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Everything posted by Bmalone

  1. What am I missing here? I unzipped this and added the folder location to the command it it's telling me it doesn't exist.
  2. Not sure what to say. As you can see in the screenshot below, when I have the Diagnostic file downloaded, and I haven't opened it, and I drag and drop it from the first screen shot, it just unpacks it.
  3. It won't let me. If I select the zip file it will only take me down to the next level of the file structure and will only allow me to attach all those files, in Finder anyways. Even if I drag & drop the zip file, it automatically unpacks it and flattens a it.
  4. I've been trawling through all the VM threads and am a bit lost as there is so much information and it's difficult to tell what is still relevant and what is not. I have my Win10 VM up & running, and it works well, albeit without any audio which isn't a big issue, except for the freezing. I can use it for about 10 minutes and it freezes. Thing is, if there are downloads or data transfers happening, I can see that these still work and will complete, and I don't lose access to the VM, but my mouse and keyboard have no input in the VM, so I'm forces for 'force stop' the VM and start it again. I found the topic below, but it seems like a different issue as I don't see any of the 16 vCPU's pinned at 100% util. However, I do notice that the allocated CPU's allocated to the VM are busy being used even when the VM isn't running. Is there a thread that I can read which is relevant and not out of date? I found this one too, but when I tried the solution, Unraid couldn't see the NVME cache where the VM is running so that doesn't work. Seems like running a VM would be table stakes, but it's definitely trickier than I was expecting. domain.cfg flash.cfg containers_vms_cache.cfg slow_cache.cfg ingestion_cache.cfg downloads_cache.cfg docker.cfg editor.cfg super.dat network-rules.cfg ident.cfg share.cfg network.cfg go.txt disk.cfg listen.txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCT06A-20240306-2211 disk8 (sdk).txt eui.0025384c314284e5-20240306-2211 containers_vms_cache (nvme0).txt ST22000NT001-3LS101_ZX21SMQ1-20240306-2211 (sdo).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCYPAS-20240306-2211 disk9 (sdl).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCYQ94-20240306-2211 disk10 (sdm).txt nvme.c0a9-323334334538383230383931-435434303030503353534438-00000001-20240306-2211 downloads_cache (nvme2).txt Synology_HAT5300-8T_20B0SRRK0A0FHFDUH-20240306-2211 disk11 (sdg).txt Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7KGNJ0WC07986W-20240306-2211 ingestion_cache (nvme1).txt eui.0025384c31428b22-20240306-2211 ingestion_cache (nvme1).txt ST22000NT001-3LS101_ZX21SMS5-20240306-2211 (sdn).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCSZW8-20240306-2211 disk6 (sdi).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCXVSC-20240306-2211 disk2 (sdc).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCSZZL-20240306-2211 disk4 (sdf).txt CT4000P3SSD8_2343E8820891-20240306-2211 downloads_cache (nvme2).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCYQ6P-20240306-2211 disk3 (sde).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCT0H4-20240306-2211 disk7 (sdj).txt HGST_HUH721212ALE600_5PGD442F-20240306-2211 (sdp).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCYQ6N-20240306-2211 disk1 (sdb).