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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. The best I can tell, it's an issue with the way the disks are being seen by Linux and isn't something UD can sort out.
  2. Status messages like the recycle bin start/stop are in bash scripts that are not aware of GUI language translations. Language translations are limited to the GUI, and script messages like the recycle bin messages won't be translated.
  3. You need to use the UD rootshare for the recycle bin to work.
  4. I’ve made the changes for UD.
  5. It's busy: May 29 09:50:23 TALASSA unassigned.devices: Unmounting partition 'sdj1' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/UGREEN_MassStorageClass'... May 29 09:50:23 TALASSA unassigned.devices: Synching file system on '/mnt/disks/UGREEN_MassStorageClass'. May 29 09:50:23 TALASSA unassigned.devices: Unmount cmd: /sbin/umount '/dev/sdj1' 2>&1 May 29 09:50:23 TALASSA unassigned.devices: Unmount of 'sdj1' failed: 'umount: /mnt/disks/UGREEN_MassStorageClass: target is busy. ' May 29 09:50:23 TALASSA unassigned.devices: Partition 'UGREEN MassStorageClass' cannot be unmounted.
  6. The idea behind file activity is to log all file activity that can potentially spin up disks. I don't intend to make any changes to cut down the logged events as this would defeat the purpose of this plugin. Nothing has changed in what file events are logged in a long time. It appears the app making the modifications to the file is the issue. Why are there so many file modifications being made by the app working with the file? Maybe the 'Open Files' plugin would be better suited for your use case.
  7. There is a log limit of 20,000 lines. When that is reached, the oldest log entries are removed so the latest entries will be shown in the log.
  8. I'm thinking UD probably shouldn't be showing a device with a zero size since Unraid is ignoring it.
  9. I don't like that the second device is showing 'sdk', and not a 'Dev X'. That idicates that Unraid is not seeing it as an unassigned device. Can you post diagnostics so I can have a look?
  10. Looks like both drives have unique serial numbers. How are they connected? USB drive bay?
  11. Are you using a Windows or MAC PC to access the share? Looks like it should work fine. The share will be at \\tower\shared. The only thing I see that might be causing a problem is the mount point ('shared') is the same as the source name. You might try changing the mount point to another name.
  12. Click on the settings icon (three gears) and be sure you have the "Share" switch set on.
  13. Are you mounting those disks manually somewhere in a script? If so, don't. There is an issue with those mounts. I would do the following: Be sure auto mount is turned off for both disks. Don't auto start the Dockers. Remove the 'dev2' Historical device. Reboot the server. Rename the mount points like you want. Mount the disks. Start the Dockers.
  14. Sorry, I just noticesd it's already unmounted. Just click on the blue mount point text.
  15. The device in UD and Historical devices are one in the same. With the new naming scheme the UD disk has "_Disk_", that the Historical device does not. Your procedure is correct. To change the mount pinint, unmount the device, you can then change the name. The WDCxxxxx did not get renamed.
  16. This plugin does not control the log displays you are referring to. Those are built into Unraid. Post your concerns on the 6.10 release post.
  17. The highlighted short log is neither a UD or Enhanced Log VIewer plugin issue. It was changed in Unraid 6.10 and you'll need to request a feature request to Unraid.
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