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Everything posted by jbrodriguez

  1. v1.8.0 is now available !!! 2016-11-11 - 1.8.0 - Show rsync error descriptions (instead of error codes) - Check permissions on folders to be moved, when calculating. If issues arise, show a warning - Honor RunAs user setting - Add Show Log menu option - UI Layout improvements Just a note ... v1.7.0 was very successful, with almost twice as many downloads as the next best version. Here's hoping 1.8.x is as successful
  2. v1.1.1 is available. 2016-11-10 - 1.1.1 - Check for log presence before accessing it - Replace Gitlab CI with cix It should help fix an issue when any of the three logs (system, dockers, vms) isn't present.
  3. I'm unable to reproduce the error. All I see is in the syslog is Nov 10 08:56:16 hal sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -c /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr/controlr -port 2378 I tried 6.2.0 first, then 6.2.4 ... started the server, used the plugin, rebooted ... and it's there running. Does the error appear in the syslog in your case ? Is it the plugin stopped ? Can you check that /boot/config/plugins/controlr/controlr.cfg exists ?
  4. I hope to look into the issue with the plugin needing a restart this weekend (it's something about the system plugin events in 6.2.x I guess). And there's a bug when one of the logs isn't present. I'm looking into it.
  5. What do you mean by "at least"? Are there other dependencies as well? I read it as requiring at least V1.1.0, as in won't work with V1.0 for instance. Right, that's what I meant
  6. wgstarks, that error 13 is kind of strange, but historically Apple files have been problematic. In any case, check the permissions issues as unJim mentions. Hopefully that solves it. I'll give some attention to unBALANCE these days
  7. v2.3.0 is out ! (The app store had an unusually fast turn around) Many new features are included in this release: - Show server logs (system, docker and vms) - Add servers by hostname (in addition to by ip address) - Go to server details page when there's only one server For the show logs feature, you need to install ControlR plugin v1.1.0 (at least) Also in this release: - Support for 6.3.x (RCs) - General improvements and bug fixes Remember to install the plugin, for the logs to show up.
  8. v1.1.0 is out ! - Create api endpoint to support ControlR app This release enables support to display logs in the ControlR app.
  9. LT like to keep you on your toes don't they.... They definitely do !!!
  10. The 6.3.x RCs changed the way network variables are stored internally, which caused the app not to be able to add servers running these versions. I'll be pushing a new version this week to address the issue.
  11. Hi FeeMan, no the plugin is not verifying the move. You could still add the required argument to rsync's custom command (in the settings page).
  12. bnevets27, 6.2.3 release notes mention - webGui: Fixed: Web UI Docker Stop/Restart does not cleanly stop container I'll check if I need to make any changes to support this, but hopefully this should help with the issue you mentioned (whenever you upgrade to 6.2.3
  13. Yes, I haven't fixed that yet I think it has something to do with 6.2.x, since I can't see the same behaviour in 6.1.x. My 6.2.x server is temporarily out of order (mobo died), so I can't troubleshoot the issue right now. I'll look into it by next week.
  14. Hi, I'll be working on the following features next: - Show UPS stats - View System Log - Go directly to server if only one server is added - Show unassigned devices - Add server by hostname - System Temperature I do need some help though, with regards to UPS, UD and system temperature. I understand all 3 of them need a plugin, since I can't see them in a pristine unRAID build, but I'm not running those plugins. If you're running any of them, it'd help a lot if you could send me some server files (and a screenshot) The files I need are: var.ini disks.ini shares.ini users.ini plus the output of "/", "/Dashboard", "/Docker", "/VMs" I need these files to simulate the server in my test environment and develop the features. I'd like a screenshot showing the feature to have something to compare against. I made a script to make it easier to get these files. The script removes registration/flash information as well as disk serial numbers (from var.ini and disks.ini respectively). Remove any additional data you want. The script is available at https://github.com/jbrodriguez/controlr/blob/master/support To use it do this cd <some_folder> curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbrodriguez/controlr/master/support chmod +x support ./support You can pass server ip/address and port, to bypass input prompts ./support 81 It will prompt for you server's password (press enter if you don't have a password). When it's done, you'll have a controlr.zip file that you can email me ([email protected]) Hope it makes sense
  15. When updating the plug-in, i have to turn off ControlR and then back on for the UI link to show. Other than that I can see all my dockers and such now. Looks great! Thanks interwebtech ! It probably has to do with the error you mentioned, I'll check that.
  16. Thanks interwebtech ! v1.0.4 should be available now Not sure what the error is with the stop script ... I'll have to check that next
  17. v2.2.0 is now available on both stores The user permission system has changed. You need to enter the root password for any non-root user you want to access the server. Permissions will then apply as per your setup. The timeout logic for automatic discovery changed a bit. If you're still having problems with it, please play around with this timeout. Also in this release: - App version appears in the main Settings page - Cosmetic fix to the selection element (automatic/manual; cards/list) - General improvements and bug fixes Cheers !
  18. v1.0.3 is available 2016-10-28 - 1.0.3 - Fix issue when there were no users/apps - Cosmetic fixes to UI - Include additional logging This should fix the issue where there are no users (other than root), but there are apps available (dockers/vms). Note, that in this scenario, clicking on the the checkboxes is a no-op, since it's not modifying any user. root has full access to the server.
  19. Hi, I found a significant issue in the user permission system, thanks to a report from a forum member. Basically, non-root users can't login within the app, with their own password. The issue is due to how the app is stretching the use of unRAID's underlying http server, which is meant to be consumed from a browser by root (a purpose it serves well). I'm still scratching my head at how it worked in my setup, but I may never be able to figure it out You can still set up users and permissions for dockers/vms, but you will need to enter the 'root' password, for any non-root user you want to access the server through the app. After that, permission will work normally. I've pushed a new version to address this issue, I'll post back when it's available on both platforms.
  20. Yes, you should see the 4 dockers Anything strange in the log ? I see nothing about scanning for dockers or VMs. I emptied the log and restarted the plugin. This is all I get in log: I: 2016/10/27 16:34:42 app.go:85: Received signal: (terminated) ... shutting down the app now ... I: 2016/10/27 16:34:42 server.go:132: stopped service Server ... I: 2016/10/27 16:34:42 unraid.go:67: stopped service Unraid ... I: 2016/10/27 16:34:48 app.go:51: controlr v1.0.2-78.dd2e5a8 starting ... I: 2016/10/27 16:34:48 app.go:59: No config file specified. Using app defaults ... I: 2016/10/27 16:34:48 unraid.go:55: starting service Unraid ... I: 2016/10/27 16:34:48 server.go:69: Starting service Server ... I: 2016/10/27 16:34:48 server.go:88: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr I: 2016/10/27 16:34:48 server.go:127: Server started listening on :2378 I: 2016/10/27 16:34:48 app.go:81: Press Ctrl+C to stop ... All I get is the spinner. Took a peek with Chrome tools and spotted this error in console: websocket open Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of null(…) Thanks, I thought the server had crashed, but it's something client related .. I'll check.
  21. Yes, you should see the 4 dockers Anything strange in the log ?
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