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  1. Wanted to say thank you for taking the time to explain all these steps. I just got rabbitmq installed correctly using them.
  2. Hello! Thank you for putting together the PocketBase and grimoire containers. I checked this thread and changed the grimoire version to 0.3.1 as you suggested. Login works now. But Regarding pocketbase’s webui, I can’t seem to be able to access it. I get the following when navigating to it {"code":404,"message":"Not Found.","data":{}} even though the container itself is running and the port mapping seems to be correct?
  3. Hello, I bought a second basic license for future use. Do I need to use the activation key now or can I store it until I’m ready to build a second server?
  4. Hello, Sorry to bother, but my nextcloud docker was running without any issues (thank you again). However, it stopped being able to start due to the following error. /entrypoint.sh: 111: cannot create /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/redis-session.ini: Permission denied I haven’t really changed anything or touched it at all really - so I’m not sure what could cause this? I am currently looking up solutions but wanted to post here too.
  5. Well, at least I have good company. Same issue here. Logs hit 100%. Would any specific diagnostic files help? Stopped and restarted array just b/c.
  6. Thanks for your help. I ended up turning off and back on the server and the drive showed up in the pool again. Even still, I'll go check the connectors/swap the cables. The drive is a recent-ish purchase - should I maybe look to exchanging it instead or it's more likely a cable/seating issue like you mentioned? Is there anything else that may cause this kind of error I should know? Thank you again for your help.
  7. Oh yes, it did! I didn't realize because I ended up turning off the Nextcloud update reminder since it was annoying me at the time. I told myself I would come back to it later to figure out why it didn't update to 25.05. But then, after seeing your post - I checked again and realized it's now on 25.05. Not sure when it happened, but it's settled now :). It is asking for 26 now, but I am happy with 25 right now re: apps and functionality. But am okay to upgrade whenever you think is best Thanks again!
  8. Hello, I’m new to managing my server and am having an issue with my logs being marked 100%. This is the 2nd time it happened and 2nd time I had to restart. upon this restart though, one of the 2 disks in my cache pool is marked as missing. I’m hoping someone can help me diagnose and fix the issue. attached is my diagnostics zip file. thank you. diagnostics-20230416-1522.zip
  9. So I updated (thanks again) the container in unraid - but my nextcloud is still showing as needing to update? Unsure if there was something else I'm missing.
  10. Hello, I tried to figure this out myself - but am at wit's end after spending the afternoon. I've tried another and then this template of invoiceninja - but I can't even get the webui to load (connection error). I also notice my log says In Connection.php line 760: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for http faile d: Name does not resolve (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables wher e table_schema = invoiceninjadb and table_name = accounts and table_type = 'BASE TABLE') In Connector.php line 70: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for http faile d: Name does not resolve In Connector.php line 70: PDO::__construct(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for http failed: Name does not resolve I'm new to unraid and owning a server in general, so if it's something obvious - my bad - but I don't know how to get this to work.
  11. Hello. Thanks for this version. I did want to ask, if this is based off the official image - when I want to update (nextcloud had a version update a few days ago) do I use the official repository?
  12. Thank you. I followed this instruction, and it did fix the cronjob issue but then I couldn't access my nextcloud. So I went back a page cause I remembered someone had a similar issue, and that you gave them two possible solutions. I took option 1 and changed the user in the template to "99:" and then changed ownership for both my data directory and nextcloud appdata folder to 99:100. Cron is now running every 15 min without issue and I can access nextcloud. Thank you
  13. Hi, sorry to bother you but i'm new to figuring out NC (I am using the multimedia version) but i've received a few errors in the logs for the cron-jobs. I wasn't sure what I should do/what my next steps should be? > Nextcloud Container ID: 697e2f649a96 > Running Script: ./run-cron-php.sh Your data directory is invalid. Ensure there is a file called ".ocdata" in the root of the data directory. Cannot write into "apps" directory. This can usually be fixed by giving the web server write access to the apps directory or disabling the App Store in the config file. Your data directory is not writable. Permissions can usually be fixed by giving the web server write access to the root directory. See https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/25/go.php?to=admin-dir_permissions.
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