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Everything posted by lory995

  1. No, from what i remember nothing is necessary except for what it's written in this guide ( and in the iker one ). I'd suggest you to start with the method used by Iker first since it should work ( as i've written above i've replicated the exact same steps but sort of manually ). As for the second question, unfortunately no. As i've written in my previous posts my server now has expanded in functionalities, it's central to lots of services i regularly use and, most importantly, i have not time to tinker with it like i had before so i'm much more conservative. I turned back to acpi because i had a problem with updating the unraidOS and since i didn't have much time at my disposal then i simply decided to reverse most of my previous tinkering and experiments trying to solve the issue ( i didn't in the end and i had to use a workaround, but it means that it wasn't amd-pstate fault ). Since then i never ended up setting it up again for the reason above. Anyway when i used it i had no problems at all and was actually using like 10% less power than before. ( i don't remember the exact figure, could be 15% ). Other factors to consider are that i have a 3900X which it's quite old and i remember that while was looking for answers at the time i discovered that -not surprisingly- the 5xxx and even more the 7xxx are much better both in idle and in power saving function unlocked by the pstate ( 'cause infinity fabric optimization which is the main culprit for high idle consumption ). Moreover the pstate module itself received quite a lot of updates in the kernel so it'll surely be better than when i tried it. To sum this up: i advice you to try it, it's quite easy after all and you may be in for some nice surprises. If you do please find some time to report back in this post, if you have nice results maybe i'll set it up again!
  2. Thank you for your answer jorge, but as i've written above that's not the time when i had the problem and strangely enough when i have it nothing shows up in syslog. To confirm i've kept using the server until the problem showed up again and again and, in fact, nothing showed up in syslog ever. I've installed the drivers anyway and it seems to work better now? i don't know may be placebo. Anyway since the problem seems so large and no one can give me any direction i'll tinker on my own and i'll post if i'll have updates.
  3. TL:DR: 1st issue= didn't have the time 2nd issue=attachments as requested. It happened 8 february 2024 at 4:47~4:48 pm. (in italian format: 08/02/2024 at 16:47 ~ 16:48 ) Hi Jorge, taking the server back online was low priority and it took me a long time but here i am now. 1st issue: In regards of the first problem i described i simply did as usual without any long-term solution; in these first months of the year i don't have much time so if it was a relatively algorithmic solution process, meaning someone had a list of intructions for me to follow, i could have found the time but not an exploratory phase with the server offline. 2nd issue: As described in TLDR, but i'm gonna add that looking at the syslog i've noted something regarding the connection at ~16:23 but i don't know what happened at that time. Other information are: - It happens almost always at least a couple of times when i try to stream content from plex/jellyfin. Nowadays i've found other way to consume content because it's unbearable. - It happens on his own too. while i'm not using the server. - My server is not local, but i connect trough tailscale over internet as stated in the first post. - For this reason i didn't yet try to update the realtek drivers. my NIC as per system devices: Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 15) - when the problem arises, if i try to connect to the dashboard via browser it doesn't say "can't connect" or something but it seems like the server "answers" but does not load the webpage. ( it's the same for all the other addresses on the subnet ). Thanks you again for your time, hope to hear good news soon. unraid-syslog-20240208-1615.zip unraid-diagnostics-20240208-1653.zip
  4. Hi everybody, As per Title i've got 2 problems that i'm gonna ask you help me for. TL;DR 1️⃣ Server is offline. Can't update without reinstalling from backup, it happened more than 1 time already, screen down below. Can you help me? 2️⃣ random disconnections, realtek interface but the problem didn't appear before (and i can't install the drivers now without the server online). Could be widespread on LAN. Could be connected with problem 1. I have no clue. Excluded tailscale and vpns from causes & MACVLAN not configured, docker is set IPVLAN. Help? 1) Repeating update problem: Every time i update my server i can't access it afterwards no matter how much time i wait. The only way is to format the usb and copy all the contents from a previous backup back in, then it always -strangely- seems to be upgraded: version number is updated in the dashboard and everything works as expected ( the second