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Everything posted by joeschmoe

  1. I got the update to work by removing the '7' after php.
  2. When going through the upgrade steps, I run into this: :/config/www/nextcloud$ sudo -u abc php7 occ upgrade sudo: php7: command not found Any idea? Thanks!
  3. oh wow, ok. What is the best way to manage the server now? CLI only? unMenu was never needed, and the unRAID Main web interface that you say is missing was always just a frame for the builtin web interface unRAID has always had. If you haven't hacked your go file to put it on another port you should be able to just go to http://tower or whatever you have named your server. From your screenshot I think maybe you have named it unRAIDServer, so just go to http://unRAIDServer. Thank you! had no clue! obviously :-) (crawling back into my hole)
  4. oh wow, ok. What is the best way to manage the server now? CLI only?
  5. I searched all through this thread, so hopefully no duplicating... After upgrading from 6.2.4 to 6.3.0, my 'unRAID Main' web interface is blank (see screenshot). This happens in Chrome and Firefox and I cleared browser cache and tested in private mode on both browsers. I also tried killing unmenu and restarting it with no luck, but not sure if that is at all related... The array is up and running (started automatically after upgrade) and my dockers are running.
  6. Any suggestion for cameras that don't record? I have cam set to record all the time and still nothing. I've checked the folder maps. All seems good, but just no recording. NEVERMIND!!! Found in the log that is showed the disk space to not be sufficient even though it should have had 20GB to play with. I changed free space allotment to the entire disk and it's recording now...
  7. found system.properties file in unifi-video root and added "is_default=true" and amazing, it works!
  8. Hello! Just added this to my unraid server. After it's started, I navigate to the web interface and am presented with a login screen, but I should get a setup wizard. I found the system.properties file and it is one line that reads "is_default=true" Then restarted the app and still same thing. Any help getting the setup wizard? Thanks, PS - am on unraid 6.2.4
  9. Wow, this happened again. This must be related the unraid mover? I changed the nextcloud /config from my cache/appdata path to the user/appdata path, restarted the container and at least this time did not have to go through the admin setup process again.
  10. reinstalling mariadb did the trick! I still had to go through the admin setup screen, but it did not tell me my user already existed. Looks like my files are still intact too.
  11. removed and reinstalled nextcloud from the unraid docker UI, no change. I guess I will try removing mariadb and reinstalling now
  12. This is all that's in that log file: It's a new install with nothing special (that I know of), I upgraded to 10.0.2 prior to starting the large 108 GB sync.
  13. Hoping someone can help, I am not finding anything through search on this thread or google. I had a large sync running overnight and I woke up to errors stating that the connection was lost. Was getting 404 error when trying to access the web UI. I restarted mariaDB and nextcloud dockers and I can get back to the web UI now, but it only gives me the initial setup screen where it asks ytou to enter an admin user and fill out db info. I tried filling in the admin and db info that I used previously, but it says the user already exists.... Any help is appreciated :-), thank you!
  14. I changed --reduced-redundancy to --storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY and then sync started working again.
  15. Yes, clock is set correct. I just had some time to check my logs and now I am getting: /tmp/s3cmd.lock detected, exiting! Already running? Any possibility in pointing me the right direction? :-) Thank you!
  16. Help needed, I finally got the backup working after getting a key without any +'s in it. The backup ran once and now a week later, I am getting a SSL error: "ERROR: SSL certificate verification failure: ('The read operation timed out',)" Any thoughts? Thank you! Joe
  17. ^^^^ thanks! I changed the real-time display setting to regular and applied and the spam in the syslog stopped.
  18. Any ideas why I'm seeing the following line happen every minute on my syslog? Feb 8 07:26:01 unRAIDServer crond[1526]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/sbin/monitor $stuff$> /dev/null Thanks!
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