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Everything posted by Thedinotamer

  1. Hi guys, i've been trying to find a way to expand the amount of drives I have and got recommended HBA cards, but now I stumbled upon this thread and got my hopes up that I won't have to deal with flashing into IT mode and all that. Is this correct or do these cards that are recommended still require flashing into IT mode, etc? I found this Asmedia ASM1064 on amazon, is this the correct one that's recommended or is this a different one? Also here's my build.
  2. Hi, i'm going to use this guide to setup my server and then the Tailscale plugin to get remote access. My question is if I should replace all the ip addresses in that guide with tailscales ip/port in for example the setup for jellyseerr or if I should still use unraids ip/port?
  3. "Error: Oh noes! something doesn't seem right here" even without vpn and adblocker disabled.
  4. @MowMdown But how does that work? Am I not supposed to just drop them inside the /mnt/user/data/media folder? Does Sonarr have some sort of import function inside that "media management" setting?
  5. Hi, sorry if this the wrong place to post this, feel free to move it to wherever I should have posted it. I'm trying to follow this guide I found, Jellyfin's naming scheme and Trash Guides recommendations to decide how to name my current DB and DBZ series I have as preparation for my future media server project. The "this guide I found" link is just there incase you guys want some context to how i'm going to set everything up. Trash Guides says the episode name should be this inside sonarr: "{Series TitleYear} - S{season:00}E{episode:00} - {absolute:000} - {Episode CleanTitle} [{Custom Formats }{Quality Full}]{[MediaInfo VideoDynamicRangeType]}[{MediaInfo VideoBitDepth}bit]{[MediaInfo VideoCodec]}[{Mediainfo AudioCodec} { Mediainfo AudioChannels}]{MediaInfo AudioLanguages}{-Release Group}" or more clearly written "The Series Title! (2010) - S01E01 - 001 - Episode Title 1 [iNTERNAL HDTV-720p v2][HDR10][10bit][x264][DTS 5.1][JA]-RlsGrp" But Jellyfin wants everything to be like this: "Series Name A S01E01-E02.mkv" This is how i've done it until now: And this is how the file looks unedited:
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