problem may or may not be connected with this, read point 2 ). But of course it's a pain to know that everytime it's the same story, and moreover my piKVM shows this, which seems... not fine: The screen you see it's 20 minutes after the last -failed- update 6.12.4 to 6.12.6 and it's very similar -if not the same- to what i've always seen after an always unsuccessful update. This happened since forever since my first unraid install ( 6.12.5 or .4) - First and foremost: Correct way to get the server back up? Do i reinstall from backup as i always did or now it's the time to intervene? - Is there a way -like in windows recovery- to tell the system to check for errors and autocorrect them OR a way to reinstall fresh without losing my 300+ hours spent last year in optimizations, configurations and automations? i'd prefer to kill myself than have to configure recyclarr,radarr,tdarr and the two sonarr instances, + vpns and all dockers back. no way in hell i'm gonna do that. Please PLEASE save my mental health guys, i know you can do that. 2) Recently i very often suffered from random disconnections, which seemed to disrupt other devices on the same network too ( it's on my grandparents network, they got the juicy FTTH ). They have a technicolor router and zyxel gpon interface which are buggy and shitty, but i verified that they worked no problems before my unraid server installation there. I got a realtek interface and i've seen that in the changelog says that it may be the problem but: in the past worked without problems ( i can't pinpoint when exactly the problem arose ) in the past the problem solved itself ( well, i tinkered with the server a bit and seemed to have solved it then ) but then it arose again. It may be a router configuration problem since seems to be widespread on the LAN but i still kinda doubt it. There may be a lot of explanations on why the internet wasn't working, one of which was my misconfiguration of qbittorrent, one of course is because grandparents aren't trustworthy in the figuring-problem-regard and another one was that all the fiber apparatus may have gone nuts. A lot of reasons for a very generic problem with no easy way to diagnose it ( nor time, honestly ). In the past i thought about vpn/tailscale problem but i excluded it having tested all the possibile configuration of those on/off in both my unraid server and pivkm subnet tailscale router. It can't be the macvlan problem too since i recently moved back to ipvlan with no success. If you read all of it thanks you, truly, i know the second problem may be hard to diagnose but it really made the server unusable. Still the first problem is more urgent so i'll eagerly wait for your answers. I'm not an english native speaker so forgive my errors or strange phrases and thanks you again for your time.
  5. That's strange... So tailscale simply let my Unraid Server ( receive some kind of internal Tailscale request from my failover raspberry ( ). That would at least give me something to work on maybe even with the problems that i'm having now with wireguard too. Note that i say that it was an Internal Tailscale request because since i removed the plugin ( via CLI which as i said i could perfectly access ) the problem officially solved itself ( i rebooted a couple times and didn't have the problem again ) and i never disconnected from the LAN the PiKVM. Any idea on how can i solve the problem? Possibly an easy way ( like a way to absolutely clean every trace of tailscale on a raspi maybe?). Usually i'm more interested in learning when possible but after 3 days of various troubleshooting between wireguard and tailscale ( not on this problem of course ) i'm quite exhausted and the time that i could allocate to this is ending.
  6. At the moment the GUI is strangely accessible so i don't wanna risk breaking something. As soon as the problem arises again it's the first thing i'm gonna try and i'll update this post. Thanks jorge!
  7. Hi everybody, here again with another problem... I have no clue why, but i got nginx 503 problem out of nowhere, at least to my perspective. I didn't do anything strange with the server before it happened, except mess a bit up with tailscale plugin, since it was having problems with the WebUI as noted in this thread , and with wireguard as a tmp solution. It should have been solved with the latest update ( 1.50.1 not 1.52, didn't get to download it ) but there is a word in the post link that worries me.. "workaround". Anyway it seems no one else is having this problem so it's entirely possible something has gone wrong on my server alone, or it's an entirely other cause.. I have no clue to what to look for, so i leave the diagnostics to you guys hoping in your knowledge. Thanks you in advance! More info: -Server still works normally of course except for error 503 -I can access the server randomly. Like now. I just removed tailscale.plg via cli and now i can access, but yesterday i had access to the GUI for a brief period without removing it and then nothing again. tower-diagnostics-20231101-1349.zip
