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Everything posted by oncdoc

  1. Unfortunately for me it did not create a raid1. Its a raid0. Is there anyway I can mirror my two devices now?. They are btrfs but have data on them now.. agghhh
  2. ok I figured it out. I was getting a pool on one of the drives that would not be formatted. I took out the drive formated it in windows and now everything is fine.
  3. I have inserted the diagnostics tower-diagnostics-20230923-1400.zip
  4. sorry the problem with unmountable file system is back. See post one. Agghhh! I have 2 same size nvme's I was thinking of putting in zfs for cache. I get an unmountable: unsupported or no file system error. Steps I took: I have formatted the disk that appear unmountable. Removed disk from cachepool. Configured the cachepool for ZFS mirror. Placed the disk back in the cachepool. But keep getting the same error.
  5. I got it to work. I have been able to reboot twice in a row with access to the server. what I did. I dont know which one of these steps did the trick but I will list them in case it helps anyone in the future. messed around with boot menu and turned off secure boot. Boot to custom uefi I changed the RAM to xmp as opposed to auto. Turned off asus optimization of the ram. Finally, put the flash in the 2.0 USB slot. Thank you all above who helped. I always learn something from you kind folks. I will report back if problems re-occur.
  6. How do I anonymize the diagnostics file with this method?
  7. My instinct is that it's not a GPU driver problem. Like I said, I can see on the screen, the startup of the server and sometimes, everything will work perfectly. I will get an IP address and connect to the unraid server. Upon rebooting I will see the system booting but then it will go to a blank screen. And, I cannot access the server via the PC browser or phone browser. It's definitely not a screensaver. I've been pounding on the keyboard trying to make this work!! Perhaps I'll virtualize unraid since even with a fresh USB flash unraid drive. I had the same problems. Proxmox?
  8. Hi there. I tried switching boot mode to legacy. There's also an option on the motherboard for legacy or UEFI. I think I'm going to try UEFI only. Weird thing is this is intermittent. How can it be that everything works fine sometimes and then when I reboot I see it rebooting on the monitor and all that stuff comes on the screen. Then I get a blank screen. If I opt to have GUI locally on the monitor, it will also go to the blank screen. Furthermore, I can't access the server via a browser on the PC or phone even with the blank screen. So I think it's more to it than the GPU driver. But hey, you guys are more experienced than me.
  9. How do I do that if I can't access the gui to download the diagnostics. Can't even access the gui from monitor connected to the server. I choose the option to boot to gui on start up and screen goes to a blank.
  10. Alas, I did all that above and still getting intermittent network issues. Everything seemed fine, I rebooted and now cant even ping the server. Although it shows up in the network. Dont know what to do at this point.
  11. the drives did format and mount. I made a new usb stick. Initially, I was able to connect to the server and a got read only USB error again! either way I rebooted via the PC browser and now Unraid is not registering nor pinging. I could try to put the original USB back but Im beginning to suspect its a motherboard NIC problem or USB boot problem? I did install the latest firmware onto the ASUS motherboard but have not updated the drivers. Would it be worth installing windows on the Server and updating all the drivers? I dont know how to update hardware drivers in any other way. Wish I did since installing windows etc is a pain in the you know what.
  12. Unfortunately: Upon reboot ( from the unraid main page) I have the re-connection problem. On the monitor connected to the server there is a blank screen. However, the server is on my network and pingable. Just cant reach it via phone or pc browser. Now I forced a hard shutdown and repowered and Im back in. This cant be healthy. Obviously something is wrong. Im going to need the system to work predictably if Im using it for long term. Here are the diagnostics. Also the NVME drive pair dont mount. tower-diagnostics-20230921-1048.zip
  13. I did as you asked and it has booted and I am able to connect to unraid via windows browser. IP is static address on Unifi. Ive attached diagnostics. My concern is that this successful boot may not be repeatable. Ill wait to hear advice before proceeding. tower-diagnostics-20230921-0828.zip
  14. Problems galore: Now Im getting the issue that I had that made me even change the USB stick to the Samsung ! I cannot connect to unraid via the GUI and/or the internet. I tried phone and pc. This is intermittent. I could not have posted the diagnostics above unless I was connected. Its odd. Sometimes the boot sequence works. I see the IP address on the monitor connected to my server. I can ping it. I can see it via the Unifi console. But I get the problem loading page error. When I connect to the GUI, it goes to a blinking cursor on the monitor on the left top. I have deleted the two network files in config then rerun. I have set a fixed ip on the Unifi router. Ive reset the router. Ive changed the port the server is connected to. Im still getting this issue. I think we need to sort this problem out first before the other two ...
  15. chkdisk below. This USB stick is new 128 gb samsung bar. I had the help of support to transfer the pro key from what I though was a faulty usb. Having said that on first boot I did get a USB read only error. But now its gone. Googling the USB drive I see that Im not the first to have this problem with this particular usb drive. I suspect the mountable drive issues are unrelated. First things first what should I do about the usb drive problem. Should I transfer to a smaller usb stick? Can I still do that. I have used the two quota limit for transfers.
  16. I have 2 same size nvme's I was thinking of putting in zfs for cache. I get an unmountable: unsupported or no file system error. Steps I took: I have formatted the disk that appear unmountable. Removed disk from cachepool. Configured the cachepool for ZFS mirror. Placed the disk back in the cachepool. But keep getting the same error. thanks for your help tower-diagnostics-20230920-1346.zip
  17. Im using a NUC and its a set up of a 2 tb parity drive in the NUC and an external HD 2 tb via an enclosure. The cache is an NVME. Is it normal for the parity drive to not have info shown on the main screen? Im guessing its fine. Just checking. Have a great day. Thanks.
  18. I am trying to figure that out to. Is VMX inclusive of all virutalizations? I think it is. https://hardwaresecrets.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-intel-virtualization-technology/
  19. ive got it to install and logged in to roon via my pc. My issue is that the roon docker does not see my pc to allow me to play audio through it.
  20. nice, that worked. Thank you.
  21. I would like to try to run VMs. I noticed that at some point I must have deleted the ISO share that unraid installs natively. What can I do to remedy this ? Hopefully not reinstall unraid?
  22. Winner Winner Chicken Lunch !! That worked. Thank you for you assistance ! With Regards, Oncdoc
  23. Hi there, I tried that and it doesn't work. I rebooted my Tower before retrying.
  24. Im kinda new to all this. Ive tried the static DNS ( google) method to no avail. On the latest OS. tower-diagnostics-20221201-0916.zip Can you please help. Attached is the diagnostics.
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