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCT16Q-20240306-2211 disk5 (sdh).txt Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7KGNJ0WC06485B-20240306-2211 containers_vms_cache (nvme0).txt SAMSUNG_MZ7LM1T9HMJP-00005_S2TVNX0JB01554-20240306-2211 slow_cache (sdd).txt PNY_USB_2.0_FD_071C245D9D1FEB35-0-0-20240306-2211 flash (sda).txt unraid-6.12.8.txt bparonewinvmone.xml cmdline.txt btrfs-usage.txt nvidia-smi.txt drm.txt unraid-api.txt plugins.txt motherboard.txt iommu_groups.txt ntp.txt ethtool.txt folders.txt sshd.txt lsmod.txt lsscsi.txt thirdparty_packages.txt loads.txt testparm.txt memory.txt lspci.txt meminfo.txt lsusb.txt urls.txt top.txt ps.txt servers.conf.txt vars.txt lscpu.txt lsof.txt df.txt ifconfig.txt dhcplog.txt libvirt.txt docker.txt syslog-previous.txt syslog.txt bparonewinvmone-fs0-virtiofsd.txt bparonewinvmone.txt appdata.cfg d-----s.cfg b-----s.cfg isos.cfg t---------g.cfg system.cfg i---------------c.cfg W------M.cfg d--a.cfg shareDisks.txt t---------g (1).cfg d-------s.cfg u--------a.cfg
  5. I opened a ticket for this issue and was asked to post my diagnostics here. So here they are. domain.cfg flash.cfg containers_vms_cache.cfg slow_cache.cfg ingestion_cache.cfg downloads_cache.cfg docker.cfg editor.cfg super.dat network-rules.cfg ident.cfg share.cfg network.cfg go.txt disk.cfg listen.txt PNY_USB_2.0_FD_071C245D9D1FEB35-0-0-20240306-1345 flash (sda).txt HGST_HUH721212ALE600_5PGD442F-20240306-1345 (sdp).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCT16Q-20240306-1345 disk5 (sdh).txt Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7KGNJ0WC06485B-20240306-1345 containers_vms_cache (nvme0).txt CT4000P3SSD8_2343E8820891-20240306-1345 downloads_cache (nvme2).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCYQ6N-20240306-1345 disk1 (sdb).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCT0H4-20240306-1345 disk7 (sdj).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCYQ6P-20240306-1345 disk3 (sde).txt SAMSUNG_MZ7LM1T9HMJP-00005_S2TVNX0JB01554-20240306-1345 slow_cache (sdd).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCSZZL-20240306-1345 disk4 (sdf).txt Synology_HAT5300-8T_20B0SRRK0A0FHFDUH-20240306-1345 disk11 (sdg).txt ST22000NT001-3LS101_ZX21SMQ1-20240306-1345 (sdo).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCYQ94-20240306-1345 disk10 (sdm).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCXVSC-20240306-1345 disk2 (sdc).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCSZW8-20240306-1345 disk6 (sdi).txt eui.0025384c31428b22-20240306-1345 ingestion_cache (nvme1).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCYPAS-20240306-1345 disk9 (sdl).txt Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7KGNJ0WC07986W-20240306-1345 ingestion_cache (nvme1).txt nvme.c0a9-323334334538383230383931-435434303030503353534438-00000001-20240306-1345 downloads_cache (nvme2).txt eui.0025384c314284e5-20240306-1345 containers_vms_cache (nvme0).txt ST22000NT001-3LS101_ZX21SMS5-20240306-1345 (sdn).txt ST18000NT001-3NF101_ZVTCT06A-20240306-1345 disk8 (sdk).txt unraid-6.12.8.txt bparonewinvmone.xml cmdline.txt btrfs-usage.txt nvidia-smi.txt drm.txt unraid-api.txt plugins.txt motherboard.txt iommu_groups.txt ntp.txt ethtool.txt folders.txt sshd.txt lsmod.txt lsscsi.txt thirdparty_packages.txt loads.txt testparm.txt memory.txt lspci.txt meminfo.txt lsusb.txt urls.txt top.txt ps.txt servers.conf.txt vars.txt lscpu.txt lsof.txt df.txt ifconfig.txt dhcplog.txt libvirt.txt docker.txt syslog-previous.txt syslog.txt bparonewinvmone-fs0-virtiofsd.txt bparonewinvmone.txt appdata.cfg d-----s.cfg b-----s.cfg isos.cfg t---------g.cfg system.cfg i---------------c.cfg W------M.cfg d--a.cfg shareDisks.txt t---------g (1).cfg d-------s.cfg u--------a.cfg
  6. Hell yeah I'd be interested. I have a new build and was looking to implement Grafana, but I'd definitely give this a go first. Looks amazing.
  7. You’re a star. Since it was an iso I just assumed it would boot off the files. That all makes sense now. Appreciate it. Can you tell I’m only 11 pages into The Linux Command Line 2nd Edition?
  8. I am having some stability issues with my Windows VM. I would like to run this on a dedicated NVMe cache so there is no other contention. Is this possible? If so, how would this be configured?
