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Everything posted by leonlin

  1. do you fix it? or just reinstall vmbackup every time
  2. i have the same issue, and then vm-backup can't backup anymore
  3. i don't understand why my vmbackup plugin disappeared this morning i try to re-install the plugin from CA but the settings cannot be changed, nor can backups be executed manually anybody know hot to fix it?
  4. 不知道原因 我原本安裝的vmbackup插件消失了 我到apps裡面尋找並且重新安裝 但是裡面的Setting無法設定 例如啟動備份 設成yes 儲存設定之後 回上一頁 再進來設定頁確認 發現 又被改回no 也就是設定值寫不進去了 到/boot/config/plugins/查看設定檔 確實都沒更改 一夕之間 突然這個plugin就不能用了.. 請問有人遇過類似的問題嗎 如下圖 怎麼改 最後都會跳回來下面的預設值
  5. 我原先的nc就是linuxserver的 但不知道甚麼時候開始 檔案中滑鼠右鍵查看細節後 會卡住 顯示不出來 無法分享權限 才想換換看其它nc
  6. 最後我找到方法 docker exec -it -u root CONTAINER_NAME bash 順利更改權限 但是遇到了新的問題.. 於是我重新啟動docker 就再也無法啟動了... 剛安裝完就顯示internal server error到底要如何解決? 更改權限似乎沒有用
  7. finally, i found that command "docker exec -it -u root CONTAINER_NAME bash" can login as root from unraid console it show "Configuration was not read or initialized correctly, not overwriting /var/www/html/config/config.php" now but when i restart my container, it fail.. how could i fix the internal error correctly : (
  8. 但我的array和cache都還有需要的資料 直接一起放到新設備上 unraid會自己辨識對嗎? 謝謝你的回覆
  9. 我安裝了由knex666維護的nextcloud,安裝完後,點擊nexcloud的web GUI,也指定連接到本地的mariadb,然後就發生internal server error 有看到有人提到需要執行chown -R www-data:www-data * 但是權限不足 也不知道該docker的root 密碼...說明中完全沒有提到 請問有人有碰過類似的問題 能提供一下建議嗎 謝謝
  10. do you fix it? i have the same issue..
  11. how to chown ? i don't know the password of root of my nextcloud docker? anybody can help me : (
  12. 如題 想將系統遷移到新的主機上(cpu/主機板不同) 舊電腦的usb flash/ m2 ssd*2 /disk * 3 都要原封不動挪到新電腦 有沒有甚麼需要先備份或執行的步驟 只要把usb flash(unraid system) 和ssd*2及disk*3 更換到插到新的電腦就行了嗎?
  13. ok 您的blog裡面的案例剛好符合我的疑問 感謝 如果array已經全部移動到cache 就可以改成cache only了 所以array->cache通常只有在第一次使用緩存空間會需要做這樣的搬移動作 但如果system 資料夾 都在緩存中 有沒有好的plugin可以提供system share的備份? (目前appdata 和 domains 都有plugin可以backup到array中) 如果沒有好的插件,只能倚靠cache 實現Raid ,那下圖設定是對的嗎?
  14. 請教一下 所以設定array to cache 實際情況是 array 底下的檔案挪到cache了 只是share view看起來還在mnt/user底下 那這樣何時會需要array to cache? 怎麼不直接使用cache only就好 反正share view還是看得到 我自己猜想是 如果一開始檔案在array 才會需要先設定為array to cache 執行mover後 檔案從array移到cache 就可以把設定改為cache only
  15. 感謝您的回覆 這解答了我的疑惑
  16. what's the difference with secondary is array? if i set secondary to array , and action: array>cache the data in array is the older one, so it's pointless?! when i modified the file in cache the file in array is changed too so when we need use array>cache instead of cache only?
  17. primary:cache secondary: array with action: array to cache if primary is cache (first write to cache), what does mover do? there is no new data in array, why it should move data from array to cache unless the old data not in cache i don't understand why we need it instead of cache only if action is array->cache, after moving data to cache, i found the data still in array, why? i modified the file in cache , the file in array is changed too is there two copy of the file? or just one in cache and symbolic link to array??
  18. 請問當我的appdata/domains/system皆設置array->cache時 vm manager 和 docker manager使用的libvirt.img 和 docker.img需要改到cache底下嗎? user/domains和cache/domains下的檔案會分別存在各自的資料夾底下對嗎? 應該不會是軟連結或硬連結實現?
  19. this my log as below: sent 131,247 bytes received 35 bytes 87,521.33 bytes/sec total size is 131,072 speedup is 1.00 2023-12-29 02:02:02 information: copy of /etc/libvirt/qemu/nvram/ced002d0-5bc9-d7c6-a37d-22b11a48c6ac_VARS-pure-efi.fd to /mnt/user/backup/Windows Server 2016/20231229_0202_ced002d0-5bc9-d7c6-a37d-22b11a48c6ac_VARS-pure-efi.fd complete. 2023-12-29 02:02:02 failure: extension for /mnt/user/domains/Windows Server 2016/vdisk1.snap on Windows Server 2016 is the same as the snapshot extension snap. disk will always be skipped. this usually means that the disk path in the config was not changed from /mnt/user. if disk path is correct, then try changing snapshot_extension or vdisk extension. 2023-12-29 02:02:02 information: extension for /mnt/user/domains/Windows Server 2016/vdisk1.snap on Windows Server 2016 was found in vdisks_extensions_to_skip. skipping disk. 2023-12-29 02:02:02 information: extension for /mnt/user/isos/Windows_Server_2016_Datacenter_EVAL_en-us_14393_refresh.ISO on Windows Server 2016 was found in vdisks_extensions_to_skip. skipping disk. 2023-12-29 02:02:02 information: extension for /mnt/user/isos/virtio-win-0.1.190-1.iso on Windows Server 2016 was found in vdisks_extensions_to_skip. skipping disk. how cloud i fix it? i should change snapshot extension? i never add .snap extension to vdisk_extension_to_skip...why i get this imformation..
  20. as title what should i do? unplug the usb drive(unraid system installed) , three disks (array) and two SSDs (cache) to new computer ,and power on? that's all?! Is there any thing to care?
  21. why my /appdata in cache haven't been written back to my disk, i support that it should be written to disk every day...i can't find anything i have three folder set to prefer:cache but "appdata" and "domains" is empty "system" has docker.img and libvirt.img if data has been format, Is there any way I can contact the Data Rescue Center to help recover the data in the cache?
  22. 如題 假設沒有備份緩存 該怎麼樣恢復我的VM和docker 理論上每天應該要回存到 disk中 但是我卻找不到vm 的 映像檔 只有virtimg 請問何解? 有人知道image 放在哪嗎?
  23. few years ago, we only have nextcloud requirement, so i add a new docker for nextcloud and simply create a new VM for another purpose ... that's all then it works fine for years and now the space of cache should be upgraded, i think it's just a cache , then the stupid thing happened... anyway i found that nextcloud don't setup any cache, how could i recovery the docker of nextcloud? i just try to add new container ,select the template created before, data path is same as the older one(i.e: /data), but it seems not working, my data is not coming back but i sure that data is in disk, how cloud i make nextcloud recognize all stored data before
  24. tower-diagnostics-20231225-1230.zip
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