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Everything posted by jbrodriguez

  1. Hi PieQuest, adjusting timeout settings should have solved it. I'll ask you for some info over pm, to try and find out what could be the issue.
  2. I've published 1.4.1 - It's no longer required to list dockers/vms in the Dashboard - Fix bug in disk size display - Bug fixes and improvements With regards to the first item, when I tried it reading separately from /Dockers and /VMs the app had a different architecture, which made it kind of difficult. Now it's easy to do this. As for the second item, I think this is now as close to unRAID as possible. There may be some differences, but I'd chalk them up to PHP vs Java functions.
  3. Yes, that's the way to go, I'll be testing a couple of ideas. I'll publish a release for the issues mentioned by MyKroFt, then work on this before diving into user permissions.
  4. Thanks for all the comments guys ! The DPI/font size thing really helps in looking for a solution. Not sure yet on how to solve it, but at least I know how to approach the issue. I also want to give thanks for all the ratings on the Play Store, I really appreciate them.
  5. Right, I tried that previously, but I had some issues (can't recall exactly what it was). It was a while back, I'll check that logic again.
  6. Thanks MyKroFt, I'll check this. About the dockers not showing, as discussed offline, dockers and vms need to show up in the unRAID Dashboard page, so that the app can pick them up as well. I'll find out more about the unassigned devices.
  7. Right. And still no TB either. I thought some of the changes in the libraries would get that part. I'll take a look at it.
  8. Hi MyKroFt, The dockers ... were they showing before this release ? What are UD drives ? I'll send you a pm to ask for some additional info.
  9. I've just published 1.4.0, with: - Dockers and VMs are now in separate pages and can be displayed as cards or as a list ! - Bug fixes and improvements I've also enabled Google's Family Library. This covers purchases made before July 2nd (the date Family Library actually went live for developers). I'll close the Docker/VMs feature request and work on User Permissions next.
  10. I'll publish a new release this weekend, with separate docker/vm pages (unless rc3 brings many changes, something I don't expect). In the meantime, I'd like to open a discussion about the user permissions feature (vote here if you'd like this to be implemented). This is what I've been thinking: - Permissions based on unRAID users unRAID supports users already. I propose to use the comments field to define permissions. The syntax for the permissions would be [docker|vm]:[+|-][rwx] In this context, rwx would mean r: User can see the docker/vm, but can't interact (actions are disabled, except to open the web ui, maybe?) w: User can edit/remove the docker/vm x: User can start/stop the docker/vm The default (if nothing is set in the comments) would be +r, all dockers/vms are visible. The root user is a special case, it has access to everything (no need to specify any permission) For example, you create an additional user and set its comment field to: nzbget:-r|sonarr:+wx|plex:+x The user will not see the nzbget docker, will be able to edit/remove and start/stop the sonarr docker and will be able to start/stop the plex vm. - UI based on user The current UI will be shown to the root user. For all other users, a limited view showing only the dockers/vms page and associated actions (as per the permissions) - Login/Logout The main servers page will allow to login/logout for each server, so that users with different permissions can use the app on the same device. I'm not sure where the user description field is used and if it can be used like this at all. If it can't, this feature would become a whole other level of difficult. Let me know your comments/suggestions.
  11. Thanks dmacias ! I've been looking into something similar to your suggestion, but I don't think it'll make the next release.
  12. Thanks smdion ! I'm splitting dockers and vms into separate pages, I'll check how feasible this is.
  13. There is a button called "Power On" if your server is off. Try that one That's right ! LOL got to be on of my most stupid posts!! Who would believe power on button would turn on server! Maybe i could try the on switch on my brain and see if a wol ping could wake me!!! But in my defensive i had not looked at the app when server has been off Don't worry. We will remind you about the incident
  14. I've just pushed 1.3.3, mostly fixing some visual issues - New layout for ops page - Ask confirmation before canceling sync/rebuild - Fix some UI elements (error screen not filling the screen, progress circle) - Fix array size sometimes shown in scientific notation - Bug fixes and improvements If there are no issues with the release, I'll start working on the app page split (into separate dockers/vms pages) and post what I've been thinking about user permissions, for some feedback.
  15. There is a button called "Power On" if your server is off. Try that one That's right !
  16. smdion, I have some good news and some bad news. I've just pushed 1.3.2, which fixes the crash when switching to the apps tab (it was caused by some dockers/vms not having a logo). That's the good news. As for the bad news ... CHBMB's TBs (or PBs) are still missing Thanks for your support in troubleshooting !!
  17. Currently, emhttp is checking for an "Authorization" header. I guess it's something like: if (header == "Authorization") ... Could you make it case-insensitive ? if (lowercase(header) == "authorization") ... The http standard says header fields should be case-insensitive http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt 4.2 Message Headers HTTP header fields, which include general-header (section 4.5), request-header (section 5.3), response-header (section 6.2), and entity-header (section 7.1) fields, follow the same generic format as that given in Section 3.1 of RFC 822 [9]. Each header field consists of a name followed by a colon (":") and the field value. Field names are case-insensitive. Just wondering if you'd be open to such a change.
  18. Well, some progress I'll do some more checking then get back to you
  19. Thanks CHBMB ! I hope to get to the bottom of it.
  20. I pushed 1.3.1, with some UI fixes. - Fix for visual issues in Add Server - Fix powerdown/reboot confirmation screen Some other internal issues were also addressed. smdion, let me know if this one solves it for you.
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