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Everything posted by generalz

  1. I'm not sure, maybe for a new install. As an existing user i mapped /mnt/user/:/mnt/user/:rw so that crashplan would continue on like nothing happened.
  2. take the # out from the port should look like this. I use 4200 as per crashplans faqs'
  3. use this instead docker pull lonix/btsync
  4. If you never complain, it never gets fixed.... I think I fixed it. Please try again. i did, just in the wrong area http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33965.msg323085#msg323085 I removed and re-added and move some files around and it seems to be stable this time, thanks!
  5. is there a way to get the time set right in the logs? using the extended config addon for unraid and bind time is checked but the time is still way off
  6. dropbox. one that has a template does not work.
  7. how do you save changes to a docker? I noticed couch wanted to update.
  8. /var/lib/docker/unraid-templates where is that being kept to persist a reboot?
  9. must be based on location. mines not using much of any cpu and it maxing out 15mbps
  10. https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
  11. I use the one that's part of xampp. and just modified the config to allow it to connect to other db
  12. I don't I used the lazy way and use phpMyadmin to manage it
  13. huh if its not a permissions issue im not sure what it would be. I have owncloud and 4 xbmc's connecting to mine.
  14. so you have a user in mariadb that is called ocowner and it has permissions to create databases?
  15. I just noticed that mine stopped working too. Found pre-existing certificate, using it. E: Failed to fetch http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/community/xUbuntu_14.04/./all/owncloud_7.0.2-1_all.deb Size mismatch E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? *** /etc/my_init.d/config.sh failed with status 100
  16. if you click on where is says exited, what does it say
  17. im sure there is a command line for docker to do that.. but you can go into the settings of crash plan and tell it how much cpu to use.
  18. yea thats what I do. create a share called "crashplan" and set "Use cache disk: NO" then on your docker config map /crashplan to your host /mnt/user/crashplan
  19. post a screen shot of your containers page
  20. Nope you need to use the ip of your unraid box
  21. I did use root just for testing. I wouldn't do that if it's going to be a exposed system. If it's exposed you need to create a user and make the own cloud db and give that user rights to the owncloud db
  22. Did you set your root password on Maria? Mines working no problem
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