  9. I set up Jellyfin and pretty sure I did this correctly in Jellyfin but it's throwing errors with regards to permissions. I can't see anything else I can do to provide permissions. I've followed multiple guides and videos and nothing else seems to need to be done from within the share. I assume I'm missing something in Unraid Share settings, rather than Jellyfin. What am I missing? Also, all the instructional videos show that there are configs for adding a GPU, but I download all the distros and don't see that in any of them. Can anyone confirm that this has been removed because it is either out of the box, or Jellyfin no longer supports GPU's? EDIT: I configured the official Jellyfin the exact same way and it worked. Something is wrong with the lscr.io and Binhex images. EDIT: I just realized that it looks like it’s actually Jellyfin’s own local container path volume that is denying access. It’s denying access to itself for some reason. ‘Access to the path '/data/tvshows' is denied.’ ------------------------------------------------------------- docker run -d --name='jellyfin' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Goathead" -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="jellyfin" -e 'JELLYFIN_PublishedServerUrl'='' -e 'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'='all' -e 'NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES'='all' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'UMASK'='022' -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8096]' -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/jellyfin-logo.png' -p '8096:8096/tcp' -p '8920:8920/tcp' -p '7359:7359/udp' -p '1900:1900/udp' -v '/mnt/user/unraiddata/tv/':'/data/tvshows':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/unraiddata/Films/':'/data/movies':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/jellyfin':'/config':'rw' -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all --gpus all 'lscr.io/linuxserver/jellyfin:latest' 2863340bcd5f482554d4d2cb53b47ae17da7c148f8a89327a76d4225b79c6cd5 Example of the errors I'm getting [16:22:52] [ERR] [41] Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager: Error running post-scan task System.ArgumentException: Not enough valid pictures provided to create a splashscreen! at Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia.SplashscreenBuilder.GenerateCollage(IReadOnlyList`1 posters, IReadOnlyList`1 backdrops) at Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia.SplashscreenBuilder.GenerateSplash(IReadOnlyList`1 posters, IReadOnlyList`1 backdrops, String outputPath) at Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia.SkiaEncoder.CreateSplashscreen(IReadOnlyList`1 posters, IReadOnlyList`1 backdrops) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.SplashscreenPostScanTask.Run(IProgress`1 progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager.RunPostScanTasks(IProgress`1 progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [16:22:52] [INF] [41] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: Scan Media Library Completed after 0 minute(s) and 3 seconds [16:22:52] [ERR] [40] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Error in Directory watcher for: /data/tvshows System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/data/tvshows' is denied. ---> System.IO.IOException: Permission denied --- End of inner exception stack trace --- [16:22:52] [INF] [40] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Stopping directory watching for path /data/tvshows [16:22:52] [ERR] [42] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Error in Directory watcher for: /data/movies System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/data/movies' is denied. ---> System.IO.IOException: Permission denied Path configs attached.
  10. I tried to follow the guidance on the link below to potentially resolve some Windows VM stability issues I was having and I didn't do it right and now my containers & VM cache is missing. The binding worked as I can see but in the syslog, but it's no good because I can't start my share now and change it in the VM. I didn't realize it had to be a dedicated SSD for this. Is there any way to recover without losing the cache and buying a new one? EDIT: I tried to go through the same steps in System Devices but the drive was greyed out. It took about 30 minutes, but eventually I was able to tick the box to 'Bing selected to VFIO Boot' and it unbound it.
  11. I am currently using a Windows machine on a PureVPN which I move files manually to a NAS. I set up a Deluge container on my NAS using a PIA OpenVPN config file. The plan was to install all the arrs, but I wanted to test the new VPN provider and Deluge as I will route all my arts traffic through this pivot service and wanted to ensure it's performant So ,I downloaded a torrent of Ubuntu to test the speeds. Normally I'm used to anywhere from 3-20mbps download speeds, but I hear people almost getting a full gbps speeds with Deluge and PIA. I'm on a 2gbps fiber connection with a 10GbE network and device and while on the PIA VPN I can only get 50mbps running a speedtest and the torrent itself maxes out 17kbps. That's way off what I was expecting, and while everything works, there must be a way to tune this. At this rate, Ubuntu would take 17 days to download. So, I took my PureVPN Wireguard config that is working with qbittorrent and added it to the Deluge config and switched it to use the Wireguard config file to compare. I can't connect to it so something is wrong. Looking at the logs there are no errors or anything that looks erroneous. So in the end, I can't compare it to qbittorrent and will need to add VPN's to each service instead of routing it all through Deluge. I can't find any tuning guides or guidance online so I thought I'd check here to see what else might work better than this setup or manually downloading and then manually renaming before manually moving to the array.
