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Everything posted by jbrodriguez

  1. v2.7.0 is now available ! Place your commonly used tabs first ! You can now customize the order in which you want your tabs to appear (look in Settings). Additionally, the following changes were made: - Fix unaligned columns in Disks page - Fix background refresh functionality - General improvements and other bug fixes The idea was to include additional features in this release, but a bug is preventing this from happening. Hopefully they'll come up in an upcoming release.
  2. Glad to know it worked. Yes, newperms (or the docker-safe version by Squid) helps a lot in this matter. Alas, you're right, rsync is quite cryptic in its error descriptions and googling around, error 23 can be many different things
  3. Did you invoke it as root ? The problem is that, if run as nobody, it probably can't read/write files if the files are owned by some other user or have "incorrect" rights.
  4. Hi joedotmac, Would you mind sending a screenshot ?
  5. Thank you for the report wgstarks ! That's definitely the case. I've fixed it in my development environment. It's not a show-stopper, so I'll hold publishing it to work on a couple other things in the app.
  6. v2.6.0 is now available on the App Store and Play Store ! This is minor release to upgrade core libraries, along with some general improvements. The previous release brought the following changes: - Fixed a bug with hostname validation in the Add Server page. - Added a link to to the app's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) website (available in the Settings page). Stay tuned for some new features in the next (or so) release
  7. That would be a good test, yes please. I'll look into this a bit deeper anyway. I can't think of a reason for the different outcomes.
  8. Not sure to be honest. Try running the command that failed from the command line, with more verbosity cd "/mnt/disk1" rsync -avvPRX "Media/TVSeries/House MD" "/mnt/disk5/" to see what happens.
  9. Yes, that's fine, the plugin takes that into consideration. Not sure what your issue might be though
  10. Hi BillClinton, I checked your logs and the error is generated by the "/mnt/disk1/Media/" folder. The error was thrown when trying to copy from Media/TVSeries and later from Media/Movies, although one of movies was copied. I didn't see any permission errors, but just in case could you post the output of ls -al "/mnt/disk1/Media/TVSeries/House MD" I don't think it will show anything out of the ordinary though. My only other guess is some issue with the disk itself, have you checked disk1's smart status ? Are you getting any disk errors in the system log ?
  11. So, by lowering the rsync process priority it actually completes faster ? That sounds interesting.
  12. Some users reported issues when pressing the server on the main screen to go to the server details screen, so this setting enables an alternative logic. I think it was an issue with older versions of Android.
  13. hi tapar, Thanks for the comments! Currently, the only way to stop a move is through a brute-force approach: killall unbalance killall rsync I will eventually look into stopping the operation from the UI.
  14. Yes, the plugin uses a different internal port, so as to not interfere with the webGUI's normal operation. When adding a server, the app expects the webGUI's port.
  15. Hi dranani, Make sure that - you're adding the server from within your LAN - the port you enter is the same as the webUI/Admin UI (generally 80) If that still doesn't work, let me know - are you on iOS/Android ? - did you add the server by ip or by hostname ? - What version of the app you're running (look for it in Settings) In any case, check for additional info here
  16. v2.5.2 is available as an over-the-air (OTA) release ! This release fixes a bug with hostname validation in the Add Server page. Additionally, a link to to the app's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) website is provided in the Settings page. The FAQ is located at https://www.apertoire.com/faq/controlr/ and is accesible from the app's website. For those of you on Android, let me know if you get the update.
  17. Thanks for the comment ! trurl, it looked like a download problem to me too. But it also seemed like the "nohup" is not quite welcome, so just in case I removed it from the plg file (it's embedded in the actual script anyway) So, plugin v1.2.3 is up, check release notes in
  18. v1.2.3 is up ! 2017-03-20 - 1.2.3 - Fix start script invocation when installing/upgrading - Improve bundle script to account for slash character in the release notes - Stop execution if an error occurs during plugin file text substitution
  19. Sure, click on the minus circle on the top left corner of your server. It will ask for confirmation.
  20. Hi skylark, power on from the app sends a wake-on-lan magic packet to the server's motherboard. The app can't access the array at that moment (emhttp isn't running yet). It's up to how you configure autostart, as trurl mentioned.
  21. v1.2.1 is available ! 2017-03-17 - 1.2.1 - Start the plugin on install (if it was running previously) This should fix the issue.
  22. Doesn't like my app ????? The nerve some kids have these days ! I'll check the user script plugin to see can what can be done in the app.
  23. Hi dscdsc, You're right, the app assumes the lan is a /24 subnet and scans it accordingly. I'll look into expanding this (probably a setting?).
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