  8. Sorry i couldn't be of much help but thank you very very much for your hard work!
  9. I have the same problem since i updated to last version 1.50. I neved had this kind of problem with any other version. I know i should post a diagnosis but i can't do that without the GUI... Mmmh i could say yes. I had the same exact behavior, but it never caused me a problem ( until the GUI crisis ) so i didn't cared at all. If you look around you are gonna find something to make it work again for sure Thank you very much, i'm gonna try sooner or later to make it work again.
  10. Thanks you, i didn't think about booting in safe mode.. Still a newbie afterall. One after the other i removed every plugin and in the end of course was.... Tailscale. The only thing that really mess all my setup up..... Later i'll try to install it again and if it's still bugged i'm gonna write on the plugin support so someone can fix it. Thank you again!
  11. Well let me explain better and in more details: (1 - Disk Fail) I had 4 disks, let's call them disk 0,1,2,3. ( i ignore the cache ) Disk0 = parity | Disk1 = array1 | Disk2 = array2 | Disk3 = array3 | The parity disk fails (Disk 0) and i buy disks 4,5. (2 - Array upgrade) Now I install disk 4 as parity and disk 5 in the array. Disk4(new)= parity | Disk1= array1 | Disk2= array2 | Disk5(new)= array3 | 24 hours parity sync completed. it tells me there are some warnings but i ignore them 'cause it's completed and still working. (3 - GUI Offline) I stop the array and remove disk 5 from it. When i start it back again the GUI crashes -> i receive the email from the server that the parity sync started so i try if i can connect to vms and docker containers and i can. Now that i think about it i just watched if i could connect to them, not if something like plex let me play movies but i digress. At this step i look on google and i find that i should have done "new config" before removing it from the array. ( and find the post linked in first post regarding the GUI ). I do "new config" keeping all the same ( i select "all" ). Now i reboot the system hoping it's solved but... (4 - Preclear) It's not. When i reboot, the autostart it's turned off, i supposed it was because of new config, and even if i don't know it yet i can access the server only because of that ( in fact near the "start" button it says "configuration valid" ). So i'm still not too worried. -- Server config now : Disk4(new)= parity | Disk1= array1 | Disk2= array2 | Disk5(not precleared it yet)= array3 | -- So: I can access the server gui. Seeing configuration valid I simply started it in maintenance mode and start the preclearing as i wanted to do originally. ( i don't remember if i tried in maintenance but it ask me to turn the array off completely or whatever. Still i precleared it ) [...] Disk5(now precleared)= unassigned | -- (5 - i acknowledge that something "hit the fan") Now after the preclear i go to start the array with the precleared hdd (disk5) as [array 3] and the GUI goes off again. At this point I try directly to reboot it in an attempt to troubleshoot it myself. I do it a couple of times with no success because i don't found anything on google. During the last attempt i put disk5 in parity 2 since my original plan was to invert disk 4 and 5 (=> disk 5 in parity and disk 4 in the array because of different cooling capability inside the case) and because i wanted a working parity drive while preclearing the disk4 too. I start the array ( GUI offline ) and I let the parity do it's job hoping that at the end of it everything would be solved. -- At this point i write the first post -- But unfortunately.... Update (6 - Parity sync fail ) -- I didn't cancel it -- Those are the same errors that it showed me before, but since it showed me them since the old disk has broken AND even after that it correctly rebuilded the array ( Section 2 of this post ) i didn't give it much thought and i honestly still have doubts that those are the real problem. It's the only thing remained constant since before i bought the new disks. Actual Config - Maintenance Mode [ Parity is disk4 | Parity 2 is disk5(precleared) ] UnraidServer.log
