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Everything posted by andrut

  1. Just moved my email to proton and stumbled across this problem.
  2. I have similar problem. About 1-2 hours after updating container it usually comes up with notification that update is ready. When I update it again it pulls 0 bytes and recreates container. Its pretty annoying. I'm using Uniraid 6.12.8 and I remember seeing this problem back in 2023.
  3. I have similar problem. About 1-2 hours after updating container it usually comes up with notification that update is ready. When I update it again it pulls 0 bytes and recreates container. Its pretty annoying. I'm using Uniraid 6.12.8 and I remember seeing this problem back in 2023.
  4. Yes, in config.php put it somewhere in that section.
  5. For maintenance window just paste this line into config.php file: 'maintenance_window_start' => 1, If you set it to 1, the maintenance window will be set between 1 and 5 am. With the database thing just try to run the command it tells you to use. If you're using nextcloud official image just go to the Unraid terminal and paste this command: docker exec -u 99 nextcloud php ooc db:add-missing-indices And with the background jobs change AJAX to Cron and if you have User Scripts plugin just add a new script and paste this command: docker exec -u 99 nextcloud php cron.php Save and set it to run every 5 minutes with custom schedule */5 * * * *.
  6. These are mine. Everything is stock and is working fine since January 2023.
  7. You can try "docker exec -it -u root nextcloud bash" in Unraid console to access nextcloud console as root.
  8. Just go with "docker exec -u 99 nextcloud php cron.php". On Unraid nextcloud files are owned by user 99. There's no www-data. Sometimes you're gonna get a warning because of using different user than www-data but it's nothing to worry about.
  9. Hello, I was running official nextcloud with mariadb and redis for seven months without any issue. After todays nextcloud docker image update container won't start. Does any of you expirienced such problems lately? Thanks for any help.
  10. After update to M3CR046 version all of the problems I had with two MX500 dropping offline seem to be gone. I had to reboot and scrub drivers every 2-3 days, but now the server is working without any problem for last 27 days.
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