  12. I'm a bit confused about the last step., when you write "change permissions & run"; change what permissions and run what? I see there is some obscure funmagician command, but Magician is client software and needs a drive letter. Does this only work if you're not actually running a server? I've completed the rest of the steps, but not sure how to actually ensure the drive boots from the extracted ISO files.
  13. Thanks for the input. I have sent you the diagnostics privately.
  14. I have set up a new NAS and have started to transfer ~32TB to my new Unraid server using Krusader. Source system is a Synology NAS. Since there is a lot of data, I've been transferring my films in batches by transferring every film that starts with an 'a', then 'b', and so on. I have not set any parity and have cache set to 'none' (all the articles I could find that were relevant seem, to be transferring/moving data within Unraaid and/or using cache). For some reason, as soon as I got to 'e', the films don't show up any longer in the share or in the disk I'm filling up, but I can see that there is more data in the target share, which looks equivalent to the amount of data I would expect transferred. I've used Dynamix File Manager, Finder, and Explorer and the files are lost/not visible. Before I delete everything and revert to using Explorer or Finder, does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? Sorry if this is better suited to an Krusader forum but I thought someone might have experienced the same since it seems like it would be a pretty common scenario.
  15. Not the answer that I was hoping for, but clear. Thanks for the quick response.
  16. I have a cache I want to exclusively use to run a Win10 VM and also for Qbittorrent downloads so I can maximize download speeds and VM performance. I want move to regular move completed files to a 12TB UD formatted in NTFS to make sure the file is the right type of file, right quality, has the correct naming convention, etc. before I move it to the array and let Plex see it. I have shared the UD in settings, but when creating a share with the cache as primary, I cannot select the UD as secondary storage. Is this not a supported configuration or am I doing it wrong?
  17. This looks like it has exactly what I need now that I've had a cursory glance. Couldn't find this Googling. Thanks so much!
  18. This is the issue I'm trying to solve. I installed it on the array accidentally when setting it up. so when I changed the app data folder to exist on the cache, it's still running on disk too. I'll check the documentation suggested and see if that sorts it. I don't have a domain yet for Unraid so I'm not sure what this is.
  19. I'll definitely check this out today. Thanks
  20. I tried this based on what I read in other posts and this made no sense to me. How can a cache be 4TB, but have 21TB free? That seems like a bug and I can’t trust the information in the Shares tab. My 2.5” SSD shows 6b used, so I assume that VM will to have to be deleted and recreated. Bit of a PITA, but my fault. Mover never comes into play because it will only move from primary to secondary storage, and in my config, I don’t want any secondary storage. Can’t find any way of using mover for anything else so it’s pretty useless to me. Already did this multiple times. I was actually so obsessed with this I forgot my media was copying and stopped it. Now it’s taking me over an hour to delete what transferred in order to start again. I’d be happy to do this with Explorer if I knew what to move. I did install File Manager but I can’t find a compatible GUI for it so it’s installed but I can’t access it.
  21. I've searched Reddit and this forum and not found the exact answers for my scenario or I didn't understand it. I built my first Unraid server on Friday and I had 1) 2 x 4TB NVMe drives and 2) 1 x 2TB 2.5" SSD. I created 2 caches, NVMe in raid 1 and 2.5"SSD as standard. I build a Windows 10 VM and started adding containers but I accidentally did it on the array (still migrating ~50TB so no parity yet). Now I want to move the containers to the NVMe cache and the Win10 VM to the 2.5" SSD cache. I changed the app data share to only use cache. I can't tell if they're still running on the array, but it doesn't feel like it as performance seems the same. I was expecting it to be pretty snappy so I think I've not done it right. How exactly can I tell where my VM and the containers are running?
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