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Everything posted by jbrodriguez

  1. Hi Trebron74, exactly what isn't working ? From what you mention I believe it's the plugin that doesn't work right ? If that's the case, would you mind posting on the plugin thread (https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=53062.0) to troubleshoot over there ? Otherwise, could you expand on what's not working in the iOS app ? Not sure what that is.
  2. So, it still seems to be crashing Please do the following - Disable the plugin from the unRAID settings. - From the console, type sudo -H -u nobody bash -c "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance/unbalance -port 6237" - Open your browser to the unbalance url (http://<server>:6237) - Hit calculate It should crash, but what I'm interested in is what's shown in the console. Can you post the whole output ? Feel free to send me a pm if you prefer.
  3. v1.8.5 is available ! 2016-12-09 - 1.8.5 - Fix logic that checks for file permissions - Fix notifyMove setting This should fix the the incorrect warnings about file permissions.
  4. Thanks for the quick reply mgladwin ! Yes, the app checks that the files have either a "rw-rw-rw-" or a "r--r--r--" permission. But I see an issue in the code: the check is inverted I'm uploading a release to fix this.
  5. Hi mgladwin, Hopefully you can help me look into this. In your log file (/boot/logs/unbalance.log), you should have a lot of lines starting with these messages: perms:User != nobody perms:Group != users perms:Folder perms != rwxrwxrwx perms:File perms != rw-rw-rw- or -r--r--r-- (mostly the last one, by what you're saying) Can you sample a couple of them and check the actual owner/permission on your disk ? Feel free to pm, if you need some assistance.
  6. Hi alroofi, thanks ! As for configuration, best case would be to open a 'webview' inside the app for configuration, but it would be essentially the same as opening a browser, where you have arguably more screen real-estate to move about. I can probably take a look at plugins. Apps (meaning docker/vm list/probably updates) is something in the roadmap.
  7. v1.8.4 is available. 2016-12-01 - 1.8.4 - Fix open UI from settings (6.2.x) This should solve the issue with opening the UI from the settings page for all unRAID versions.
  8. Hi Fuggin, those permissions issues are more like warnings. If Fix Common Problems doesn't find any issues, you should be ok. Also, if you run calc again after Fix Common Problems, do you still get the warnings ? In any case, I'll check if I'm on sync with FCP issue detection.
  9. v1.8.3 is available ! 2016-11-25 - 1.8.3 - Keep separate config files (one for plugin system, one for app) Well, just restored functionality as it was in 1.8.0 (separate config files), but made some changes to how the server component handles the settings. If you installed 1.8.1, 1.8.2 or are having any problems, delete /boot/config/plugins/unbalance/unbalance.conf (you will need to setup your options again )
  10. v1.8.2 is available ! 2016-11-24 - 1.8.2 - Fix other references of unbalance.cfg - Improve flag handling Hope this fixes some issues that have been reported.
  11. v1.8.1 is available ! 2016-11-24 - 1.8.1 - Create correct config file (unbalance.conf) - Fix UI not opening from settings page - Check for config file presence This should fix a couple of issues with the plugin. Hope it works ok for you !
  12. @kziegler @AnyColorYouLike @ZataH as discussed on github, the app is exiting if it doesn't find /boot/config/plugins/unbalance/unbalance.conf I found a bug in the template: it creates unbalance.cfg instead of unbalance.conf, so fixing that should get it working again Thanks kziegler for opening the issue on github ! Thanks a lot to @tobytl on github, for actually finding the root cause, and to all of you for the patience while figuring this out.
  13. That just returns a list of the files in that folder in the console ... There are some permission issues with the folders/files you want to move 0 file(s)/folder(s) with an owner other than 'nobody' 0 file(s)/folder(s) with a group other than 'users' 0 folder(s) with a permission other than 'drwxrwxrwx' 18 files(s) with a permission other than '-rw-rw-rw-' or '-r--r--r--' You can find more details about which files have issues in the log file (/boot/logs/unbalance.log) At this point, you can move the folders/files if you want, but be advised that it can cause errors in the operation You are STRONGLY suggested to install the Fix Common Problems plugin, then run the Docker Safe New Permissions command I have downloaded this plugin and run the command but it doesn't change anything Bizmo, ok .. I thought that the first command was the one crashing. The message is just a warning, since there are multiple instances where permission issues cause problems with rsync. The Docker Safe New Permissions resets permissions in the best possible way. I had another idea ... when it's sitting idle as you mention .. can you do a ps aux | grep unbalance and a ps aux | grep find ... that would tell us if it's really running or not
  14. Hi Fuggin, I think it has to do with a bug in the plugin template. I'll release a new version.
  15. Hi jnheinz, not sure what the most efficient approach could be, but I can tell you that it won't observe split levels since it writes directly to disks.
  16. Hi skylark, yes I've seen that too in the last version ... it stops the array (for example) but then it sits on the "waiting ..." screen. Just bear with me, I've been under the weather for the past few days, but I'm taking a look at the code.
  17. Parity checks do not refresh the screen very often, because the act of requesting SMART info (temps etc) is a significant interruption. If you do it too often, you will noticeably affect parity check performance, slow it down significantly. I found that if you set refresh to once per minute, the effect was minimal, acceptable. I have Disk Settings->Tunable (poll_attributes) set to 60. When I manually run a parity check, I change Display Settings->Page update frequency from Regular to Slow (from every 10 seconds to every 60 seconds), and uncheck disable page updates while parity operation is running. I normally run in Regular, and disable page updates during parity ops. Thanks RobJ for the info about parity. Thanks DoeBoye ! There shouldn't be a difference, whether you do it manually or via auto-refresh, but I'll take a look at the code.
  18. Currently working on System Temperature (got some data to help implement it) and looking at UD. UD is definitely more complicated. If anybody can help with UPS, I'd appreciate it I'm showing the current status of feature request board below (https://feedback.userreport.com/b5864402-1922-4c3e-810c-0e427f4d204a/#ideas/popular) I've added 3 ideas: - List/update dockers and vms - Make banner on details page collapsable - Add ios 3d touch I think I haven't left out others.
  19. Hi jnheinz, well gracefully isn't possible. I'd do killall rsync killall unbalance You'd be left with a partially copied folder. The log will tell you which folders were copied and which one was in progress. Then you'd have to do some manual tending after (delete the partially copied folder on the target disk maybe?)
  20. Thanks Pducharme ! Seems like a nice idea, not sure how easy it would be to implement, but I'll add it to the feature request board.
  21. Hi Bizmo, I'd say it's crashing Would you mind running that last line in the console, see if throws any error ? I'll check the code as well. find "/mnt/disk1/Media/Movies/." -exec stat --format "%A|%U:%G|%F|%n" {} \;
  22. Oh, after installing, I've set the state to Stopped. I remember there was some issue with it if I did otherwise. I'll see if I can set it to started now without causing issues.
  23. Yes, I think I need to reword the message a bit, because it's valid that any of the logs doesn't exist at all. Not sure what you mean by this. Can you please clarify ? All dockers have logs currently but the message doesn't show that For the VMs for example it shows my ubuntu VM log which is set to auto start, when I manually start up my win 10 after startup there is no shown log for the win 10 VM Oh ok, it's a log issue, I thought you meant something like the vms weren't being shown in the VMs page. Ok ... I'll pm you ... I'm just grabbing the same log files unRAID reports in diagnostics, not sure what could be different.
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