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Everything posted by pteromyini

  1. Is there any way to modify it? As a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is very uncomfortable to see it
  2. After deploying docker-compose using the plugin, when a container has an update, when I update the container using the compose plugin, there is still a constant update reminder in the webui docker interface. The only solution I currently feel is to down from the plugin interface, then delete the container, and then open the prompt to update the project. Automatically start and restart NAS
  3. There is a certain probability that the docker container br0 cannot access each other after running for a break or after the network is reconnected. Log prompt: no route to host, which can be repaired after restarting the docker setting. No recurrence pattern was found.
  4. After I use Compose to create a container, it always prompts an update in the docker container interface, but the image is the latest version. I also encountered another problem, when Compose creates a container, there is a certain probability that the system docker will repeatedly create containers after starting docker, which leads to the containers created by Compose can not be used normally.
  5. Thank you very much for your help, everything is back to normal, the data is normal, have a good day
  6. This is my new diagnostic file. howienas-diagnostics-20231214-1731.zip
  7. I did the following: offline disk array, export pool, online disk array, I still can't function properly, and the pool device still prompts: Unable to mount: unsupported file system or no file system
  8. I accidentally chose the new configuration, so I lost my zfs pool. When I used the zpool import command and reconfigured the pool, my share could operate normally, but the disk array operation still showed that there were disks that could not be mounted.
  9. This is an important problem that seriously affects the user experience, and I hope it will be fixed as soon as possible
  10. I tried this method without success, please communicate in github issus next
  11. I don't know what happened, but after installing tailscale my ssh is not available howienas-diagnostics-20230617-0936.zip
  12. I reinstalled and tried again. Yesterday by chance, I found that my ssh service did not start, and the restart still failed. After I uninstalled the plugin, ssh returned to normal. I will reinstall tailscale today to try to reproduce this problem
  13. I don’t know if someone is like me. Using this plugin in unraid 6.12 will cause the SSH service to be closed after booting and cannot be opened
  14. I tried to open the system log server again and enter it again. It looks like the CPU is fully occupied. After confirming with the restart button, I am unable to enter the homepage
  15. This is my diagnostic log howienas-diagnostics-20230605-0947.zip
  16. I try to stop the Array, but It will not shut down, only leaving me the message "Array Stopping Retry unmounting user share(s)..." I installed this, to see what files are active: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/41196-open-files-plugin-can-help-with-troubleshooting-why-server-wont-shut-down/,But nothing about/mnt/user is displayed. I use the fuser -km /mnt/user command and it still doesn't work Also, my logs tip: umount: /mnt/user/system: target is busy.
  17. This is indeed correct, but the usage of cache in the current version of unraid is not the well-known "cache" as many people think, which can cause confusion for new users.
  18. In Unraid, the cache was originally used to provide write acceleration for the array. However, with the development of Unraid, the cache pool is no longer just a caching function, but also serves as a storage array. With the introduction of ZFS support in the cache pool in version 6.12, I believe it is necessary to make some changes to the naming of the cache. Cache is a very clear and unambiguous term in the fields of computer science, architecture, and software development, and it refers to providing high-performance IO or temporary storage space for storage systems. I think it is more reasonable to use hot data and cold data to distinguish between the cache pool and the array. Hot data is used to store active or high-performance data, while cold data is used to store read-only, infrequently accessed, or low-performance data. Additionally, using high-performance space and low-performance space to differentiate is also reasonable. This is a naming issue.
  19. This is my log, I don't quite understand which parts of it are useful, can you help me? howienas-diagnostics-20230327-1651.zip
  20. 我的UNRAID每次启动都会重新奇偶校验,日志没有任何错误的提示,请问我如何定位问题
  21. 我通过联系更换密钥解决了,可能是因为这个密钥被滥用了...我的u盘是新买的
  22. 有时,我的 webgui 上的某些按钮没有响应,例如删除、关机、重新启动等。
  23. 我在试用屏幕上购买了新的 UNRAID Pro 订阅,但被告知激活黑名单上可能有一个或多个密钥。我该如何解决这个问题
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