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Everything posted by Starfox

  1. Thanks - no yellow marked command for the operation no (And hence I can't see any button to delete the folders). Tried to do the second run (Is that really the workflow here?). Unbalanced got stuck in plan mode. Refreshed and tried again. Would only allow me to do one folder at a time (Kept saying destination was full which given it was just an empty folder obvious was not the case). Got there in the end. Thanks
  2. Hi - I am using unbalanced to scatter one of the disks that is getting too full. Everything seems to work but it leaves the folders behind on the original disk (Using move). Pretty sure from memory when I was using the old plugin it didn't do this. How do I get it to move the folder as well as the files within going forward and what is the easy way to delete the 10 or so folders left behind on the old disk? Thanks!
  3. Thanks @JorgeB I feared so but was hoping I was maybe missing something! I have RMA’d the two discs and sent them back to WD. Will try again. At least I got rid of the CA Marvel warning!!
  4. Hi, I have spent countless hours and read post after post to try and solve my issue but I am struggling. I am running Unraid 6.12.3. Diagnostics attached as well as Array Screenshot and screenshot of log with one of the drives connected showing error messages on it. I purchased two new WD Red Plus 10TB drives. I replaced the 4TB Parity with one of the 10TB drives and all was good, parity rebuilt. I then attached the second 10TB drive and run a Preclear and this finished successfully. Finally I swapped out the 3TB (XFS drive) with the preclear drive. Not all good. This is when things derailed. I got multiple errors were the two drives connected to my Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 SATA Card and could not get the array to come back online. I have ended up back where I started (finally got the array to see the 'missing' drives connected to the SATA card and rebuilt the parity onto the original 4TB drive). When I try to connect either of the 10TB drives now it sees them, I select one of them as the parity and it does nothing. Just refreshes and disappears and it is showing in the unassigned devices (And doesn't appear on the dropdown list anymore to add as parity) I have purchased and installed a new SATA card as I know the marvel based AOC-SASLP-MV8 is known to cause issues (it has never caused me issues in +5 years) with LSI 9207-8i Supermicro card and installed it and that was seamless. But still I cannot get my server to do anything useful with the 10TB drives. If I connect via onboard SATA it seems it but then won't let me add to array. If I connect via the new SATA card it doesn't even see them. I have plugged them into another Windows based PC and they seem to show there ok. If I try and run a SMART test on them nothing happens and on the attributes page is says Unable to detect device type. Are both my new 10TB drives faulty? The second one I ran the preclear on I started this with the drive sitting out on top of the case (Case it full - plan was to preclear and then swap out it with the 3TB one) and it did get to a high temperature before I realised what I had done and put a fan on it to cool but I don't believe it got +45 (Not sure how to check). And the other disc I had already installed as parity it did start to run a parity check a few days after I installed it and was hitting high temps as it was up at the top in the 5.25" where there is no fan so I relocated the disc down lower in the case and reconnected it and this is when things derailed mentioned above. Anymore info needed let me know! Thanks for any help. unraid-diagnostics-20230825-1807.zip
  5. Another person with this issue - WD Red 4TB HDD. Currently running it again behind I stumbled across this thread and realised I was not the only one getting the error.
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