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Everything posted by AY.Z

  1. Well. It took less longer this time and went pretty well. Parity checked with no errors. Thanks alot Jorge.
  2. I built this unraid server about 6 months ago. It'ss been working fine for the most part. I do have the server on a 24/7 UPS backup but somehow the UPS itself malfucntioned. Long story short, it was an unclean shutdown and when power was restored and the server came back online it did not automatically started a parity check, because one of the disk (disk1) was showing as "Unmoutable disk Present". Not knowing What exactly to do next I tried rebooting the server, plugged in and out the disk a few times and viola it came back on like a charm. Anyways, after that I cant exactly remember wether it did start the parity check automatically or I did it. But 28 hrs later it gave out a warning that 515 errors were found after Parity check completed. I always have the server to auto correct errors on scheduled parity checks (once a month) but I don't know if this setting was enforced. I havent done anything on the server for the parity since then cuz quiet hoenslty I dont even know what to do. Attaching diagnosis here in hopes to get proper advice. FYI I am a windows guy and not familiar with commanad line. tower-diagnostics-20231116-2115.zip
  3. Hi. I have been using Unraid Basic version user for little over six months. My current setup is Cache 2 disks. Parity 14 Tb X 1. Array 8Tb + 4Tb + 2Tb. So currently, Array capacity = Parity capacity My understanding was and still is that The array storage capacity shouldn’t be more than the parity’s storage capacity Am I right here or there’s something I am not getting at all ? I know somewhere down the line I will have to increase my array capacity. let’s say I want to replace my 2Tb disk with 14 Tb disk, would that be possible without adding another parity drive with my current basic version? Thanks.
  4. I have connected an LCD with the server and tried booting it again but I am guessing the bootable system is broken. if this is likely, how can I restore the flash usb. Is it even possible to install via the same flash drive ? Should I just format the flash drive and manual install Unraid ?
  5. The USB Drive Is new. I used this for trial version for a few days before buying the basic key just a three days ago.
  6. Hi, I am running 6.11.5 on HP Z820. First time user, its only been a week now. The server had a few unclean shut downs due to faulty PSU but parity was valid (I hope it still is). Today I attached an external USB disk for data transfer using SpaceInvader’s "krusader" guide (Part 2 of a 4 part series). While transferring the data a notification about the same external drive getting hot popped but I couldn’t see for much long (only that the disk was at 47C which shouldn’t be too hot for an external disk) before the server shutdown. After disconnecting the drive I tried booting the server again but it never booted. After a couple failed attempts I took the Unraid USB flash and inserted in Windows 10 just to have look and I found that the 16 GB USB FLASH drive is full of unknown files or at least unknown to me. Have no idea what are those. As I said earlier first time user and have no Linux or command line experience so please go easy on me. I am attaching the diagnostic file found on the USB which is from a couple a days ago. But the interesting thing is the presence of unknown files in USB I don’t know what are these but I am attaching screen shot My sole method of connecting to the Unraid is webgui through Windows 10 machine but it no longer works. So don’t know what to do next. tower-diagnostics-20230528-1600.zip
  7. Now that the bootable flash drive with free trial is ready I hope, I am wondering what would be the first thing to do after first boot. I mean ,the flash creator utility helps in setting up server name and DHCP etc and I have been so narrow on using this utilitly that havent looked elsewhere. Whats booting like after manual install method ? I am hoping to set it up once server is ready at the shop but the remaining of the stuff like pretesting drives and transfer of data is going to be where the server is going to live for the rest of its life. So any advice for me guys ?
  8. This worked. The root or top level of the flash drive now has more files showing. I ran the script for making bootable. Hope thats it. Thanks a bunch guys.
  9. Hi, Thanks for your reply. There were actually none. just two folders. Oh great. Wish I had known this yesterday. Thank you again.
  10. After giving Unraid much thought I decided to go that rout for my media + Plex storage solution. I have finalised the hardware which is entirely prebuilt HP Z820 Workstation. I am not a hardware guy, so the machine is going to be gotten ready for Unraid setup with additional cost to me, which I provided after taking all key noted from the documentation. Now the hardware is going to be ready on Tuesday 22 May 2023. Paid the half of the money already. I told the guy that I'll bring myown bootable flash drive the day server is going to be ready to pick up and will boot the server with free trial version for errors and tweaking in case anyting is not working. I had ordered 3 IronWolf 4Tb Array Disks, 1 6Tb Parity disk and 1 SSD 500 GB for Cache for my itnital setup. The disks have been delivered to the hardware guys. Everything is going smooth. Except I still cant get USB 2.0 Flash drive with GUID. I ordered a couple of Flah drives two weeks prior to posting my first post a couple of days ago and none of them worked. Visited local hardware store today and people gave me funny looks I was looking for USB 2.0 in 2023. FInally found one store where I could found some, bought three different ones. The guys were kind enough to allow me to use their internet to download Unraid flash creator tool to check and confirm if the drives were good for my need. All three seemed compatible. Now when I tried to WRITE the image after getting back home. None of the drive seems to complete the "Write Image" Process. The downloading is fine but at the time of extraction of some files or somehting goes wrong all drives show the smilar error. ( The file or diretory \bzfirmware is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility.) Ran Chkdisk, nothing seems to be wrong in there. The flash drive has two folders with some files inside each written to it, not sure if this the whole thing a bootable supposed to have. Folder EFI > boot has files as shown in the first image Folder syslinux has files as shwon in other image. Can someone please take a look at the files in the images and tell if these are all the files supposed to be on bootable flashdive ?
  11. Hi thanks for info. This is really helpful. I am in the northern region of Pakistan. A small town on the farthest hills of one of the provinces actually. We suffer from terribly slow internet in this region but we are now used to it. We have other bigger problems and internet is the least of them. As I said before PayPal and Stripe aren’t even an option in the country. I am going to get myself a prebuilt used machine next week. I am thinking DellT7500. Will buy 3, new 4 to 6 TB Seagate Ironwolf (not pro) for array with one parity and an SSD for cache, because there’s not much I do besides Plex. Currently the media is on several hard disks on Windows machine, Synology NAS and WD “My Cloud” network drives. Thanks.
  12. Hi I am new her but I have been reading here in forums for almost a month now. I have a couple of questions that I haven’t been able to find answers for. But let me please be clear first that I am not a hardware guy. I have a couple of WD Network drives and a 2 bay Synology NAS on a home network for media storage. I also have an i5 Windows machine that I use for Plex which is good for transcoding. Just recently one of WD drive died. Lots of personal files lost and lesson learnt. I am now looking into building an Unraid server but I will probably buy myself a prebuilt refurbished workstation and try the trial version first before buying the license key but the hardware isn’t my main problem here, at least for now I have other issues. The first thing I would like to know before buying the license key (perhaps at the time of trial) that the flash drive I will be using for trial is GUID approved (not black listed). This is important because the minimum online ordering time, in this part of the world at least takes a good two weeks sometimes more. Can’t be waiting for two weeks to find out later that the flash drive I ordered doesn’t have a legit GUID either. So my question is How to find out that the flash drive one is using for trial is good for paid version too ? Other question, is about the payment method. I need to know weather I will be able to make a purchase of license key via visa debit cards. Again, Stripe and PayPal is not an option in this part of world. I can only buy the hardware, the prebuilt workstation as I have mentioned earlier after making sure it won’t be a waste of money later after finding out that I can’t even buy a license with my Visa card. Thanks.
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