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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. No, that's just about previous UD devices, and you can safely remove it.
  2. That works for any array/pool devices, not sure with unassigned ones since I don't use encryption.
  3. Best bet is to backup and reformat the pool, you can also try btrfs fsck, but only after everything is backed up.
  4. If it's already decrypted you can use: xfs_repair -v /dev/mapper/sdX1
  5. Lots of nginx errors, can't really help with those, other than make sure only one browser window is open on the GUI, close any stale ones.
  6. This, or manually using the CLI, best solution also depends of the current pool status.
  7. Test completed without errors, so disk is OK for now.
  8. If it was a single device cache you can just re-assign it.
  9. Note that direct pool device replacement is broken in v6.9.x+, you can still do manually or using other methods.
  10. Currently it's mostly raid1 but there's some single profile data. Yes, assuming that's what you want and the profile you choose for the balance.
  11. Difficult to say for sure, the errors were logged as actual disk problems, and these can be intermittent, but sometimes cable issues are logged as disk issues.
  12. So all disks are good for now, two complete surface reads were successful, SMART test + parity check, if you still want to replace them to expand you have to start with parity, if you don't need to expand for now just keep monitoring them.
  13. No, it will just start over. No, again you'd need to restart the procedure.
  14. Maybe having the preclear plugin running interfered with it, not sure, never tried it.
  15. There's nothing else, that folder is using the space reported by btrfs, if there are many small files inside for example it's normal for the GUI to report a different (lower) value.
  16. They are not missing, something is using that space, you can move the folders inside somewhere else until you find out the culprit(s).
  17. You only have one data profile, not the same, other than that most tools like du, and possibly Krusader, though I've never used it, might not report the used/free space for btrfs correctly, in your case the GUI will show the correct used/free stats, you cal also confirm with: btrfs fi usage -T /mnt/cache
  18. Do you mean you also also multiple data profiles?
  19. Dec 21 17:59:39 UNAS emhttpd: copy: disk3 to disk0 completed Parity copy completed successfully, and after that's done you can only click on start array to begin the rebuild or it will reset the procedure, did you do anything else?
  20. Try with a different PC if available, could also be the Windows install, i.e., try a new one on a new disk/ssd, or could also be just a NIC driver/setting issue.
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