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Thulsa Doom

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Everything posted by Thulsa Doom

  1. Yes, I rebooted several times and in Cloud Commander I saw the folders and files of the VeraCrypt container Is there any way for this disk to be visible on the HDD page? Or how else can you manage it
  2. Hi! I tried all the ways from this topic, but I couldn't find my mounted image. I have attached screenshots I have created a Host Path: /mnt/disk I also created Container Path: /disks/vera there (vera is a folder that I created with my hands) I mounted the image, but I can't find it anywhere. Can you help me ?
  3. That's great! It worked! Thank you very much!
  4. Hi! I'm new to the console How do I install VeraCrypt via docker? https://hub.docker.com/r/dcflachs/veracrypt-gui I found the VeraCrypt topic, but there is no installation information there As I understand it, the necessary parameters and WebUI are specified in the repository, but I do not understand how to insert them so that everything opens Can you tell me what to add where?
  5. I also ran into the fact that I can't delete the VM - it freezes when deleting. VM change didn't help - neither CPU nor RAM change What is the step - by - step VM removal algorithm Unraid 6.11.5?
  6. Hi! Tell me how to do a forced file update? Files that I uploaded through the Unraid file manager ? It used to be like this docker exec --user www-data Nextcloud php occ files:scan --all Now the command gives an error
  7. Yes - I copied the appdata/nextcloud folder When opening the GUI window with a clean install Error The username is already in use Create an administrator account
  8. I reinstalled Nextcloud But I can't connect it to an already existing my MaridDB database - message that the user already exists How do I connect to the my previous Nextcloud database ?
  9. Hi) I updated the container through the Docker Unraid section and now it is not running and this is shown: This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with PHP>=8.2. You are currently running 8.2.7. Now docker.img has rolled back through the backup Do I understand correctly that now it is impossible to update automatically and you need to wait for some fixed version ?
  10. Hi In the last update, the CALCULATE broke down. By clicking, the PERMISSION are opened
  11. Hello everyone! Tell me how to set up an FTP server on your domain?
  12. hi! I put the genre, for example, Comedy, and in the genres section i can see everything as comedy (with a small letter) How to make his register read ?
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