  12. Hi everybody, here i am again with another problem. I'll make it short, my parity disk died so i took the chance to upgrade it big, buying two new 14tb HDD one in parity and one in the array. After installing them no problem, the parity rebuild itself and the new array disk worked no problem. Unfortunately, i forgot to preclear them. Since the package arrived with signs of a troubled trip to my home i thought it was best to be safe than sorry now that they are still empty and confirm everything worked ok. Now comes the problem : i went to unassign it ( forgot about new config... ) and everything went to hell since then. Actually when i start the server it works fine ( it start the parity sync/rebuild ) but the UI shutdown completely. I saw there was a defective plugin some time ago ( supposedly fixed ) that caused that problem if one had more HDD that his license allowed but that it's not my case ( i have 5 vs 6 limit with basic license ). It's weird because I can access all my docker containers at their links, all plugins works (i can connect through tailscale) and my VMs works too. Everything works except for my GUI. If i restart the server i see the GUI again since the autostart automatically set itself as off. I tried to start the array in maintance mode too and the GUI works normally. While in maintenance mode i precleared the HDD. Well at least i reached my goal after all. So what can i do? Honestly, for how it behaved until now -as written above- i got the feeling that it will starts working again naturally when parity works ends, but i still written here beforehand because: - There is a chance that when the parity ends s**t hits the fan and i'm gonna cry hard - If it's a bug it should be fixed, more so since the problem appeared messing around with disks and that's something that can happen to absolute beginners. If they have no gui they are gonna go desperate very fast. It's true that with home servers they better get used to it sooner or later, but later is better than sooner in this case. Do you agree? Did i made an evident noobs mistake? Thanks you in advance guys
  13. No i wasn't using the plugin i was still using the docker container. I just installed the plugin and solved the problem.............. Sorry, didn't know there was a plugin at all.
  14. Hi everybody, i'll make it short so i don't waste your time: The most important is Tailscale since it breaks most of my automations: As per object i can't see anything under "Interface Extra" while i try to add the interface there. (screenshot attached) For those of you who have spare time or simple knowledge to spare: - My server still defaults to acpi cpu freq for scaling even if i have an amd cpu and i saw that the amd pscale driver it's been updated in the last linux kernel ( i read in the past that with kernel >6 now it's usable and working so i supposed it would default to it ) - During my update i had problems and had to reinstall from the flash backup on unraid official site. Still when i updated the version was upgraded? This happened both during 6.11.5 and at least from 6.12.3 --> 6.12.4 that i can remember. ( maybe it's connected with the interface extra problem? even if not is there a simple way to call a "reinstall"? and to make a local usb backup? ) Thanks you if you took the time to answer my humble questions, Lory
  15. Ahahahah blood problems we all share unfortunately....... Anyway i'm not aware of any last updates, it's been quite some time since i did the last one. At least one i'm aware of: one of the best features of macOS is one of the worst one too for the savvys... it does all automatically in background without you needing to do anythin nor breaking your balls with notifications, but even if 99.5% of the time everything just works when it doesn't you really need to go look behind the curtains via cli without a clear starting point. And as per the previous guy with the same problem, when the solution it's as easy as just a couple click to open brave it's rarely worth the trouble...
  16. Actually, i have the same problem... I used it with no problems with safari for 2-3 month already until last week. I don't get why it stopped working, i didn't install any new plugin or anything like that. Maybe when i updated to the last version?
  17. The first time i installed unraid and "played" a bit with all the functions in it i remember i isolated some of my cpu cores just to try it and they were fixed on 0% usage until the vms, which i pinned them on, was started. Now i see them being normally used, from 2-3% to even 100% sometimes, like i did nothing at all. Is it working?
  18. As per title, my cpu isolation option doesn't work and i don't understand why honestly... I have no clue about what to post or where to look for troubleshooting, i can only say that append isolcpu does show up in the go file as expected. Edit: Now that i think about it maybe it's the amd_pstate module? It's the only thing i can think of that mess up with my cpu...
