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  1. Hello, how can I update the Compose.Manager plugin? I clicked "update" in the app store, and it flashed for a moment but then didn't respond.Do I need to stop all the containers in Compose, or is there something else I need to do?
  2. 太感谢了,这解决了困扰我很久的问题
  3. Hello, may I ask if there's a way to access a specific webpage with Docker Edge through parameters or commands?
  4. @ich777 Hello, your microsoft-edge Docker setup is really great. I have a small issue: I want to use an Unraid script to schedule the stopping and starting of the Edge Docker container. Whenever I use docker stop to stop the container, and then use docker start to restart it, it doesn't automatically access the homepage. Even though I’ve set Edge to open a specific page on startup, it still defaults to a new tab. However, if I manually close the browser before stopping the container, the next time it starts, it correctly accesses the specified page. Is there a suitable command to ensure the browser is not unintentionally closed, or a command that allows accessing a specific URL? curl doesn’t work for this purpose. I would greatly appreciate your help with this.
  5. 我放弃了,没什么好使的办法 docker Android时不时抽风,还是麻烦点就直接用手机了
  6. 老哥找到解决方案了吗,我看很多chromeOS、fydeOS都装上打不开
  7. 解决了吗老哥,我发现有些人和我一样的版本,他就是三列我就是两列
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