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Everything posted by Gog

  1. Sonarr is going to read the file deluge downloaded from the same path as in deluge. In this case, the file in deluge is in /data Add /data -> /mnt/user/downloads in the sonarr parameters, Sonarr will find the downloaded file in /data and copy/move it to /tv
  2. Have you tried to go in the sonarr container and see what's visible? I don't know how familiar you are with the CLI but you could try this from a putty session: docker exec -it Sonarr bash cd /data/complete/tv ls -al
  3. You don't need to wait. Restart the container. For a beta version, set the version variable and restart Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
  4. Looks like your .ovpn file is not correct. Try to redownload that and the certificates from yohr vpn provider. And sonarr is complaining about the proxy. Are you using delugevpn's proxy? If so, it wont work until ypur vpn config is fixed Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
  5. Add /plexpy to the address you use on your local lan Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
  6. Emailing [email protected] will be sent to [email protected] after the + is ignored Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
  7. Great idea! I generally use the VPN only for downloads. No point of trying to be anonymous if all the house traffic goes through the VPN and someone does something in the clear. Less of an issue with the rise of HTTPS but still.
  8. This has been bugging me for a while so I'll let the paranoid in me speak out If you use this, make sure to *only* visit http://ipmagnet.services.cbcdn.com/ through your VPN. There is only going to be one person checking that webpage with your specific hash and that's you. If someone sniffs that traffic, they will get all your IPs
  9. Whoa there buddy, my setup works just fine, don't you jinx me! You have a similar issue as clearzero, sonarr is trying to write in the wrong place. lionelhutz gave the right explanation. Take a look at the sonarr log: Access to the path "/tv/.... And in your sonarr, you defines /dev/rtc, /media, /download and /config. Sonarr has no idea what /tv is. Either define /tv to /mnt/user/whatever in the sonarr container options or in your series, go in options and save them to the path /media/tv/Last Week Toni... Creating the mapping in the sonarr container parameters is probably a *lot* less clicks
  10. How is /media defined On sonarr? That's what the error message is complaining about... Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
  11. It looks like your download path is mapped to /download and your sonarr path is mapped to /media. For the copy/move to work, both containers need to have the exact same path to the video file. Edit: I'm rereading myself and I'm not so sure anymore. It looks like your download path is OK in the first error but not in the second. In the first one it's the media drive that complains. I'm still betting on container mapping though.
  12. looks good. This gives everyone access to everything though, you might want to check if your read-only users are really read-only...
  13. There is a space in your path, the cd command doesn't like it. You need to "escape" the weird character with a "\" but autocomplete can fix that for you. if you type "cd /mnt/user/TV" and hit the tab key, it should fill in "/mnt/user/TV\ Shows".
  14. I thought that was the set-OID, set-GID and the sticky bit. Never used them though...
  15. That 0 is for the "special" flag. You can safely let it to 0. Sorry, I'm not very fluent on sharing permissions. Now that I think about it with the kids growing up I may need to address this... Anyway, pick a file that works as you want, "ls -al" on it and that will give you the pattern you need to configure in the permission window of Sonarr. Don't forget to set "chown user" and "chown group". 644 and 755 are probably the right bet.
  16. Of course. Half the issues at work start with "I didn't change anything but..."
  17. Permissions too restrictive in the plex config files? plex may not be able to save it's settings
  18. This is what I get on the checkmyIPtorrent. Do you get the same result if you set enable VPN=false? Tracker Status: checkmytorrentip.net: Error: Success, Your torrent client IP is: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  19. File permissions crash course To understand the numbers, add these to give specific results: Read=4 Write=2 execute=1 (execute permissions on a directory means you can access it) 7=4+2+1, all rights 6=4+2, all rights for a "normal" file There are 3 numbers, the first one is the permission for the owner, the second is for the group and the third is for everyone. You can update all your current file permissions like so: Putty server and CD to your TV directory : cd /mnt/user/TV change attribute to all your files, recursively in all directories: "chmod -R 666 *" 666 means everyone can read and write the file This will affect your directories too but you can fix it by changing attributes to all your *first level* directories: "chmod 777 *" 777 means everyone can read, write and get in the directory. If you use season subdirectories, you'll have to fix them manually... "ls -al" will list all files with their permissions
  20. Same answer as Squid above. Tell Sonarr to set permissions on files and directories
  21. Same behavior in IE and Chrome. I'm thinking of reinstalling without a library directory. Create the admin password before it has a chance to import the library. I've never been judged by software before but who knows what AI is up to
  22. Good afternoon I did a fresh install last night, new appdata directory, and the app works fine. Books and comics are indexed but the admin page won'T let me log in. It's asking me for a new admin password and when I click submit it spins around endlessly And nothing in the logs (docker logs -f ubooquity) when I go to the admin page. Is admin logging somewhere else?
  23. Hi guys I'm trying this again and so far performance is very interesting. I'm hitting a snag with reverse proxying it though. @CHBMB had explained how to do it here: apache config but it seems this is on nginx now, not apache. My nginx container can reverse proxy but piwigo doesn't like the url root. I tried changing this: location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html /index.php?$args =404; } to this: location /piwigo { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html /index.php?$args =404; } in the piwigo container at ...\appdata\piwigo\nginx\site-confs\default But it doesn't have the effect I was hoping on (it has no effect that I can see). I must admit the nginx documentation is flying way above my head. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks
  24. Has anyone got the reverse proxy working with Piwigo? I'll admit, I'm far from understanding the proxy directives but the Google is failing me. I suspect it's because of the missing base directory for the Piwigo URL but I han't found how to change that either. Thanks Edit, this works but I still need to change the Piwigo root URL: location /piwigo { proxy_pass http://*unraid IP*:*piwigo port*/; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; }
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