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Everything posted by carotna

  1. Hi @JorgeB, after a few days of uptime and no errors, this was the problem. I changed the PSU and everything is working fine. Thank you very much for the support.
  2. Hi @JorgeB, thank you for the information. I have 2 different power splitters for all the HDDs, from the same PSU... I have a spare PSU that I can swap to try it, will update this issue in about 2 days.
  3. Hi all, I have a setup with 4 Disks + 2 Parity Disks + 1 cache. I keep having errors in the parity disks. Sometimes parity builds and stays for some hours/days, but I keep getting errors. SMART looks ok for the disks, I even have 2 spare disks and get the same errors. Can you please help me? I changed already the LBA card for a new one, changed mini SAS cables, etc. Thank you. tower-diagnostics-20240503-1132.zip
  4. Thanks for the info, I was getting crazy with this. Maybe the OP can put this in the package description?
  5. Hi, I have the same issue. Any thoughts?
  6. Hi, have you managed to get it working with Swag? I have it to odoo.mydomain.com, I get the login screen, but after I login I get a white screen with nothing on it.
  7. Hi, I set it up like you did but it doesn't send any email, and I don't see any errors in the log. I use email with an app password. Any ideas? Is somebody able to get an .env file to pass the variables? Thank you.
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