally boots into GUI mode and wanted to reboot how would a noob do that without typing in the crazy secure password manually..


    If we had a nice button for shutdown it would be more user friendly.


    It's minor but a nice to do when someone has the time. 



  7. The login page of the GUI mode (when you boot you can choose normal remote based or boot GUI mode)


    The above screen shot is after login and from the web browser

    I am talking about before any login to the linux desktop thats is available on the usb stick.


    It shows only option of entering a login username. then it changes to a password form.


    I think it should below or above show options for shutdown, restart etc.


    Just so it matches every other computer experience.


    windows, linux, mac etc you get a user name, usually the current time and options for shutdown.





  8. I got this error yesterday and have no idea what caused it as I had not changed anything (apart from updating netdata container & turning turbo off) server had been running for few days.


    All drives good.


    Only noticed it as plex was saying file was not available. 


    Rebooted server and all ok.


    Did we establish the cause & or fix of this error?



  9. Maybe list the dockers you are using. It is almost definitely one of those. 

    I'm now running 3x ZFS pools and have fixed this issue...




    Culprit seems to be Dashdot container that is spinning up the main array and stopping it staying spun down.

    If you edit the container and turn 'privileged' to off it should stop the constant array spinning up.



  10. The spin up is happening with out ZFS master installed so it's something about 6.12.x


    I also removed any ZFS drives from the main array so now the only ZFS drives are SSD caches. and 1 of those pools spins down (standby for ssd). so it's some but to do with 6.12.x and the main array.


    Possibly something built into the OS? It's not something that shows up in disk activity or open files.


    However I do also notice that my hard drive lights are not lining up showing data access so perhaps the drives are not spun up but are showing as spun up??


    Would expect the UPS usage to be lower though if the array drives were spun down...


    It happens with & without the cache plugin installed.


    It also happens if plex is stopped.




    Open Files shows this below. Apologies not sure how to print a better output. Can't see any array activity!?


    php-fpm	313	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    qemu-system-x86	1156	KILL	3	2	/mnt/cache-zfs/isos
    php-fpm	3555	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    php-fpm	5163	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    php-fpm	5164	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    dockerd	7964	KILL	23	18	/var/lib/docker/buildkit/cache.db
    containerd	8131	KILL	2	1	/var/lib/docker/containerd/daemon/io.containerd.metadata.v1.bolt/meta.db
    unraid-api	8359	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/bin/unraid-api (working directory)
    php-fpm82	10207	KILL	2	2	/config/log/php/error.log
    php	10208	KILL	1	1	/config/www/app.sqlite
    nginx	10211	KILL	2	2	/config/log/nginx/access.log
    nginx	10336	KILL	2	2	/config/log/nginx/access.log
    nginx	10337	KILL	2	2	/config/log/nginx/access.log
    nginx	10338	KILL	2	2	/config/log/nginx/access.log
    nginx	10339	KILL	2	2	/config/log/nginx/access.log
    supervisord	10501	KILL	1	1	/config/supervisord.log
    rsyslogd	11541	KILL	1	1	/mnt/cache-zfs/system/syslog-
    s3_sleep	11697	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    supervisord	12197	KILL	1	1	/config/supervisord.log
    supervisord	12601	KILL	1	1	/config/supervisord.log
    supervisord	13258	KILL	1	1	/config/supervisord.log
    Lidarr	13385	KILL	6	5	/config/lidarr.db-shm
    Plex Media Serv	14045	KILL	63	47	/config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libh264_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libflv_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libmp2_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libaac_encoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libaac_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Code...8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libmpeg2video_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libhevc_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libmpeg4_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libmp3_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libvp9_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Code.../8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libmsmpeg4v3_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libdca_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/liblibx264_encoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Codecs/8217c1c-4578-linux-x86_64/libac3_decoder.so
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db-shm
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-shm
    /config/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Server.log
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-shm
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...n Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...pport/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...ort/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db-wal
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db-shm
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...ort/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db
    /config/Plex Media Server/Plug...Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db-wal
    php-fpm	14062	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    Radarr	14495	KILL	6	5	/config/radarr.db-shm
    Plex Script Hos	14638	KILL	2	2	/config/Plex Media Server/Plug...upport/Data/com.plexapp.system (working directory)
    /config/Plex Media Server/Logs/PMS Plugin Logs/com.plexapp.system.log
    python3	14650	KILL	13	12	/config/tautulli.db-shm
    mono	14670	KILL	11	9	/config/sonarr.db-shm
    Prowlarr	14869	KILL	4	3	/config/prowlarr/prowlarr.db-shm
    php	14933	KILL	1	1	/config/database.sqlite
    node	14971	KILL	6	5	/config/db/db.sqlite3-shm
    Plex Tuner Serv	15631	KILL	1	1	/config/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Tuner Service.log
    notify_poller	16028	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    session_check	16030	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    system_temp	16032	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    wg_poller	16035	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    update_1	16038	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    update_2	16040	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    update_3	16042	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    sleep	18465	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    device_list	19968	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    disk_load	19970	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    parity_list	19973	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    cache_dirs	20091	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    ttyd	21913	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    php-fpm	23612	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    php-fpm	24692	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    php-fpm	24926	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    php-fpm	25802	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    sleep	26951	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    cache_dirs	27067	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    timeout	27081	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    find	27085	KILL	8	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    sh	27301	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    lsof	27304	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    lsof	27305	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    php-fpm	31417	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)
    php-fpm	32429	KILL	1	1	/usr/local/emhttp (working directory)


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