  19. I know in fact i based my steps upon your previous solution, after all you had it working. i just studied a different way to use them Fair enough, different usecases and different necessities
  20. Hi, sorry for the late response but i was, and still am, really caught up with work. Anyway i can't launch corefreq-cli it gives me an error atm Daemon connection error code 2 corefreq-ro-shm: 'No such file or directory' @ line 21300 but i didn't configure it nor looking into it so i don't know. I'm gonna look into windows power consumption when i'll have my VM back running again, hopefully soon, but right now in unraid with 4 VMS up and running (2cores x 4 = 8 cores used , avg 30% usage all the time really low demanding tasks) and a total average of 10-15% of all CPU power used i have like 65/70W of real power draw ( at the power outlet ). I got amd_pstate drivers installed. I guess the power draw in windows would be lower thanks to better drivers, after some search it seems that amd is working a lot in reducing their power usage but linux until kernel 6.x it's really behind. Actually i have both of them up and am not noticing hangs nor resets at all ( at least with pstate driver and schedutil governor online for 14 days ). Same for performance. Still, i'd like to ask you why you suggest such a thing. FWIK C-states and CPPC only function it's optimize, that's to say use the least amount of power for the most of performance. Of course if you are gonna disable them you got more performance, but that's not the topic of this thread. Actually it's the opposite. I've written of all the above just to say: are you implying that they don't work adeguately with unraid so we can get more power saving disabling them instead of keeping them enabled? Can you post the source of your information? i'd like to know more about it before going to mess in the bios.
  21. EDIT 15 August 2024: Linux Kernel atm is 6.1.x and since amd-pstate is now builtin all this hassle is not necessary anymore ( and doesn't work ). I'm not sure if you must disable acpi-cpufreq for it to work but i've done it just to be sure ( and didn't want to waste time trying ). To enable pstate: Just go to "MAIN" click on the usb where you boot from and in the "Unraid OS" menu ( or whatever you use ) add "amd_pstate=passive" at the end. Reboot and voilà, jobs done. If you are from the future on Unraid 7 you shouldn't need any of this, just go in your power menu in settings and choose your flavor there. Everything else should be enabled by default. Actually i did already enable all of that at the time you wrote here, but i wanted really go through and try this driver so i stopped and started looking around to try and understand really what i was doing. I read a lot of guides on linux kernel modules and how did they work. And of course, as usually happens when you have some resemblance of understanding of what you are doing, i succeded. What i did instead is injecting them at boot. To do that i modified /boot/config/go adding *before everything* except for #!/bin/bash ( so right under it ) modprobe amd_pstate [....]/emhttp was after the line written above, for example. Then i created 2 .conf files in /etc/modprobe.d one for blacklisting acpi_cpufreq(1) and one for enabling pstate(2): (1) i created it with " nano /etc/modprobe.d/acpifreqdisable.conf " blacklist acpi_cpufreq (2) i created it with "nano /etc/modprobe.d/enableamdpstate.conf" options amd_pstate shared_mem=1 and left /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg as link in my first post. Now it works. P.S: @Iker i've got it up an running the 26 or 27th of january and have yet to note any instability whatsoever fortunately. Maybe since you tried them the drivers got updated?
  22. i'm using the last one, 6.11.5 with kernel 5.19.17 if i remember correctly. The fact is that i made this server with the intention of futureproofing myself, at the moment i need to run 24/7 only 3 little 2 core vms and a couple dockers ( pihole and tailscale ). Even if the server is idle most of the time it uses like 60~65watt, that without any gpu and with just 2 disks usually spinning that i'm planning to redcue to one once the new ssd comes in. If i connect my gpu ( 3070 ) it goes up to 110~120 watts idle.... I don't know what to do i've tried everything, even disabling half the core, reducing ram clocks to 2133, hard capping it to the minimum Wattage on bios (45W)... Now i at least wanted to activate p-state even for that 15-20% reduction you was talking about in the other post but it seems that it doesn't want to work. Or maybe it's active but i can't see it, i don't know. Is there an appropriate section to discuss power managing problem?
  23. Iker it really doesn't work for me I've got a Zen 2 cpu so it should work... If you paste this in your terminal does it state "amd-pstate"? cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_driver
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